Wed, 07 Dec 2011 17:00:32 +0100
jumpstart time output via interface
#include <avr/interrupt.h> #include <avr/io.h> #include <avr/wdt.h> #include <avr/eeprom.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <avr/pgmspace.h> #include <util/delay.h> #include "driver/rs232.h" #include "driver/adc.h" #include "main.h" #include "lowlevel.h" char ok[] PROGMEM="OK\n"; char busy[] PROGMEM="BUSY\n"; char prepare[] PROGMEM="!RACE PREPARE\n"; char countdownstart[] PROGMEM="!COUNTDOWN\n"; char racestart[] PROGMEM="!RACE START\n"; static unsigned char s[10]; static uint8_t countdown, countdown_loops; uint8_t mode = 0; // valid race modes: // 0: free drive / idle // 1: waiting for countdown start // 2: race countdown initiated // 3: Race start condition #define MAX_SLOTS 6 volatile uint16_t sysclk_ms_low = 0; volatile uint16_t sysclk_ms_high = 0; volatile uint8_t sysclk_packettimer = 0; volatile uint8_t speedlimit[MAX_SLOTS]; volatile uint8_t fuel[MAX_SLOTS]; volatile uint16_t jumpstart_time[MAX_SLOTS]; volatile uint16_t car0, car1; volatile uint16_t car0_new, car0_old; volatile uint16_t car1_new, car1_old; uint8_t car0_state, car1_state; volatile uint8_t program_count = 0; volatile uint8_t program_id; volatile uint8_t program_command; volatile uint8_t program_parameter; volatile uint8_t datalen = 0; char data[10]; // 8 bytes data buffer + string termination static char buffer[RS232_BUFSIZE+1]; static uint8_t buffer_len; volatile uint16_t transmit_buffer; volatile uint16_t transmit_buffer_queue; volatile uint8_t transmit_len; volatile uint8_t transmit_len_next; volatile uint8_t transmit_len_queue; volatile uint16_t response; volatile uint8_t response_len; volatile uint8_t timer0_delay; int insert_queue(uint16_t tmp, uint8_t len) { if (transmit_buffer_queue == 0) { transmit_buffer_queue = tmp; transmit_len_queue = len; return 1; } return 0; } ISR ( USART_RXC_vect ) { uint8_t tmp; char c = UDR; // check for buffer overflow if (buffer_len==sizeof(buffer)) { buffer_len=0; } else { // collect characters until end of line if ( (c=='\n') ) { buffer[buffer_len]=0; // packet end received, parse the received packet switch (buffer[0]) { case 'P': // inject a program data word to the rails if (program_count == 0) { program_id = buffer[3]-'0'; program_command = buffer[1]-'0'; if (program_command > 9) program_command = buffer[1]-'A'+10; program_parameter = buffer[2]-'0'; if (program_parameter > 9) program_parameter = buffer[2]-'A'+10; if (program_command < 4) program_count = 0x02; // send commands twice (fuel, speed, brake) else program_count = 0x01; RS232_puts_p(ok); } else RS232_puts_p(busy); break; case 'L': // Limit maximum speed for a car tmp = buffer[2]-'0'; if (tmp > 9) tmp = buffer[2]-'A'+10; speedlimit[buffer[1]-'0'] = tmp; RS232_puts_p(ok); break; case 'I': // get Information data (incl. important global parameter dump) RS232_puts(VERSION); RS232_putc(':'); for (tmp=0;tmp<MAX_SLOTS;tmp++) RS232_putc(speedlimit[tmp]); // output speed limits RS232_putc(':'); for (tmp=0;tmp<MAX_SLOTS;tmp++) { itoa(fuel[tmp], s, 16); RS232_putc(s); // output fuel levels (0=empty, 100=full, 0xff=no fuel option) RS232_putc(','); } RS232_putc(':'); for (tmp=0;tmp<MAX_SLOTS;tmp++) { itoa(jumpstart_time[tmp], s, 16); RS232_puts(s); // output jumpstart times RS232_putc(','); } RS232_putc(':'); RS232_putc('\n'); break; } // wait for the next packet buffer_len=0; } else { buffer[buffer_len++]=c; } } } void jumpstart(uint8_t controller) { if (jumpstart_time[controller] == 0) { jumpstart_time[controller] = sysclk_ms_low; RS232_putc('~'); RS232_putc('0'-controller); RS232_putc(','); itoa(jumpstart_time[controller], s, 16); RS232_puts(s); RS232_putc('\n'); } } int do_controller(uint8_t controller) { // read controller X speed & encode controller data packet uint16_t tmp = 0; switch (controller) { case 0: if (mode!=1) tmp = ((getADC(CONTROLLER1_SPEED) / CONTROLLER_DIVISOR) & 0x0F); if ((mode == 2) && (tmp != 0)) { jumpstart(controller); tmp = 0; } if (tmp > speedlimit[controller]) tmp = speedlimit[controller]; tmp = tmp << 1; if ( (PIN(CONTROLLER_PORT) & _BV(CONTROLLER1_SW)) != 0) { tmp |= (1<<5); if (mode == 0) LED(1,0); } else if (mode == 0) LED(1,1); break; case 1: if (mode!=1) tmp = ((getADC(CONTROLLER2_SPEED) / CONTROLLER_DIVISOR) & 0x0F); if ((mode == 2) && (tmp != 0)) { jumpstart(controller); tmp = 0; } if (tmp > speedlimit[controller]) tmp = speedlimit[controller]; tmp = tmp << 1; if ( (PIN(CONTROLLER_PORT) & _BV(CONTROLLER2_SW)) != 0) { tmp |= (1<<5); if (mode == 0) LED(2,0); } else if (mode == 0) LED(2,1); break; case 2: if (mode!=1) tmp = ((getADC(CONTROLLER3_SPEED) / CONTROLLER_DIVISOR) & 0x0F); if ((mode == 2) && (tmp != 0)) { jumpstart(controller); tmp = 0; } if (tmp > speedlimit[controller]) tmp = speedlimit[controller]; tmp = tmp << 1; if ( (PIN(CONTROLLER_PORT) & _BV(CONTROLLER3_SW)) != 0) { tmp |= (1<<5); if (mode == 0) LED(4,0); } else if (mode == 0) LED(4,1); break; case 3: if (mode!=1) tmp = ((getADC(CONTROLLER4_SPEED) / CONTROLLER_DIVISOR) & 0x0F); if ((mode == 2) && (tmp != 0)) { jumpstart(controller); tmp = 0; } if (tmp > speedlimit[controller]) tmp = speedlimit[controller]; tmp = tmp << 1; if ( (PIN(CONTROLLER_PORT) & _BV(CONTROLLER4_SW)) != 0) { tmp |= (1<<5); if (mode == 0) LED(5,0); } else if (mode == 0) LED(5,1); break; case 4: tmp = (1<<5); break; // todo regler 5 case 5: tmp = (1<<5); break; // todo regler 6 } tmp |= (0b1000000000 | (controller << 6)); if ( (PIN(SW_FUEL_PORT) & _BV(SW_FUEL)) != 0) tmp |= 1; // benzinstand aktiv - tankmodusschalter return insert_queue(tmp, 9); } uint8_t mirror( uint8_t n ) { n = ((n >> 1) & 0x55) | ((n << 1) & 0xaa); n = ((n >> 2) & 0x33) | ((n << 2) & 0xcc); n = ((n >> 4) & 0x0f) | ((n << 4) & 0xf0); return n; } int do_program(uint8_t controller, uint8_t command, uint8_t parameter) { // send program data packet uint16_t tmp; parameter = mirror(parameter); controller = mirror(controller); command = mirror(command); tmp = 0b1000000000000 | (parameter << 4) | command | (controller >> 5); return insert_queue(tmp, 12); } int do_active(void) { // send controller active data packet uint16_t tmp = 0b10000000; if ((getADC(CONTROLLER1_SPEED) / CONTROLLER_DIVISOR) > 0) tmp |= 0b11000001; if ((getADC(CONTROLLER2_SPEED) / CONTROLLER_DIVISOR) > 0) tmp |= 0b10100001; if ((getADC(CONTROLLER3_SPEED) / CONTROLLER_DIVISOR) > 0) tmp |= 0b10010001; if ((getADC(CONTROLLER4_SPEED) / CONTROLLER_DIVISOR) > 0) tmp |= 0b10001001; // todo: regler 5 und 6 // todo: wenn Daten enpfangen wurden hier eine Quittierung senden anstatt dem Active Word return insert_queue(tmp, 7); } int do_pace_ghost(void) { // send ghost and pacecar data packet // todo: at the moment, both disabled! uint16_t tmp = 0b1111100000; if ( (PIN(SW_FUEL_PORT) & _BV(SW_FUEL)) != 0) tmp |= 1; // benzinstand aktiv - tankmodusschalter // todo: PC, NH, TK, (KFR, FR) return insert_queue(tmp, 9); } ISR ( TIMER1_COMPA_vect ) { //PORTC ^= _BV(PC0); // DEBUG OUTPUT SYSTEM CLOCK // trigger packet transfer: if (sysclk_packettimer == 14) { // 15*500 = 7500 NS transmit_len = transmit_len_next; sysclk_packettimer = 0; } else sysclk_packettimer++; // here is some more time to do something else... // reset both car counters to overflow car0_old = TIMER1_500NS; car1_old = TIMER1_500NS; sysclk_ms_low++; // increment 500ns timer if (sysclk_ms_low == 0) sysclk_ms_high++; // increment upper 16bits } ISR ( TIMER2_COMP_vect ) { //OCR2 = TIMER2_50US; // make sure that timer2 is 50µs !!! // data packet timer 100µs pro bit... if (transmit_len >= 0xFE) { if (transmit_len != 0xFF) { RAIL_POWER_PORT |= _BV(RAIL_POWER); // end of transmission transmit_len = 0xFF; transmit_buffer = transmit_buffer_queue; transmit_buffer_queue = 0; transmit_len_next = transmit_len_queue; // start the response receiver timer // TODO: only on 8 timeslots, not on every transmission // TODO: give slot number to timer - then store the transmission to 8 slots array TCNT0 = TIMER0_250US; timer0_delay = TIMER0_2300NS; response = 0; response_len = 0; TIMSK |= _BV(TOIE0); } } else { uint16_t bit = (1<<(transmit_len & 0b01111111)); uint16_t clock; if ((transmit_len & 0b10000000) == 0) clock = 0; else clock = 0xffff; if ( ((transmit_buffer ^ clock) & bit) != 0 ) RAIL_POWER_PORT |= _BV(RAIL_POWER); else RAIL_POWER_PORT &= ~_BV(RAIL_POWER); if ( (transmit_len & 0b10000000) == 0 ) { // block 0 //if (transmit_len == 0) transmit_len = 0xFF; else transmit_len |= 0b10000000; // set clock transmit_len |= 0b10000000; // set clock } else { // block 1, output the current bit transmit_len &= 0b01111111; // reset clock //if (transmit_len != 0) transmit_len--; // next bit if (transmit_len == 0) transmit_len = 0xFE; else transmit_len--; // next bit } } } ISR ( TIMER0_OVF_vect ) { // TODO: last bit should be set by the sender, not from us! TCNT0 = TIMER0_250US; if (timer0_delay == 0) { RAIL_POWER_PORT &= ~_BV(RAIL_POWER); // pull rails low _delay_us(28); // wait some cycles if ((PIN(RAIL_DETECT_PORT) & _BV(RAIL_DETECT)) != 0) { // check for logic zero if (response == 0) { // there is no start bit, so stop the timer and cancel response receiving TIMSK &= ~_BV(TOIE0); } else { // we received a bit (logic low) response = response << 1; response_len++; } } else { // okay, we have logic high response = response << 1; response |= 1; response_len++; } if (response_len == 15) { // maximum response length reached RAIL_POWER_PORT |= _BV(RAIL_POWER); // restore rails power TIMSK &= ~_BV(TOIE0); } else { _delay_us(20); // wait some cycles RAIL_POWER_PORT |= _BV(RAIL_POWER); // restore rails power } } else timer0_delay--; // 2.3 ms delay not reached yet } ISR (INT0_vect) { // car0 detector uint16_t tmp = 0; car0_new = TCNT1; // get current counter if (car0_old < car0_new) { // calculate difference if (car0 == 0) tmp = car0_new-car0_old; if ( (tmp > 54) && (tmp < 74) ) car0 = 1; if ( (tmp > 118) && (tmp < 138) ) car0 = 2; if ( (tmp > 186) && (tmp < 206) ) car0 = 3; if ( (tmp > 246) && (tmp < 266) ) car0 = 4; } car0_old = car0_new; } ISR (INT1_vect) { // car1 detector uint16_t tmp = 0; car1_new = TCNT1; // get current counter if (car1_old < car1_new) { // calculate difference if (car1 == 0) tmp = car1_new-car1_old; if ( (tmp > 54) && (tmp < 74) ) car1 = 1; if ( (tmp > 118) && (tmp < 138) ) car1 = 2; if ( (tmp > 186) && (tmp < 206) ) car1 = 3; if ( (tmp > 246) && (tmp < 266) ) car1 = 4; } car1_old = car1_new; } ISR (INT2_vect) { // Lap counter Interrupt // do not know if this ever occurs ?! this is normally an output pin to trigger the counter start } void reset_vars(void) { uint8_t i; for (i=0; i<MAX_SLOTS; i++) { if (i<4) speedlimit[i] = 15; else speedlimit[i] = 0; fuel[i] = 100; jumpstart_time[i] = 0; } } void countdown_progress(void) { // decrement COUNTDOWN_LOOPS if (countdown_loops>0) { countdown_loops--; } else { countdown--; countdown_loops = COUNTDOWN_DELAY; } switch (countdown) { case 5: LED(1, 1); break; case 4: LED(2, 1); break; case 3: LED(3, 1); break; case 2: LED(4, 1); break; case 1: LED(5, 1); break; case 0: { // RACE START! sysclk_ms_low = 1; sysclk_ms_high = 0; LEDS_OFF(); LED(3, 1); mode = 3; } break; } } void check_cars(void) { if (car0 != car0_state) { car0_state = car0; if (car0_state != 0) { RS232_putc('A'); RS232_putc('A'); RS232_putc('0'+car0_state); RS232_putc('\n'); } } car0 = 0; if (car1 != car1_state) { car1_state = car1; if (car1_state != 0) { RS232_putc('B'); RS232_putc('B'); RS232_putc('0'+car1_state); RS232_putc('\n'); } } car1 = 0; } int main(void) { uint8_t packet_index = 1; uint8_t btn_start = _BV(SW_START); uint8_t old_start = btn_start; init_hardware(); reset_vars(); LED(3, 1); // enable middle led == idle mode // switch on rails power RAIL_POWER_PORT |= _BV(RAIL_POWER); while (1) { // check for short circuit on the rails check_rails_shortcut(); check_cars(); if (response_len > 0) { itoa(response, s, 2); response_len = 0; RS232_puts("ANSWER RX: "); RS232_puts(s); RS232_putc('\n'); } // read in button presses btn_start = (PIN(SW_START_PORT) & _BV(SW_START)); if (old_start != btn_start) { // start button changed if (btn_start == 0) { // start button press active if (mode == 0) { mode = 1; // set wait for race start mode reset_vars(); LED(1, 1); LED(2, 1); LED(3, 1); LED(4, 1); LED(5, 1); RS232_puts_p(prepare); } else if (mode == 1) { // Initiate race countdown sysclk_ms_low = 1; sysclk_ms_high = 0; countdown = 5; countdown_loops = COUNTDOWN_DELAY; mode = 2; LED(1, 0); LED(2, 0); LED(3, 0); LED(4, 0); LED(5, 0); RS232_puts_p(countdownstart); } } old_start = btn_start; } if (mode==3) { // RACE START! // issue reset command to lap counter mode = 0; RS232_puts_p(racestart); program_command = 6; program_parameter = 9; program_id = 0; program_count = 1; LAP_COUNTER_PORT |= _BV(LAP_COUNTER); // TODO: beep long _delay_us(50); LAP_COUNTER_PORT &= ~_BV(LAP_COUNTER); } switch (packet_index) { case 1: if (program_count > 0) { // command in queue if (do_program(program_id, program_command, program_parameter)) { packet_index++; program_count--; } } else { // output idle command if (do_program(7, 19, 0)) packet_index++; // reset //if (do_program(7, 20, 15)) packet_index++; // reset / pitstop detect //if (insert_queue(0, 0)) packet_index++; // null command } if ( (packet_index>1) && (mode == 2) ) countdown_progress(); break; case 2: if (do_pace_ghost()) packet_index++; break; case 3: if (do_active()) packet_index++; break; case 4: if (do_controller(0)) packet_index++; break; case 5: if (do_controller(4)) packet_index++; break; case 6: if (do_controller(1)) packet_index++; break; case 7: if (do_controller(5)) packet_index++; break; case 8: if (do_controller(2)) packet_index++; break; case 9: if (do_active()) packet_index++; break; case 10: if (do_controller(3)) packet_index = 1; // last packet, so reset packet index break; } } // main loop end };