Wed, 05 Apr 2017 00:39:31 +0200

Wed, 05 Apr 2017 00:39:31 +0200
changeset 13
parent 11
child 14

finished viewer again, giving up with texturing mesh without uv mapping

Calculation of spacer pipes for Scuba cylinder transportation
2017 by NeoSoft, mdd
Input: see commandline help
Output: 2D schematic & 3D OpenSCAD script
from math import sqrt
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
import argparse, sys
from data import CYLINDER, PIPES
from stl import OPENSCAD_MODULES, precompile_all_stl
from config import FONTBASE, SCALE3D

def offset(r_1, r_2):
    Calculate horizontal center offset of two circles
    so they tangent each other
    return 2 * sqrt(r_1 * r_2)

class CylinderSpacerCalculator(object):
    Class to calculate transport spacer pipes between
    Scuba cylinders
    def __init__(self, cylinders, space_min=10):
        self.cylinders = cylinders
        self.space_min = space_min
        self.font = FONTBASE + "arial.ttf"
        self.width = 0 # will be calculated
        self.scad = {
            "tmpl": """// Color support only in compile mode (F5)
// OpenSCAD script
$fn = 10;
            "spacer": "",
            "cylinder": ""
        self.circles = []
        self.spacings = []
        self.margin = 20

    def calc_min(self, r_1, r_2):
        stupider annaehreungsversuch, bis sich die beiden
        Tauchflaschen r_1 und r_2 nicht mehr beruehren
        Rueckgabe: 3 Zylinderradien und das label der verwendeten Roehre
        for pipe in PIPES:
            i = pipe[1] / 2
            x_1 = offset(r_1, i)
            x_2 = offset(r_2, i)
            posx = (x_1 + x_2) - (r_1 + r_2)
            if posx >= self.space_min:
                #print "// %s Pipe (%.1fmm), Cylinder spacing: %imm" % (
                #    pipe[0], pipe[1], posx)
                return [r_1, i, r_2, pipe]
        print "// Abort: no suitable pipe found"

    def _circle(self, posx, radius, data, cylinder = ""):
        Push the circle definition for later rendering
        if cylinder == "":
            size = 0.5
            txt = data[0]
            size = 1.0
            txt = "Tank " + cylinder
            posx, radius, txt, size, data, cylinder

    def calculate(self):
        Calculate all cylinder and spacer circles
        # first bottle spacer
        r_1 = CYLINDER[self.cylinders[0]][0] / 2
        r_2 = CYLINDER[self.cylinders[1]][0] / 2
        r_1, r_2, r_3, data = self.calc_min(r_1, r_2)
        posx = self.margin + r_2 # start offset x
        self._circle(posx, r_2, data)
        self.scad["spacer"] += "spacer(%f, %f, %f, %f);\n" % (
            posx * SCALE3D, r_2 * SCALE3D, r_3 * SCALE3D,
            CYLINDER[self.cylinders[0]][1] * SCALE3D)
        posx += offset(r_2, r_3)

        for i in range(0, len(self.cylinders) - 1):
            r_1 = CYLINDER[self.cylinders[i]][0] / 2
            r_2 = CYLINDER[self.cylinders[i+1]][0] / 2
            r_1, r_2, r_3, data = self.calc_min(r_1, r_2)
            # draw cylinder
            self._circle(posx, r_1,
                CYLINDER[self.cylinders[i]], self.cylinders[i])
            self.scad["cylinder"] += "tank(%f, %f, %f);\n" % (
                posx * SCALE3D, r_1 * SCALE3D,
                CYLINDER[self.cylinders[i]][1] * SCALE3D)
            sx1 = posx + r_1
            posx += offset(r_1, r_2)
            # draw right spacer
            self._circle(posx, r_2, data)
            self.scad["spacer"] += "spacer(%f, %f, %f, %f);\n" % (
                posx * SCALE3D, r_2 * SCALE3D, r_1 * SCALE3D,
                CYLINDER[self.cylinders[i]][1] * SCALE3D)
            posx += offset(r_2, r_3)
            sx2 = posx - r_3
            if i == (len(self.cylinders) - 2):
                # draw last bottle
                self._circle(posx, r_3,
                    CYLINDER[self.cylinders[i + 1]], self.cylinders[i + 1])
                self.scad["cylinder"] += "tank(%f, %f, %f);\n" % (
                    posx * SCALE3D, r_3 * SCALE3D,
                    CYLINDER[self.cylinders[i + 1]][1] * SCALE3D)
                posx += offset(r_2, r_3)

            self.spacings.append([sx1, sx2])

        # last bottle spacer pipe
        self._circle(posx, r_2, data)
        self.scad["spacer"] += "spacer(%f, %f, %f, %f);\n" % (
            posx * SCALE3D, r_2 * SCALE3D, r_3 * SCALE3D,
            CYLINDER[self.cylinders[-1]][1] * SCALE3D)
        return int(posx + r_2 + self.margin)

    def centertext(self, draw, posx, posy, txt, size):
        Centers text at position horizontally and vertically
        font = ImageFont.truetype(self.font, int(24 * size))
        tox, toy = draw.textsize(txt, font=font)
        draw.text((posx - tox / 2, posy - toy / 2), \
            txt, font=font, fill='#ffffff')

    def render_image(self):
        Start the calculation and return rendered PIL image object
        self.width = self.calculate()
        image ='1', (self.width, 250)) # create new image
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
        # draw calculated circles
        for posx, radius, txt, size, data, cylinder in self.circles:
            draw.arc([posx - radius, self.margin, \
                posx + radius, 2 * radius + self.margin], \
                0, 360, 'white')
            if txt != "":
                self.centertext(draw, posx, radius + self.margin, txt, size)

        # draw the spacing between cylinders
        spacer_y1 = 200
        spacer_y2 = 220
        for sx1, sx2 in self.spacings:
            draw.line((sx1, spacer_y1, sx1, spacer_y2), fill='#ffffff')
            draw.line((sx2, spacer_y1, sx2, spacer_y2), fill='#ffffff')
            self.centertext(draw, sx1 + (sx2 - sx1) / 2, \
                spacer_y2 + 10, "%imm" % (sx2 - sx1), 0.5)

        return image

def run():
    Command line program invocation
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=\
        "Calculate spacer pipes for pressure cylinder transport\n" +\
        "Known cylinder types:\n" + ", ".join(sorted(CYLINDER.keys())))
    parser.add_argument('cylinders', metavar='cylinder', \
        type=str, nargs='+', help='cylinder types')
    parser.add_argument('--space', dest='space_min', \
        type=int, default=10, \
        help='minimum space between cylinders (mm)')
    parser.add_argument('--scad', dest='scad', \
        type=str, default="", metavar='filename', \
        help='Write OpenSCAD script file')
    parser.add_argument('--precompile', dest='precompile', \
        default=False, action='store_true', \
        help='Precompile STL objects for 3D View')

    options = parser.parse_args()

    if options.precompile:

    for test in options.cylinders:
        if not test in CYLINDER.keys():
            print "Cylinder type '%s' is unknown" % test

    worker = CylinderSpacerCalculator(
        options.cylinders, options.space_min)

    img = worker.render_image()

    if (options.scad != ""):
        with open(options.scad, "w") as fd:
            fd.write("translate([%f,0,0]) {\n" % (
                ((worker.width - 2 * worker.margin) / -2) * SCALE3D)) # center the object

if __name__ == "__main__":
