infill improved movement


Sun, 08 Nov 2015 04:18:58 +0100 (2015-11-08)
changeset 11
parent 10
child 12

infill improved movement

svg2gcode/ file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/svg2gcode/	Sat Nov 07 20:50:55 2015 +0100
+++ b/svg2gcode/	Sun Nov 08 04:18:58 2015 +0100
@@ -2,17 +2,21 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 import svg, sys, math
+from pprint import pprint
 from gcode import Gcode
 from optparse import OptionParser
 from tinycss import CSS21Parser
 from shapely.geometry import box, MultiLineString, Polygon
 from shapely.affinity import rotate
 from shapely import speedups
 from math import sqrt
+from functools import cmp_to_key
 # enable Shapely speedups, if possible
 if speedups.available:
+    print "shapely speedups available and enabled!"
 def hatchbox(rect, angle, spacing):
@@ -139,6 +143,59 @@
         return data
+def cmp_smallest_distance(line1, line2, coords1=None, coords2=None):
+    if not coords1:
+        coords1 = list(line1.coords)
+    if not coords2:
+        coords2 = list(line2.coords)
+    dist = [
+        abs(math.hypot(coords1[0][0] - coords2[0][0], coords1[0][1] - coords2[0][1])),
+        abs(math.hypot(coords1[0][0] - coords2[1][0], coords1[0][1] - coords2[1][1])),
+        abs(math.hypot(coords1[1][0] - coords2[0][0], coords1[1][1] - coords2[0][1])),
+        abs(math.hypot(coords1[1][0] - coords2[1][0], coords1[1][1] - coords2[1][1]))
+    ]
+    # return the smallest distance between the two lines
+    # check both start and endpoints to each other
+    return sorted(dist)[0]
+def slow_sort_lines_by_distance(multilines):
+    lines = []
+    coords = []
+    for line in multilines:
+        lines.append(line)
+        # coords list for brutal speedup!
+        # without this it would be terrible_slow_sort_lines_by_distance()
+        coords.append(list(line.coords))
+    data = [lines.pop(0)]
+    last = coords.pop(0)
+    def pop_nearest(line, last):
+        idx = -1
+        dist = 99999999
+        for test in lines:
+            idx += 1
+            tmp = cmp_smallest_distance(line, test, last, coords[idx])
+            if tmp < dist:
+                dist = tmp
+                dist_idx = idx
+        # nearest item found
+        return (lines.pop(dist_idx), coords.pop(dist_idx))
+    print "Optimizing infill movement, please wait..."
+    while len(lines) > 0:
+        tmp = len(lines)
+        if not (tmp % 10):
+            sys.stdout.write("\r%d    " % tmp)
+            sys.stdout.flush()
+        tmp = pop_nearest(data[-1], last)
+        data.append(tmp[0])
+        last = tmp[1]
+    print "\rdone"
+    return data
 def svg2gcode(options, gcoder):
     image = Image(options.filename, options, gcoder)
@@ -182,9 +239,24 @@
             lines = poly.intersection(image.infill)
             if lines:
+                #pprint (dir(lines))
                 # THE INFILL
                 prev_end = None
-                for line in lines:
+                # sort lines by nearest
+                lines_ordered = slow_sort_lines_by_distance(lines)
+                #lines_distances = []
+                #prev_line = lines[0]
+                #for line in lines:
+                #    lines_distances.append(cmp_smallest_distance(line, prev_line))
+                #    prev_line = line
+                ##lines_ordered = sorted(lines, key=cmp_to_key(cmp_smallest_distance))
+                ## decorate, sort, undecorate:
+                #lines_distances, lines = zip(*sorted(zip(lines_distances, lines)))
+                for line in lines_ordered:
                     coords = [
                         image.normalize((line.coords[0][0], line.coords[0][1])),
                         image.normalize((line.coords[1][0], line.coords[1][1]))
