Bugfix SVG offset correction


Fri, 28 Jul 2017 15:56:52 +0200 (2017-07-28)
changeset 28
parent 27
child 29

Bugfix SVG offset correction
Changed settings min/max values

printrun-src/printrun/laser.py file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/printrun-src/printrun/laser.py	Thu Jul 07 11:58:38 2016 +0200
+++ b/printrun-src/printrun/laser.py	Fri Jul 28 15:56:52 2017 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Lasercutter library
-2015/2016 by NeoSoft, Malte Bayer
+2015-2016 by NeoSoft, Malte Di Donato
 Intended to use standalone or implemented in Pronterface/Printrun
@@ -301,31 +301,75 @@
         tree = ET.parse(filename)
         root = tree.getroot()
-        width = root.get('width')
-        height = root.get('height')
-        if width == None or height == None:
-            viewbox = root.get('viewBox')
-            if viewbox:
-                _, _, width, height = viewbox.split()                
+        # Todo: force viewbox values configurable?
+        #width = root.get('width')
+        #height = root.get('height')
+        # if width == None or height == None:
+        viewbox = root.get('viewBox')
+        if viewbox:
+            _, _, width, height = viewbox.split()                
         if width == None or height == None:
             self.log("Unable to get width and height for the svg!")
             return False
+        else:
+            self.log("SVG Dimensions are %s x %s" % (width, height))
         # TODO: use cm or mm as absolute dimensions!
         width = float(width.replace("px", "").replace("pt", "").replace("mm", ""))
         height = float(height.replace("px", "").replace("pt", "").replace("mm", ""))
         smoothness = self.settings.lc_svg_smoothness
         if smoothness < 0.1: smoothness = 0.1
+        # get the minimum x and y values to get an offset to 0,0
+        ofs_x = 99999999999.0
+        ofs_y = 99999999999.0
+        max_x = -99999999999.0
+        max_y = -99999999999.0
+        for elem in root.iter():
+            try:
+                _, tag_suffix = elem.tag.split('}')
+            except ValueError:
+                continue
+            if tag_suffix in svg_shapes:
+                shape_class = getattr(shapes_pkg, tag_suffix)
+                shape_obj = shape_class(elem)
+                d = shape_obj.d_path()
+                m = shape_obj.transformation_matrix()
+                if d:
+                    p = point_generator(d, m, smoothness)
+                    start = True
+                    for x,y,pen in p:
+                        if x < ofs_x:
+                            ofs_x = x
+                        if y < ofs_y:
+                            ofs_y = y
+                        if x > max_x:
+                            max_x = x
+                        if y > max_y:
+                            max_y = y
+        ofs_x *= -1
+        ofs_y *= -1
+        max_x += ofs_x
+        max_y += ofs_y
+        self.log("Calculated Offset to 0,0 is %f,%f" % (ofs_x, ofs_y))
+        """
+        self.log("Calculated Dimension is %f,%f" % (max_x, max_y))
+        width = max_x
+        height = max_y
+        """
         bed_max_x = self.settings.lc_svg_width
         bed_max_y = self.settings.lc_svg_height
         if self.settings.lc_svg_scalemode == "scale":
             scale_x = scale_y = min(bed_max_x, bed_max_y) / max(width, height)
-            scale_x = bed_max_x / max(width, height)
-            scale_y = bed_max_y / max(width, height)
+            scale_x = bed_max_x / width
+            scale_y = bed_max_y / height
         self.log("Scaling factor: %.2f, %.2f" % (scale_x,scale_y))
@@ -335,6 +379,7 @@
         travel_speed = self.settings.lc_travel_speed * 60
         engrave_speed = self.settings.lc_engrave_speed * 60 * self.settings.lc_svg_speed_factor
         for elem in root.iter():
                 _, tag_suffix = elem.tag.split('}')
@@ -342,6 +387,7 @@
             if tag_suffix in svg_shapes:
+                self.log("Parsing shape: %s" % tag_suffix)
                 shape_class = getattr(shapes_pkg, tag_suffix)
                 shape_obj = shape_class(elem)
                 d = shape_obj.d_path()
@@ -356,13 +402,15 @@
                     p = point_generator(d, m, smoothness)
                     start = True
                     for x,y,pen in p:
-                        y = height - y
+                        x += ofs_x
+                        y += ofs_y
+                        y = height - y # invert the bed
                         xs = scale_x * x
                         ys = scale_y * y
                         if xo == xs and yo == ys: continue
                         if not pen: start = True 
-                        if xs >= 0 and xs <= bed_max_x and ys >= 0 and ys <= bed_max_y:
+                        if xs >= 0 and xs <= bed_max_x+0.1 and ys >= 0 and ys <= bed_max_y+0.1:
                             if start:
                                 fo.write("G0 X%0.2f Y%0.2f F%.4f ; Move to start of shape\n" % (
                                     xs, ys, travel_speed))
@@ -378,8 +426,8 @@
                                 E = E + (e_distance)
                                 fo.write("G1 X%0.2f Y%0.2f E%.4f F%.4f\n" % (
                                     xs, ys, E * E_FACTOR, engrave_speed))
-                        #else:
-                            # self.log("Position outside print dimension: %d, %d" % (xs, ys)) 
+                        else:
+                            self.log("Position outside print dimension: %d, %d" % (xs, ys)) 
                     if shape_obj.xml_node.get('fill'):
                         # Close the polygon
