SVG bugfix: first shape line not drawn


Fri, 22 Sep 2017 17:40:08 +0200 (2017-09-22)
changeset 32
parent 31
child 33

SVG bugfix: first shape line not drawn
SVG feature: Dont control the laser via extrusion, switch on at shape start, off at shape end

printrun-src/printrun/ file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/printrun-src/printrun/	Fri Sep 22 17:38:36 2017 +0200
+++ b/printrun-src/printrun/	Fri Sep 22 17:40:08 2017 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Lasercutter library
-2015-2016 by NeoSoft, Malte Di Donato
+2015-2017 by NeoSoft, Malte Di Donato
 Intended to use standalone or implemented in Pronterface/Printrun
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 ; GCode generated by pronterface library (marlin code flavour)
-; 2015/2016 by NeoSoft - Malte Bayer
+; 2015-2017 by NeoSoft - Malte Di Donato
 G21 ; Metric
 ; We assume Z is in focus height and laser head is focus at bottom left of image!
@@ -30,12 +30,17 @@
 M209 S0 ; disable firmware retraction, we dont want to burn holes...
 M302 ; Allow cold extrudes - doesnt matter because we hack the extruder physically off with the M571 E mod
 M571 S1 E1 ; Activate Laser output on extrusion, but block real motor movement!
+M85 S0 ; Disable idle hold timeout
+M84 ; enable motors
-GCODE_FOOT = """G0 X0 Y0 F%.4f
+M42 P28 S0 ; Force laser off!
+M85 S30 ; re-enable idle hold timeout
+G0 X0 Y0 F%.4f ; Move back to origin
 M400 ; Wait for all moves to finish
-M571 S0 E0
-M42 P28 S0 ; Force laser off!
+M571 S0 E0 ; disable extruder firmware hack
 M501 ; undo all settings made
 """ % (100*60)
@@ -295,6 +300,7 @@
         import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
         from svg2gcode import shapes as shapes_pkg
         from svg2gcode.shapes import point_generator
+        from svg2gcode import simplepath, cspsubdiv, cubicsuperpath
         self.log("Generating paths from SVG (outlines only)...")        
         svg_shapes = set(['rect', 'circle', 'ellipse', 'line', 'polyline', 'polygon', 'path'])
@@ -375,6 +381,7 @@
         fo = open(filename + ".g", "w")
         fo.write("; Filename: %s\n%s" % (filename, GCODE_HEAD))
+        fo.write("M571 S0 E1 ; On SVG we control the laser by ourself\n")
         travel_speed = self.settings.lc_travel_speed * 60
         engrave_speed = self.settings.lc_engrave_speed * 60 * self.settings.lc_svg_speed_factor
@@ -391,7 +398,7 @@
                 shape_class = getattr(shapes_pkg, tag_suffix)
                 shape_obj = shape_class(elem)
                 d = shape_obj.d_path()
-                m = shape_obj.transformation_matrix()
+                mat = shape_obj.transformation_matrix()
                 if d:
                     fo.write("M400 ; start %s\n" % (tag_suffix))
@@ -399,41 +406,74 @@
                     E = 0
                     xo = 0
                     yo = 0
-                    p = point_generator(d, m, smoothness)
-                    start = True
-                    for x,y,pen in p:
-                        x += ofs_x
-                        y += ofs_y
-                        y = height - y # invert the bed
-                        xs = scale_x * x
-                        ys = scale_y * y
-                        if xo == xs and yo == ys: continue
+                    idxo = None
+                    #p = point_generator(d, mat, smoothness)
+                    simple_path = simplepath.parsePath(d)
+                    if len(simple_path) == 0:
+                            self.log("Path length zero!")
+                            continue
+                    p = cubicsuperpath.parsePath(d)
+                    if mat:
+                        simpletransform.applyTransformToPath(mat, p)
+                    for sp in p:
+                            cspsubdiv.subdiv( sp, smoothness)
+                            self.log("Laser ON at: " + repr(sp[0][0]))
+                            x = sp[0][0][0] + ofs_x
+                            y = sp[0][0][1] + ofs_y
+                            y = height - y # invert the bed
+                            xs = scale_x * x
+                            ys = scale_y * y
+                            fo.write("M400 ; Wait for all moves to finish\n")
+                            fo.write("M42 P28 S0 ; Turn off laser\n")
+                            fo.write("G0 X%0.4f Y%0.4f F%.4f ; Move to start of shape\n" % (
+                                xs, ys, travel_speed))
+                            fo.write("M400 ; Wait for all moves to finish\n")
+                            fo.write("M42 P28 S255 ; Turn on laser\n")
-                        if not pen: start = True 
-                        if xs >= 0 and xs <= bed_max_x+0.1 and ys >= 0 and ys <= bed_max_y+0.1:
-                            if start:
-                                fo.write("G0 X%0.2f Y%0.2f F%.4f ; Move to start of shape\n" % (
-                                    xs, ys, travel_speed))
-                                start = False
-                                xo = xs
-                                yo = ys 
-                                object_xs = xs
-                                object_ys = ys
-                            else:  
-                                e_distance = math.hypot(xs - xo, ys - yo)
-                                xo = xs
-                                yo = ys                                
-                                E = E + (e_distance)
-                                fo.write("G1 X%0.2f Y%0.2f E%.4f F%.4f\n" % (
-                                    xs, ys, E * E_FACTOR, engrave_speed))
-                        else:
-                            self.log("Position outside print dimension: %d, %d" % (xs, ys)) 
+                            xo = xs
+                            yo = ys 
+                            object_xs = xs
+                            object_ys = ys
+                            for csp in sp:
+                                ctrl_pt1 = csp[0]
+                                ctrl_pt2 = csp[1]
+                                end_pt = csp[2]
+                                x = end_pt[0] + ofs_x
+                                y = end_pt[1] + ofs_y
+                                y = height - y # invert the bed
+                                xs = round(scale_x * x, 4)
+                                ys = round(scale_y * y, 4)
+                                if xo == xs and yo == ys: continue
+                                #self.log(" Point " + repr(end_pt))
+                                if xs >= 0 and xs <= bed_max_x+0.1 and ys >= 0 and ys <= bed_max_y+0.1:
+                                    e_distance = math.hypot(xs - xo, ys - yo)
+                                    xo = xs
+                                    yo = ys                                
+                                    E = E + (e_distance)
+                                    fo.write("G1 X%0.4f Y%0.4f E%.4f F%.4f\n" % (
+                                        xs, ys, E * E_FACTOR, engrave_speed))
+                                else:
+                                    self.log("Position outside print dimension: %d, %d" % (xs, ys)) 
+                                #print "   Point: ", end_pt[0], end_pt[1], pen
+                            self.log("Laser OFF at: " + repr(sp[-1][-1]))
                     if shape_obj.xml_node.get('fill'):
                         # Close the polygon
                         e_distance = math.hypot(object_xs - xo, object_ys - yo)
                         E = E + (e_distance)
-                        fo.write("G1 X%0.2f Y%0.2f E%.4f F%.4f ; Close the object polygon\n" % (
+                        fo.write("G1 X%0.4f Y%0.4f E%.4f F%.4f ; Close the object polygon\n" % (
                             object_xs, object_ys, E * E_FACTOR, engrave_speed))
                         print "connecting filled path end to start"
