Tue, 19 Jan 2021 20:45:09 +0100
updated main files to new github master version
# SVG parser in Python # Copyright (C) 2013 -- CJlano < cjlano @ free.fr > # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. from __future__ import absolute_import import sys import os import copy import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree import itertools import operator import json from .geometry import * svg_ns = '{http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}' # Regex commonly used number_re = r'[-+]?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?' unit_re = r'em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc|%' point_re = r'(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+),(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)' # Unit converter unit_convert = { None: 1, # Default unit (same as pixel) 'px': 1, # px: pixel. Default SVG unit 'em': 10, # 1 em = 10 px FIXME 'ex': 5, # 1 ex = 5 px FIXME 'in': 96, # 1 in = 96 px 'cm': 96 / 2.54, # 1 cm = 1/2.54 in 'mm': 96 / 25.4, # 1 mm = 1/25.4 in 'pt': 96 / 72.0, # 1 pt = 1/72 in 'pc': 96 / 6.0, # 1 pc = 1/6 in '%' : 1 / 100.0 # 1 percent } class Transformable: '''Abstract class for objects that can be geometrically drawn & transformed''' def __init__(self, elt=None): # a 'Transformable' is represented as a list of Transformable items self.items = [] self.id = hex(id(self)) # Unit transformation matrix on init self.matrix = Matrix() self.viewport = Point(800, 600) # default viewport is 800x600 if elt is not None: self.id = elt.get('id', self.id) # Parse transform attibute to update self.matrix self.getTransformations(elt) def bbox(self): '''Bounding box''' bboxes = [x.bbox() for x in self.items] xmin = min([b[0].x for b in bboxes]) xmax = max([b[1].x for b in bboxes]) ymin = min([b[0].y for b in bboxes]) ymax = max([b[1].y for b in bboxes]) return (Point(xmin,ymin), Point(xmax,ymax)) # Parse transform field def getTransformations(self, elt): t = elt.get('transform') if t is None: return svg_transforms = [ 'matrix', 'translate', 'scale', 'rotate', 'skewX', 'skewY'] # match any SVG transformation with its parameter (until final parenthese) # [^)]* == anything but a closing parenthese # '|'.join == OR-list of SVG transformations transforms = re.findall( '|'.join([x + '[^)]*\)' for x in svg_transforms]), t) for t in transforms: op, arg = t.split('(') op = op.strip() # Keep only numbers arg = [float(x) for x in re.findall(number_re, arg)] print('transform: ' + op + ' '+ str(arg)) if op == 'matrix': self.matrix *= Matrix(arg) if op == 'translate': tx = arg[0] if len(arg) == 1: ty = 0 else: ty = arg[1] self.matrix *= Matrix([1, 0, 0, 1, tx, ty]) if op == 'scale': sx = arg[0] if len(arg) == 1: sy = sx else: sy = arg[1] self.matrix *= Matrix([sx, 0, 0, sy, 0, 0]) if op == 'rotate': cosa = math.cos(math.radians(arg[0])) sina = math.sin(math.radians(arg[0])) if len(arg) != 1: tx, ty = arg[1:3] self.matrix *= Matrix([1, 0, 0, 1, tx, ty]) self.matrix *= Matrix([cosa, sina, -sina, cosa, 0, 0]) if len(arg) != 1: self.matrix *= Matrix([1, 0, 0, 1, -tx, -ty]) if op == 'skewX': tana = math.tan(math.radians(arg[0])) self.matrix *= Matrix([1, 0, tana, 1, 0, 0]) if op == 'skewY': tana = math.tan(math.radians(arg[0])) self.matrix *= Matrix([1, tana, 0, 1, 0, 0]) def transform(self, matrix=None): for x in self.items: x.transform(self.matrix) def length(self, v, mode='xy'): # Handle empty (non-existing) length element if v is None: return 0 # Get length value m = re.search(number_re, v) if m: value = m.group(0) else: raise TypeError(v + 'is not a valid length') # Get length unit m = re.search(unit_re, v) if m: unit = m.group(0) else: unit = None if unit == '%': if mode == 'x': return float(value) * unit_convert[unit] * self.viewport.x if mode == 'y': return float(value) * unit_convert[unit] * self.viewport.y if mode == 'xy': return float(value) * unit_convert[unit] * self.viewport.x # FIXME return float(value) * unit_convert[unit] def xlength(self, x): return self.length(x, 'x') def ylength(self, y): return self.length(y, 'y') def flatten(self): '''Flatten the SVG objects nested list into a flat (1-D) list, removing Groups''' # http://rightfootin.blogspot.fr/2006/09/more-on-python-flatten.html # Assigning a slice a[i:i+1] with a list actually replaces the a[i] # element with the content of the assigned list i = 0 flat = copy.deepcopy(self.items) while i < len(flat): while isinstance(flat[i], Group): flat[i:i+1] = flat[i].items i += 1 return flat def scale(self, ratio): for x in self.items: x.scale(ratio) return self def translate(self, offset): for x in self.items: x.translate(offset) return self def rotate(self, angle): for x in self.items: x.rotate(angle) return self class Svg(Transformable): '''SVG class: use parse to parse a file''' # class Svg handles the <svg> tag # tag = 'svg' def __init__(self, filename=None): Transformable.__init__(self) if filename: self.parse(filename) def parse(self, filename): self.filename = filename tree = etree.parse(filename) self.root = tree.getroot() if self.root.tag != svg_ns + 'svg': raise TypeError('file %s does not seem to be a valid SVG file', filename) # Create a top Group to group all other items (useful for viewBox elt) top_group = Group() self.items.append(top_group) # SVG dimension width = self.xlength(self.root.get('width')) height = self.ylength(self.root.get('height')) # update viewport top_group.viewport = Point(width, height) # viewBox if self.root.get('viewBox') is not None: viewBox = re.findall(number_re, self.root.get('viewBox')) sx = width / float(viewBox[2]) sy = height / float(viewBox[3]) tx = -float(viewBox[0]) ty = -float(viewBox[1]) top_group.matrix = Matrix([sx, 0, 0, sy, tx, ty]) # Parse XML elements hierarchically with groups <g> top_group.append(self.root) self.transform() def title(self): t = self.root.find(svg_ns + 'title') if t is not None: return t else: return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.filename))[0] def json(self): return self.items class Group(Transformable): '''Handle svg <g> elements''' # class Group handles the <g> tag tag = 'g' def __init__(self, elt=None): Transformable.__init__(self, elt) if elt is not None: self.style = elt.get('style') else: self.style = '' def append(self, element): for elt in element: elt_class = svgClass.get(elt.tag, None) if elt_class is None: print('No handler for element %s' % elt.tag) continue # instanciate elt associated class (e.g. <path>: item = Path(elt) item = elt_class(elt) # Apply group matrix to the newly created object item.matrix = self.matrix * item.matrix item.viewport = self.viewport # inherit style from group if item.style == '': item.style = self.style self.items.append(item) # Recursively append if elt is a <g> (group) if elt.tag == svg_ns + 'g': item.append(elt) def __repr__(self): return '<Group ' + self.id + '>: ' + repr(self.items) def json(self): return {'Group ' + self.id : self.items} class Matrix: ''' SVG transformation matrix and its operations a SVG matrix is represented as a list of 6 values [a, b, c, d, e, f] (named vect hereafter) which represent the 3x3 matrix ((a, c, e) (b, d, f) (0, 0, 1)) see http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/coords.html#EstablishingANewUserSpace ''' def __init__(self, vect=[1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]): # Unit transformation vect by default if len(vect) != 6: raise ValueError("Bad vect size %d" % len(vect)) self.vect = list(vect) def __mul__(self, other): '''Matrix multiplication''' if isinstance(other, Matrix): a = self.vect[0] * other.vect[0] + self.vect[2] * other.vect[1] b = self.vect[1] * other.vect[0] + self.vect[3] * other.vect[1] c = self.vect[0] * other.vect[2] + self.vect[2] * other.vect[3] d = self.vect[1] * other.vect[2] + self.vect[3] * other.vect[3] e = self.vect[0] * other.vect[4] + self.vect[2] * other.vect[5] \ + self.vect[4] f = self.vect[1] * other.vect[4] + self.vect[3] * other.vect[5] \ + self.vect[5] return Matrix([a, b, c, d, e, f]) elif isinstance(other, Point): x = other.x * self.vect[0] + other.y * self.vect[2] + self.vect[4] y = other.x * self.vect[1] + other.y * self.vect[3] + self.vect[5] return Point(x,y) else: return NotImplemented def __str__(self): return str(self.vect) def xlength(self, x): return x * self.vect[0] def ylength(self, y): return y * self.vect[3] COMMANDS = 'MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAa' class Path(Transformable): '''SVG <path>''' # class Path handles the <path> tag tag = 'path' def __init__(self, elt=None): Transformable.__init__(self, elt) if elt is not None: self.style = elt.get('style') self.parse(elt.get('d')) def parse(self, pathstr): """Parse path string and build elements list""" pathlst = re.findall(number_re + r"|\ *[%s]\ *" % COMMANDS, pathstr) pathlst.reverse() command = None current_pt = Point(0,0) start_pt = None while pathlst: if pathlst[-1].strip() in COMMANDS: last_command = command command = pathlst.pop().strip() absolute = (command == command.upper()) command = command.upper() else: if command is None: raise ValueError("No command found at %d" % len(pathlst)) if command == 'M': # MoveTo x = pathlst.pop() y = pathlst.pop() pt = Point(x, y) if absolute: current_pt = pt else: current_pt += pt start_pt = current_pt self.items.append(MoveTo(current_pt)) # MoveTo with multiple coordinates means LineTo command = 'L' elif command == 'Z': # Close Path l = Segment(current_pt, start_pt) self.items.append(l) elif command in 'LHV': # LineTo, Horizontal & Vertical line # extra coord for H,V if absolute: x,y = current_pt.coord() else: x,y = (0,0) if command in 'LH': x = pathlst.pop() if command in 'LV': y = pathlst.pop() pt = Point(x, y) if not absolute: pt += current_pt self.items.append(Segment(current_pt, pt)) current_pt = pt elif command in 'CQ': dimension = {'Q':3, 'C':4} bezier_pts = [] bezier_pts.append(current_pt) for i in range(1,dimension[command]): x = pathlst.pop() y = pathlst.pop() pt = Point(x, y) if not absolute: pt += current_pt bezier_pts.append(pt) self.items.append(Bezier(bezier_pts)) current_pt = pt elif command in 'TS': # number of points to read nbpts = {'T':1, 'S':2} # the control point, from previous Bezier to mirror ctrlpt = {'T':1, 'S':2} # last command control last = {'T': 'QT', 'S':'CS'} bezier_pts = [] bezier_pts.append(current_pt) if last_command in last[command]: pt0 = self.items[-1].control_point(ctrlpt[command]) else: pt0 = current_pt pt1 = current_pt # Symetrical of pt1 against pt0 bezier_pts.append(pt1 + pt1 - pt0) for i in range(0,nbpts[command]): x = pathlst.pop() y = pathlst.pop() pt = Point(x, y) if not absolute: pt += current_pt bezier_pts.append(pt) self.items.append(Bezier(bezier_pts)) current_pt = pt elif command == 'A': rx = pathlst.pop() ry = pathlst.pop() xrot = pathlst.pop() # Arc flags are not necesarily sepatated numbers flags = pathlst.pop().strip() large_arc_flag = flags[0] if large_arc_flag not in '01': print('Arc parsing failure') break if len(flags) > 1: flags = flags[1:].strip() else: flags = pathlst.pop().strip() sweep_flag = flags[0] if sweep_flag not in '01': print('Arc parsing failure') break if len(flags) > 1: x = flags[1:] else: x = pathlst.pop() y = pathlst.pop() # TODO print('ARC: ' + ', '.join([rx, ry, xrot, large_arc_flag, sweep_flag, x, y])) # self.items.append( # Arc(rx, ry, xrot, large_arc_flag, sweep_flag, Point(x, y))) else: pathlst.pop() def __str__(self): return '\n'.join(str(x) for x in self.items) def __repr__(self): return '<Path ' + self.id + '>' def segments(self, precision=0): '''Return a list of segments, each segment is ended by a MoveTo. A segment is a list of Points''' ret = [] # group items separated by MoveTo for moveTo, group in itertools.groupby(self.items, lambda x: isinstance(x, MoveTo)): # Use only non MoveTo item if not moveTo: # Generate segments for each relevant item seg = [x.segments(precision) for x in group] # Merge all segments into one ret.append(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(seg))) return ret def simplify(self, precision): '''Simplify segment with precision: Remove any point which are ~aligned''' ret = [] for seg in self.segments(precision): ret.append(simplify_segment(seg, precision)) return ret class Polygon(Transformable): '''SVG <polygon>''' # class Path handles the <polygon> tag tag = 'polygon' def __init__(self, elt=None): Transformable.__init__(self, elt) if elt is not None: self.style = elt.get('style') self.parse(elt.get('points')) def parse(self, pathstr): """Parse path string and build elements list""" pathlst = re.findall(point_re, pathstr) #pathlst.reverse() current_pt = None start_pt = None while pathlst: coord = pathlst.pop().split(",") pt = Point(coord[0], coord[1]) if start_pt: current_pt = pt l = Segment(start_pt, current_pt) self.items.append(l) start_pt = current_pt else: start_pt = pt self.items.append(MoveTo(pt)) def __str__(self): return '\n'.join(str(x) for x in self.items) def __repr__(self): return '<Polygon ' + self.id + '>' def segments(self, precision=0): '''Return a list of segments, each segment is ended by a MoveTo. A segment is a list of Points''' ret = [] # group items separated by MoveTo for moveTo, group in itertools.groupby(self.items, lambda x: isinstance(x, MoveTo)): # Use only non MoveTo item if not moveTo: # Generate segments for each relevant item seg = [x.segments(precision) for x in group] # Merge all segments into one ret.append(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(seg))) return ret def simplify(self, precision): '''Simplify segment with precision: Remove any point which are ~aligned''' ret = [] for seg in self.segments(precision): ret.append(simplify_segment(seg, precision)) return ret class Ellipse(Transformable): '''SVG <ellipse>''' # class Ellipse handles the <ellipse> tag tag = 'ellipse' def __init__(self, elt=None): Transformable.__init__(self, elt) if elt is not None: self.center = Point(self.xlength(elt.get('cx')), self.ylength(elt.get('cy'))) self.rx = self.length(elt.get('rx')) self.ry = self.length(elt.get('ry')) self.style = elt.get('style') def __repr__(self): return '<Ellipse ' + self.id + '>' def bbox(self): '''Bounding box''' pmin = self.center - Point(self.rx, self.ry) pmax = self.center + Point(self.rx, self.ry) return (pmin, pmax) def transform(self, matrix): self.center = self.matrix * self.center self.rx = self.matrix.xlength(self.rx) self.ry = self.matrix.ylength(self.ry) def scale(self, ratio): self.center *= ratio self.rx *= ratio self.ry *= ratio def translate(self, offset): self.center += offset def rotate(self, angle): self.center = self.center.rot(angle) def P(self, t): '''Return a Point on the Ellipse for t in [0..1]''' x = self.center.x + self.rx * math.cos(2 * math.pi * t) y = self.center.y + self.ry * math.sin(2 * math.pi * t) return Point(x,y) def segments(self, precision=0): if max(self.rx, self.ry) < precision: return [[self.center]] p = [(0,self.P(0)), (1, self.P(1))] d = 2 * max(self.rx, self.ry) while d > precision: for (t1,p1),(t2,p2) in zip(p[:-1],p[1:]): t = t1 + (t2 - t1)/2. d = Segment(p1, p2).pdistance(self.P(t)) p.append((t, self.P(t))) p.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0)) ret = [x for t,x in p] return [ret] def simplify(self, precision): return self # A circle is a special type of ellipse where rx = ry = radius class Circle(Ellipse): '''SVG <circle>''' # class Circle handles the <circle> tag tag = 'circle' def __init__(self, elt=None): if elt is not None: elt.set('rx', elt.get('r')) elt.set('ry', elt.get('r')) Ellipse.__init__(self, elt) def __repr__(self): return '<Circle ' + self.id + '>' class Rect(Transformable): '''SVG <rect>''' # class Rect handles the <rect> tag tag = 'rect' def __init__(self, elt=None): Transformable.__init__(self, elt) if elt is not None: self.P1 = Point(self.xlength(elt.get('x')), self.ylength(elt.get('y'))) self.P2 = Point(self.P1.x + self.xlength(elt.get('width')), self.P1.y + self.ylength(elt.get('height'))) def __repr__(self): return '<Rect ' + self.id + '>' def bbox(self): '''Bounding box''' xmin = min([p.x for p in (self.P1, self.P2)]) xmax = max([p.x for p in (self.P1, self.P2)]) ymin = min([p.y for p in (self.P1, self.P2)]) ymax = max([p.y for p in (self.P1, self.P2)]) return (Point(xmin,ymin), Point(xmax,ymax)) def transform(self, matrix): self.P1 = self.matrix * self.P1 self.P2 = self.matrix * self.P2 def segments(self, precision=0): # A rectangle is built with a segment going thru 4 points ret = [] Pa = Point(self.P1.x, self.P2.y) Pb = Point(self.P2.x, self.P1.y) ret.append([self.P1, Pa, self.P2, Pb, self.P1]) return ret def simplify(self, precision): return self.segments(precision) class Line(Transformable): '''SVG <line>''' # class Line handles the <line> tag tag = 'line' def __init__(self, elt=None): Transformable.__init__(self, elt) if elt is not None: self.P1 = Point(self.xlength(elt.get('x1')), self.ylength(elt.get('y1'))) self.P2 = Point(self.xlength(elt.get('x2')), self.ylength(elt.get('y2'))) self.segment = Segment(self.P1, self.P2) def __repr__(self): return '<Line ' + self.id + '>' def bbox(self): '''Bounding box''' xmin = min([p.x for p in (self.P1, self.P2)]) xmax = max([p.x for p in (self.P1, self.P2)]) ymin = min([p.y for p in (self.P1, self.P2)]) ymax = max([p.y for p in (self.P1, self.P2)]) return (Point(xmin,ymin), Point(xmax,ymax)) def transform(self, matrix): self.P1 = self.matrix * self.P1 self.P2 = self.matrix * self.P2 self.segment = Segment(self.P1, self.P2) def segments(self, precision=0): return [self.segment.segments()] def simplify(self, precision): return self.segments(precision) # overwrite JSONEncoder for svg classes which have defined a .json() method class JSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if not isinstance(obj, tuple(svgClass.values() + [Svg])): return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) if not hasattr(obj, 'json'): return repr(obj) return obj.json() ## Code executed on module load ## # SVG tag handler classes are initialized here # (classes must be defined before) import inspect svgClass = {} # Register all classes with attribute 'tag' in svgClass dict for name, cls in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass): tag = getattr(cls, 'tag', None) if tag: svgClass[svg_ns + tag] = cls