Wed, 20 Jan 2021 10:15:13 +0100
updated and added new files for printrun
15 | 1 | <?xml version='1.0' standalone='no'?> |
2 | <!--Written in KDevelop (> | |
3 | <svg baseProfile='full' contentScriptType='text/ecmascript' contentStyleType='text/css' height='4003.518px' onload='init()' preserveAspectRatio='xMidYMid meet' version='1.0' width='516.0px' xmlns='' xmlns:inkscape='' xmlns:slice='' xmlns:xlink='' zoomAndPan='magnify'> | |
4 | <metadata> | |
5 | <slice:layers id='sliceData' controlBoxHeight='720' controlBoxWidth='240' decimalPlacesCarried='4' edgeWidth='0.72' layerHeight='0.4' margin='20' marginTop='60' maxX='11.919' maxY='11.919' maxZ='10.0' minX='-11.919' minY='-11.919' minZ='-2.0' procedureName='carve' svgMinWidth='516' template='svg_layer' textHeight='22.5' unitScale='3.7' version='0.1' yAxisPointingUpward='true' /> | |
6 | </metadata> | |
7 | <script type='text/ecmascript'> | |
8 | <![CDATA[ | |
9 | globalMetadata = document.getElementsByTagNameNS('', 'layers')[0]; | |
10 | globalSliceMinX = globalMetadata.getAttribute('minX') * 1; | |
11 | globalSliceMaxX = globalMetadata.getAttribute('maxX') * 1; | |
12 | globalSliceMinY = globalMetadata.getAttribute('minY') * 1; | |
13 | globalSliceMaxY = globalMetadata.getAttribute('maxY') * 1; | |
14 | globalSliceMinZ = globalMetadata.getAttribute('minZ') * 1; | |
15 | globalSliceMaxZ = globalMetadata.getAttribute('maxZ') * 1; | |
16 | ||
17 | //Control var's | |
18 | globalLayerIndex = 0; //Number of currently viewed layer (zero index) | |
19 | globalLatitude = 60.0; | |
20 | globalLongitude = 45.0; | |
21 | globalControlBoxHeight = globalMetadata.getAttribute('controlBoxHeight') * 1; | |
22 | globalControlBoxWidth = globalMetadata.getAttribute('controlBoxWidth') * 1; | |
23 | globalSliding = false; | |
24 | globalObserving = false | |
25 | ||
26 | //Display var's | |
27 | globalMargin = globalMetadata.getAttribute('margin') * 1; | |
28 | globalMarginTop = globalMetadata.getAttribute('marginTop') * 1; | |
29 | globalDimensionX = globalSliceMaxX - globalSliceMinX; | |
30 | globalDimensionY = globalSliceMaxY - globalSliceMinY; | |
31 | globalDimensionZ = globalSliceMaxZ - globalSliceMinZ; | |
32 | magnitudeXYSquared = globalDimensionX * globalDimensionX + globalDimensionY * globalDimensionY; | |
33 | globalDimensionMagnitude = Math.sqrt(magnitudeXYSquared + globalDimensionZ * globalDimensionZ); | |
34 | globalGlobeTravelRadian = 0.0; | |
35 | globalGlobeInnerObserverRadius = 0.0; | |
36 | globalTextHeight = globalMetadata.getAttribute('textHeight') * 1.0; | |
37 | globalUnitScale = globalMetadata.getAttribute('unitScale') * 1.0; | |
38 | globalXOffset = globalControlBoxWidth + globalMargin + globalMargin; | |
39 | globalYOffset = globalMargin + globalMarginTop; | |
40 | globalZoomScale = 1.0; //Default 1:1 may need smaller scale for large objects | |
41 | globalScale = globalUnitScale * globalZoomScale; | |
42 | ||
43 | //Globals to be set in init | |
44 | globalLayers = []; | |
45 | globalSlider = 0; | |
46 | globalThumb = 0; | |
47 | globalThumbRadius = 0.0; | |
48 | globalSliderWidthMinusDiameter = 0.0; | |
49 | ||
50 | ||
51 | function changeScale(newScale) { | |
52 | globalZoomScale = newScale; | |
53 | globalScale = globalUnitScale * globalZoomScale; | |
54 | if (globalZoomScale >=1) { //dont scale line thickness for large display scale | |
55 | document.getElementById('layerData').setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-width', 2.0 / (globalScale)); | |
56 | } | |
57 | } | |
58 | ||
59 | function changeScaleIso(newScale) { | |
60 | changeScale(newScale); | |
61 | viewIso(); | |
62 | } | |
63 | ||
64 | function changeScaleLayer(newScale) { | |
65 | changeScale(newScale); | |
66 | viewLayer(); | |
67 | } | |
68 | ||
69 | function changeScaleScroll(newScale) { | |
70 | changeScale(newScale); | |
71 | viewScroll(); | |
72 | } | |
73 | ||
74 | function displayIso(latitude, longitude) { | |
75 | latitude = Math.max(0.0, latitude); | |
76 | latitude = Math.min(89.0, latitude); | |
77 | globalLatitude = Math.round(latitude); | |
78 | globalLongitude = Math.round((longitude + 540.0) % 360.0) - 180.0; | |
79 | latitudeRadians = getRadians(globalLatitude); | |
80 | longitudeWiddershinsRadians = getRadians(90.0 - globalLongitude); | |
81 | unitX = Math.cos(longitudeWiddershinsRadians); | |
82 | unitY = Math.sin(longitudeWiddershinsRadians); | |
83 | latitudeOverLayers = globalDimensionZ / globalLayers.length; | |
84 | globalOneOverUnitScaleString = (1.0 / globalUnitScale).toString(); | |
85 | yScale = -1.0 * globalScale * Math.cos(latitudeRadians); | |
86 | scaleRotateCenterString = ' scale(' + globalScale + ', ' + yScale + ')'; | |
87 | scaleRotateCenterString += ' rotate(' + (-1.0 * globalLongitude).toString() + ')'; | |
88 | centerX = (-0.5 * globalDimensionX - globalSliceMinX).toString(); | |
89 | centerY = (-0.5 * globalDimensionY - globalSliceMinY).toString(); | |
90 | scaleRotateCenterString += ' translate(' + centerX + ', ' + centerY + ')'; | |
91 | x = 0.5 * globalDimensionMagnitude * globalScale + globalXOffset; | |
92 | halfLengthMinusOne = 0.5 * (globalLayers.length - 1); | |
93 | for (var i in globalLayers) { | |
94 | latitudeZSin = Math.sin(latitudeRadians) * (i - halfLengthMinusOne) * latitudeOverLayers | |
95 | y = globalScale * (0.5 * globalDimensionMagnitude - latitudeZSin) + globalYOffset; | |
96 | // y = globalDimensionY * globalScale + globalYOffset - i * unitY * latitudeOverLayers; | |
97 | transformString = ' translate(' + x + ', ' + y + ')'; | |
98 | globalLayers[i].setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', transformString + scaleRotateCenterString); | |
99 | } | |
100 | setText('latitudeIso', 'Latitude: ' + globalLatitude.toString() + '°'); | |
101 | setText('longitudeIso', 'Longitude: ' + globalLongitude.toString() + '°'); | |
102 | globeMoveableRadius = globalGlobeTravelRadian * latitudeRadians + globalGlobeInnerObserverRadius; | |
103 | globalObserver.setAttribute('cx', globalGlobeCenterX + unitX * globeMoveableRadius); | |
104 | globalObserver.setAttribute('cy', globalGlobeCenterY - unitY * globeMoveableRadius); | |
105 | } | |
106 | ||
107 | function displayIsoByLatitude(latitude) { | |
108 | displayIso(latitude, globalLongitude); | |
109 | } | |
110 | ||
111 | function displayIsoByLongitude(longitude) { | |
112 | displayIso(globalLatitude, longitude); | |
113 | } | |
114 | ||
115 | function displayLayer(layerNum) { | |
116 | if (globalLayers.length <= 1) { | |
117 | document.getElementById('maxIndexLayer').setAttributeNS(null, 'visibility', 'hidden'); | |
118 | document.getElementById('minIndexLayer').setAttributeNS(null, 'visibility', 'hidden'); | |
119 | globalSlider.setAttributeNS(null, 'visibility', 'hidden'); | |
120 | globalThumb.setAttributeNS(null, 'visibility', 'hidden'); | |
121 | } | |
122 | if (layerNum <= 0) { | |
123 | document.getElementById('decreaseLayerIndex').setAttributeNS(null, 'visibility', 'hidden'); | |
124 | } | |
125 | else { | |
126 | document.getElementById('decreaseLayerIndex').setAttributeNS(null, 'visibility', 'visible'); | |
127 | } | |
128 | if (layerNum >= globalLayers.length - 1) { | |
129 | document.getElementById('increaseLayerIndex').setAttributeNS(null, 'visibility', 'hidden'); | |
130 | } | |
131 | else { | |
132 | document.getElementById('increaseLayerIndex').setAttributeNS(null, 'visibility', 'visible'); | |
133 | } | |
134 | if (layerNum < 0 || layerNum >= globalLayers.length) { | |
135 | return | |
136 | } | |
137 | globalLayers[globalLayerIndex].setAttributeNS(null, 'visibility', 'hidden'); | |
138 | currentLayerElement = globalLayers[layerNum] | |
139 | currentLayerElement.setAttributeNS(null, 'visibility', 'visible'); | |
140 | globalLayerIndex = layerNum; | |
141 | setText('currentIndexLayer', 'Layer: ' + globalLayerIndex.toString() + ', ' + currentLayerElement.getAttribute('id')); | |
142 | //Slider | |
143 | if (!globalSliding) { | |
144 | placeThumb(globalSliderWidthMinusDiameter / (globalLayers.length - 1) * globalLayerIndex + globalThumbRadius); | |
145 | } | |
146 | } | |
147 | ||
148 | function getDegrees(radians) { | |
149 | return radians / Math.PI * 180.0; | |
150 | } | |
151 | ||
152 | function getRadians(degrees) { | |
153 | return degrees / 180.0 * Math.PI; | |
154 | } | |
155 | ||
156 | function getScaleTransformString(scale) { | |
157 | scaleTransformString = 'scale(' + scale + ' ' + (scale * - 1) | |
158 | return scaleTransformString + ') translate(' + (globalSliceMinX * - 1) + ' ' + (globalSliceMinY * - 1) + ')'; | |
159 | } | |
160 | ||
161 | function getWidth() { | |
162 | return (globalDimensionX * globalScale) + globalXOffset | |
163 | } | |
164 | ||
165 | function hideElements(elementNames) { | |
166 | for (var elementNameIndex in elementNames) { | |
167 | document.getElementById(elementNames[elementNameIndex]).setAttributeNS(null, 'visibility', 'hidden'); | |
168 | } | |
169 | } | |
170 | ||
171 | function init() { | |
172 | //Find only layer groups | |
173 | globe = document.getElementById('globe'); | |
174 | globalGlobeCenterX = globe.getAttribute('cx') * 1; | |
175 | globalGlobeCenterXWindow = globalGlobeCenterX + globalMargin; | |
176 | globalGlobeCenterY = globe.getAttribute('cy') * 1; | |
177 | globalGlobeCenterYWindow = globalGlobeCenterX + globalMarginTop; | |
178 | globalObserver = document.getElementById('observer'); | |
179 | globeRadius = globe.getAttribute('r') * 1.0; | |
180 | observerRadius = globalObserver.getAttribute('r') * 1.0; | |
181 | globalGlobeInnerObserverRadius = document.getElementById('cover').getAttribute('r') * 1.0 + observerRadius; | |
182 | globalGlobeTravelRadian = getDegrees(globeRadius - globalGlobeInnerObserverRadius - observerRadius) / 89.0; | |
183 | globalSlider = document.getElementById('slider'); | |
184 | globalSliderX = globalSlider.getAttribute('x') * 1; | |
185 | globalSliderXWindow = globalSliderX + globalMargin | |
186 | globalThumb = document.getElementById('thumb'); | |
187 | globalThumbRadius = globalThumb.getAttribute('r') * 1; | |
188 | globalSliderWidthMinusRadius = globalSlider.getAttribute('width') * 1 - globalThumbRadius; | |
189 | globalSliderWidthMinusDiameter = globalSliderWidthMinusRadius - globalThumbRadius; | |
190 | var allGroups = document.getElementsByTagName('g'); | |
191 | for (var i = 0; i < allGroups.length; i++) { | |
192 | if (allGroups[i].id.indexOf('z:') == 0) { | |
193 | globalLayers.push(allGroups[i]); | |
194 | } | |
195 | } | |
196 | ||
197 | //Slider | |
198 | layerControlBox = document.getElementById('layerControlBox'); | |
199 | layerControlBox.addEventListener('mouseup', sliderUp, false); | |
200 | layerControlBox.addEventListener('mousemove', sliderMove, false); | |
201 | globalSlider.addEventListener('mousedown', sliderDownMove, false); | |
202 | globalThumb.addEventListener('mousedown', sliderDownMove, false); | |
203 | //Observer | |
204 | isoControlBox = document.getElementById('isoControlBox'); | |
205 | isoControlBox.addEventListener('mouseup', observerUp, false); | |
206 | isoControlBox.addEventListener('mousemove', observerMove, false); | |
207 | globe.addEventListener('mousedown', observerDownMove, false); | |
208 | globalObserver.addEventListener('mousedown', observerDownMove, false); | |
209 | ||
210 | //Control box data | |
211 | setText('maxIndexLayer', globalLayers.length - 1); | |
212 | changeScaleLayer(globalZoomScale); | |
213 | } | |
214 | ||
215 | function observerDown(event) { | |
216 | globalObserving = true; | |
217 | } | |
218 | ||
219 | function observerDownMove(event) { | |
220 | globalObserving = true; | |
221 | observerMove(event); | |
222 | } | |
223 | ||
224 | function observerMove(event) { | |
225 | if (!globalObserving) { | |
226 | return; | |
227 | } | |
228 | observerX = event.clientX - globalGlobeCenterXWindow + window.pageXOffset; | |
229 | observerY = event.clientY - globalGlobeCenterYWindow + window.pageYOffset; | |
230 | distanceFromCenter = Math.sqrt(observerX * observerX + observerY * observerY); | |
231 | latitudeRadians = (distanceFromCenter - globalGlobeInnerObserverRadius) / globalGlobeTravelRadian; | |
232 | longitudeRadians = Math.atan2(observerX, -observerY); | |
233 | displayIso(getDegrees(latitudeRadians), getDegrees(longitudeRadians)); | |
234 | } | |
235 | ||
236 | function observerUp(event) { | |
237 | globalObserving = false; | |
238 | } | |
239 | ||
240 | function placeThumb(value) { | |
241 | if (globalLayers.length > 1) { | |
242 | globalThumb.setAttribute('cx', globalSliderX + value); | |
243 | } | |
244 | } | |
245 | ||
246 | function setScaleText(scaleID) { | |
247 | setText(scaleID, ': ' + globalZoomScale); | |
248 | } | |
249 | ||
250 | function setSVG(width, height) { | |
251 | rootSVG = document.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0]; | |
252 | svgMinWidth = globalMetadata.getAttribute('svgMinWidth') * 1; | |
253 | height = Math.max(globalControlBoxHeight + globalMargin + globalMarginTop, height); | |
254 | width = Math.max(svgMinWidth, width); | |
255 | rootSVG.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', width + 'px') | |
256 | rootSVG.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', height + 'px') | |
257 | } | |
258 | ||
259 | function setText(id, str) { | |
260 | e = document.getElementById(id) | |
261 | if (e != null) | |
262 | e.firstChild.nodeValue = str; | |
263 | } | |
264 | ||
265 | function showElements(elementNames) { | |
266 | for (var elementNameIndex in elementNames) { | |
267 | document.getElementById(elementNames[elementNameIndex]).setAttributeNS(null, 'visibility', 'visible'); | |
268 | } | |
269 | } | |
270 | ||
271 | function sliderDown(event) { | |
272 | globalSliding = true; | |
273 | } | |
274 | ||
275 | function sliderDownMove(event) { | |
276 | globalSliding = true; | |
277 | sliderMove(event); | |
278 | } | |
279 | ||
280 | function sliderMove(event) { | |
281 | if (!globalSliding) { | |
282 | return; | |
283 | } | |
284 | value = event.clientX - globalSliderXWindow + window.pageXOffset; | |
285 | if (value >= globalThumbRadius && value <= globalSliderWidthMinusRadius) { | |
286 | placeThumb(value); | |
287 | zoneWidth = globalSliderWidthMinusDiameter / (globalLayers.length); | |
288 | newLayer = Math.round((value - globalThumbRadius - 0.5 * zoneWidth) / zoneWidth) | |
289 | if (newLayer != globalLayerIndex) { | |
290 | displayLayer(newLayer) | |
291 | } | |
292 | } | |
293 | } | |
294 | ||
295 | function sliderUp(event) { | |
296 | globalSliding = false; | |
297 | } | |
298 | ||
299 | function viewIso() { | |
300 | height = (globalDimensionMagnitude * globalScale) + globalYOffset; | |
301 | setSVG((globalDimensionMagnitude * globalScale) + globalXOffset, height); | |
302 | for (var i in globalLayers) { | |
303 | // globalLayers[i].setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', 'translate(' + globalMargin + ' ' + height + ')'); | |
304 | globalLayers[i].setAttributeNS(null, 'visibility', 'visible'); | |
305 | globalLayers[i].getElementsByTagName('text')[0].setAttributeNS(null, 'visibility', 'hidden'); | |
306 | pathElements = globalLayers[i].getElementsByTagName('path'); | |
307 | for (var pathElementIndex = 0; pathElementIndex < pathElements.length; pathElementIndex++) { | |
308 | pathElements[pathElementIndex].setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', ''); | |
309 | } | |
310 | } | |
311 | //show control box | |
312 | hideElements(['decreaseLayerIndex', 'increaseLayerIndex', 'isoViewButton', 'layerControlBox', 'layerViewLabel', 'scrollControlBox', 'scrollViewLabel']); | |
313 | showElements(['isoControlBox', 'isoViewLabel', 'layerViewButton', 'scrollViewButton']); | |
314 | displayIso(globalLatitude, globalLongitude); | |
315 | setScaleText('scaleIso'); | |
316 | } | |
317 | ||
318 | function viewLayer() { | |
319 | //Set svg size and view port | |
320 | height = (globalDimensionY * globalScale) + globalYOffset; | |
321 | setSVG(getWidth(), height); | |
322 | //move and hide all layers | |
323 | for (var i in globalLayers) { | |
324 | globalLayers[i].setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', 'translate(' + globalXOffset + ' ' + height + ')'); | |
325 | globalLayers[i].setAttributeNS(null, 'visibility', 'hidden'); | |
326 | globalLayers[i].getElementsByTagName('text')[0].setAttributeNS(null, 'visibility', 'hidden'); | |
327 | transform = getScaleTransformString(globalScale); | |
328 | pathElements = globalLayers[i].getElementsByTagName('path'); | |
329 | for (var pathElementIndex = 0; pathElementIndex < pathElements.length; pathElementIndex++) { | |
330 | pathElements[pathElementIndex].setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', transform); | |
331 | } | |
332 | } | |
333 | ||
334 | //show control box | |
335 | hideElements(['isoControlBox', 'isoViewLabel', 'layerViewButton', 'scrollControlBox', 'scrollViewLabel']) | |
336 | showElements(['isoViewButton', 'layerControlBox', 'layerViewLabel', 'scrollViewButton']) | |
337 | ||
338 | //show current layer | |
339 | displayLayer(globalLayerIndex); | |
340 | setScaleText('scaleLayer'); | |
341 | } | |
342 | ||
343 | function viewScroll() { | |
344 | //Set svg size and view port | |
345 | yDimensionScale = globalDimensionY * globalScale | |
346 | singleHeight = (globalMargin + yDimensionScale + globalTextHeight) | |
347 | height = globalLayers.length * singleHeight + globalMargin + globalMargin + globalYOffset; | |
348 | setSVG(getWidth(), height); | |
349 | ||
350 | //move and show all layers | |
351 | for (var i in globalLayers) { | |
352 | x = globalXOffset; | |
353 | y = i * singleHeight + yDimensionScale + globalYOffset; | |
354 | transform = getScaleTransformString(globalScale); | |
355 | globalLayers[i].setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', 'translate(' + x + ', ' + y + ')'); | |
356 | pathElements = globalLayers[i].getElementsByTagName('path'); | |
357 | for (var pathElementIndex = 0; pathElementIndex < pathElements.length; pathElementIndex++) { | |
358 | pathElements[pathElementIndex].setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', transform); | |
359 | } | |
360 | globalLayers[i].setAttributeNS(null, 'visibility', 'visible'); | |
361 | globalLayers[i].getElementsByTagName('text')[0].setAttributeNS(null, 'visibility', 'visible'); | |
362 | } | |
363 | ||
364 | //show control box | |
365 | hideElements(['isoControlBox', 'isoViewLabel', 'layerControlBox', 'layerViewLabel', 'scrollViewButton']) | |
366 | showElements(['isoViewButton', 'layerViewButton', 'scrollControlBox', 'scrollViewLabel']) | |
367 | setScaleText('scaleScroll'); | |
368 | } | |
369 | ]]> | |
370 | </script> | |
371 | <title >belt_pulley3.stl - Slice Layers</title> | |
372 | <!--Begin Layer Data --> | |
373 | <g id='layerData' fill='#556B2F' fill-rule='evenodd' font-family='Arial' font-size='15px' font-weight='bold' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Slice Layers' stroke='#00F' stroke-width='0.54px'> | |
374 | <!--id='sliceElementTemplate' must be there or else the slice template will not be found--> | |
375 | <g id='z:-1.8' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Layer 0, z:-1.8' transform='translate(280.0, 168.2006)'> | |
376 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
377 | <text id='layerTextTemplate-1.8' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 0, z:-1.8</text> | |
378 | <path d='M -11.6336 1.4126 L -11.719 0.0 L -11.6336 -1.4126 L -11.3785 -2.8045 L -10.9575 -4.1556 L -10.3766 -5.4461 L -9.6445 -6.6571 L -8.7718 -7.7711 L -7.7711 -8.7718 L -6.6571 -9.6445 L -5.4461 -10.3766 L -4.1556 -10.9575 L -2.8045 -11.3785 L -1.4126 -11.6336 L 0.0 -11.719 L 1.4126 -11.6336 L 2.8045 -11.3785 L 4.1556 -10.9575 L 5.4461 -10.3766 L 6.6571 -9.6445 L 7.7711 -8.7718 L 8.7718 -7.7711 L 9.6445 -6.6571 L 10.3766 -5.4461 L 10.9575 -4.1556 L 11.3785 -2.8045 L 11.6336 -1.4126 L 11.719 0.0 L 11.6336 1.4126 L 11.3785 2.8045 L 10.9575 4.1556 L 10.3766 5.4461 L 9.6445 6.6571 L 8.7718 7.7711 L 7.7711 8.7718 L 6.6571 9.6445 L 5.4461 10.3766 L 4.1556 10.9575 L 2.8045 11.3785 L 1.4126 11.6336 L 0.0 11.719 L -1.4126 11.6336 L -2.8045 11.3785 L -4.1556 10.9575 L -5.4461 10.3766 L -6.6571 9.6445 L -7.7711 8.7718 L -8.7718 7.7711 L -9.6445 6.6571 L -10.3766 5.4461 L -10.9575 4.1556 L -11.3785 2.8045 z M -4.0 -1.5 L -4.0 1.5 L -6.8343 1.5 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5 6.8343 L -1.5 4.0 L 1.5 4.0 L 1.5 6.8343 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8343 1.5 L 4.0 1.5 L 4.0 -1.5 L 6.8343 -1.5 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5 -6.8343 L 1.5 -4.0 L -1.5 -4.0 L -1.5 -6.8343 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 L -6.8343 -1.5 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
379 | </g> | |
380 | <g id='z:-1.4' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Layer 1, z:-1.4' transform='translate(280.0, 298.9012)'> | |
381 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
382 | <text id='layerTextTemplate-1.4' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 1, z:-1.4</text> | |
383 | <path d='M -11.2365 1.3644 L -11.319 0.0 L -11.2365 -1.3644 L -10.9901 -2.7088 L -10.5835 -4.0138 L -10.0224 -5.2602 L -9.3154 -6.4299 L -8.4724 -7.5059 L -7.5059 -8.4724 L -6.4299 -9.3154 L -5.2602 -10.0224 L -4.0138 -10.5835 L -2.7088 -10.9901 L -1.3644 -11.2365 L 0.0 -11.319 L 1.3644 -11.2365 L 2.7088 -10.9901 L 4.0138 -10.5835 L 5.2602 -10.0224 L 6.4299 -9.3154 L 7.5059 -8.4724 L 8.4724 -7.5059 L 9.3154 -6.4299 L 10.0224 -5.2602 L 10.5835 -4.0138 L 10.9901 -2.7088 L 11.2365 -1.3644 L 11.319 0.0 L 11.2365 1.3644 L 10.9901 2.7088 L 10.5835 4.0138 L 10.0224 5.2602 L 9.3154 6.4299 L 8.4724 7.5059 L 7.5059 8.4724 L 6.4299 9.3154 L 5.2602 10.0224 L 4.0138 10.5835 L 2.7088 10.9901 L 1.3644 11.2365 L 0.0 11.319 L -1.3644 11.2365 L -2.7088 10.9901 L -4.0138 10.5835 L -5.2602 10.0224 L -6.4299 9.3154 L -7.5059 8.4724 L -8.4724 7.5059 L -9.3154 6.4299 L -10.0224 5.2602 L -10.5835 4.0138 L -10.9901 2.7088 z M -4.0 -1.5 L -4.0 1.5 L -6.8343 1.5 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5 6.8343 L -1.5 4.0 L 1.5 4.0 L 1.5 6.8343 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8343 1.5 L 4.0 1.5 L 4.0 -1.5 L 6.8343 -1.5 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5 -6.8343 L 1.5 -4.0 L -1.5 -4.0 L -1.5 -6.8343 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 L -6.8343 -1.5 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
384 | </g> | |
385 | <g id='z:-1.0' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Layer 2, z:-1.0' transform='translate(280.0, 429.6018)'> | |
386 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
387 | <text id='layerTextTemplate-1.0' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 2, z:-1.0</text> | |
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389 | </g> | |
390 | <g id='z:-0.6' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Layer 3, z:-0.6' transform='translate(280.0, 560.3024)'> | |
391 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
392 | <text id='layerTextTemplate-0.6' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 3, z:-0.6</text> | |
393 | <path d='M -10.4423 1.2679 L -10.519 0.0 L -10.4423 -1.2679 L -10.2133 -2.5174 L -9.8355 -3.7301 L -9.3141 -4.8884 L -8.657 -5.9755 L -7.8736 -6.9754 L -6.9754 -7.8736 L -5.9755 -8.657 L -4.8884 -9.3141 L -3.7301 -9.8355 L -2.5174 -10.2133 L -1.2679 -10.4423 L 0.0 -10.519 L 1.2679 -10.4423 L 2.5174 -10.2133 L 3.7301 -9.8355 L 4.8884 -9.3141 L 5.9755 -8.657 L 6.9754 -7.8736 L 7.8736 -6.9754 L 8.657 -5.9755 L 9.3141 -4.8884 L 9.8355 -3.7301 L 10.2133 -2.5174 L 10.4423 -1.2679 L 10.519 0.0 L 10.4423 1.2679 L 10.2133 2.5174 L 9.8355 3.7301 L 9.3141 4.8884 L 8.657 5.9755 L 7.8736 6.9754 L 6.9754 7.8736 L 5.9755 8.657 L 4.8884 9.3141 L 3.7301 9.8355 L 2.5174 10.2133 L 1.2679 10.4423 L 0.0 10.519 L -1.2679 10.4423 L -2.5174 10.2133 L -3.7301 9.8355 L -4.8884 9.3141 L -5.9755 8.657 L -6.9754 7.8736 L -7.8736 6.9754 L -8.657 5.9755 L -9.3141 4.8884 L -9.8355 3.7301 L -10.2133 2.5174 z M -4.0 -1.5 L -4.0 1.5 L -6.8343 1.5 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5 6.8343 L -1.5 4.0 L 1.5 4.0 L 1.5 6.8343 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8343 1.5 L 4.0 1.5 L 4.0 -1.5 L 6.8343 -1.5 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5 -6.8343 L 1.5 -4.0 L -1.5 -4.0 L -1.5 -6.8343 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 L -6.8343 -1.5 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
394 | </g> | |
395 | <g id='z:-0.2' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Layer 4, z:-0.2' transform='translate(280.0, 691.003)'> | |
396 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
397 | <text id='layerTextTemplate-0.2' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 4, z:-0.2</text> | |
398 | <path d='M -10.0452 1.2197 L -10.119 0.0 L -10.0452 -1.2197 L -9.825 -2.4216 L -9.4614 -3.5883 L -8.9599 -4.7025 L -8.3278 -5.7482 L -7.5742 -6.7101 L -6.7101 -7.5742 L -5.7482 -8.3278 L -4.7025 -8.9599 L -3.5883 -9.4614 L -2.4216 -9.825 L -1.2197 -10.0452 L 0.0 -10.119 L 1.2197 -10.0452 L 2.4216 -9.825 L 3.5883 -9.4614 L 4.7025 -8.9599 L 5.7482 -8.3278 L 6.7101 -7.5742 L 7.5742 -6.7101 L 8.3278 -5.7482 L 8.9599 -4.7025 L 9.4614 -3.5883 L 9.825 -2.4216 L 10.0452 -1.2197 L 10.119 0.0 L 10.0452 1.2197 L 9.825 2.4216 L 9.4614 3.5883 L 8.9599 4.7025 L 8.3278 5.7482 L 7.5742 6.7101 L 6.7101 7.5742 L 5.7482 8.3278 L 4.7025 8.9599 L 3.5883 9.4614 L 2.4216 9.825 L 1.2197 10.0452 L 0.0 10.119 L -1.2197 10.0452 L -2.4216 9.825 L -3.5883 9.4614 L -4.7025 8.9599 L -5.7482 8.3278 L -6.7101 7.5742 L -7.5742 6.7101 L -8.3278 5.7482 L -8.9599 4.7025 L -9.4614 3.5883 L -9.825 2.4216 z M -4.0 -1.5 L -4.0 1.5 L -6.8343 1.5 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5 6.8343 L -1.5 4.0 L 1.5 4.0 L 1.5 6.8343 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8343 1.5 L 4.0 1.5 L 4.0 -1.5 L 6.8343 -1.5 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5 -6.8343 L 1.5 -4.0 L -1.5 -4.0 L -1.5 -6.8343 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 L -6.8343 -1.5 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
399 | </g> | |
400 | <g id='z:0.2' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Layer 5, z:0.2' transform='translate(280.0, 821.7036)'> | |
401 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
402 | <text id='layerTextTemplate0.2' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 5, z:0.2</text> | |
403 | <path d='M 6.5465 -5.4316 L 7.4007 -4.1942 L 7.5077 -4.1115 L 7.6329 -4.0639 L 7.7683 -4.0565 L 8.631 -4.2685 L 8.7664 -4.2612 L 8.8915 -4.2135 L 8.9985 -4.1306 L 9.2745 -3.5174 L 9.4746 -2.8753 L 9.4495 -2.7423 L 9.3875 -2.6237 L 9.2909 -2.5283 L 8.5048 -2.1139 L 8.4081 -2.0197 L 8.3461 -1.901 L 8.3208 -1.7671 L 8.5021 -0.2745 L 8.5585 -0.1515 L 8.6471 -0.0512 L 8.7637 0.0182 L 9.626 0.2314 L 9.7426 0.3008 L 9.8312 0.4012 L 9.8874 0.5243 L 9.8468 1.1956 L 9.7256 1.8571 L 9.6415 1.9632 L 9.5314 2.0394 L 9.4017 2.079 L 8.513 2.0806 L 8.3836 2.1191 L 8.2735 2.1953 L 8.189 2.3022 L 7.6558 3.7081 L 7.6486 3.8432 L 7.6805 3.9732 L 7.7514 4.0888 L 8.4159 4.6783 L 8.4868 4.794 L 8.5186 4.924 L 8.5112 5.0592 L 8.1633 5.6347 L 7.7485 6.1641 L 7.6248 6.219 L 7.4919 6.2353 L 7.3586 6.21 L 6.571 5.7985 L 6.4385 5.7724 L 6.3056 5.7888 L 6.1811 5.8441 L 5.0556 6.8411 L 4.9865 6.9574 L 4.9543 7.0873 L 4.9633 7.2227 L 5.2778 8.0535 L 5.2868 8.1889 L 5.2546 8.3188 L 5.1852 8.435 L 4.6097 8.783 L 3.9964 9.059 L 3.8613 9.0501 L 3.7361 9.0028 L 3.6298 8.9184 L 3.1236 8.188 L 3.0184 8.1034 L 2.8932 8.0561 L 2.7572 8.0472 L 1.2973 8.407 L 1.1821 8.4778 L 1.0931 8.5779 L 1.0382 8.702 L 0.9306 9.5837 L 0.8757 9.7078 L 0.7868 9.8079 L 0.6713 9.8785 L 0.0 9.9191 L -0.6713 9.8785 L -0.7868 9.8079 L -0.8757 9.7078 L -0.9306 9.5837 L -1.0393 8.7017 L -1.0931 8.5779 L -1.1821 8.4778 L -1.2984 8.4067 L -2.7582 8.0469 L -2.8932 8.0561 L -3.0184 8.1034 L -3.1247 8.1877 L -3.6298 8.9184 L -3.7361 9.0028 L -3.8613 9.0501 L -3.9964 9.059 L -4.6097 8.783 L -5.1852 8.435 L -5.2546 8.3188 L -5.2868 8.1889 L -5.2778 8.0535 L -4.9641 7.222 L -4.9543 7.0873 L -4.9865 6.9574 L -5.0564 6.8404 L -6.1819 5.8434 L -6.3056 5.7888 L -6.4385 5.7724 L -6.5718 5.7977 L -7.3586 6.21 L -7.4919 6.2353 L -7.6248 6.219 L -7.7485 6.1641 L -8.1633 5.6347 L -8.5112 5.0592 L -8.5186 4.924 L -8.4868 4.794 L -8.4159 4.6783 L -7.7518 4.0878 L -7.6805 3.9732 L -7.6486 3.8432 L -7.6562 3.7071 L -8.1893 2.3012 L -8.2735 2.1953 L -8.3836 2.1191 L -8.5134 2.0796 L -9.4017 2.079 L -9.5314 2.0394 L -9.6415 1.9632 L -9.7256 1.8571 L -9.8468 1.1956 L -9.8874 0.5243 L -9.8312 0.4012 L -9.7426 0.3008 L -9.626 0.2314 L -8.7635 0.0171 L -8.6471 -0.0512 L -8.5585 -0.1515 L -8.502 -0.2756 L -8.3207 -1.7682 L -8.3461 -1.901 L -8.4081 -2.0197 L -8.5046 -2.115 L -9.2909 -2.5283 L -9.3875 -2.6237 L -9.4495 -2.7423 L -9.4746 -2.8753 L -9.2745 -3.5174 L -8.9985 -4.1306 L -8.8915 -4.2135 L -8.7664 -4.2612 L -8.631 -4.2685 L -7.7677 -4.0574 L -7.6329 -4.0639 L -7.5077 -4.1115 L -7.4 -4.1951 L -6.5459 -5.4325 L -6.5066 -5.5619 L -6.5064 -5.6958 L -6.5476 -5.825 L -7.0517 -6.5564 L -7.0929 -6.6857 L -7.0927 -6.8196 L -7.0531 -6.949 L -6.5776 -7.4246 L -6.0482 -7.8393 L -5.9149 -7.863 L -5.782 -7.8471 L -5.6586 -7.7906 L -4.9924 -7.2025 L -4.87 -7.1455 L -4.7371 -7.1296 L -4.6029 -7.1535 L -3.2715 -7.8522 L -3.1766 -7.9486 L -3.1142 -8.067 L -3.0906 -8.2006 L -3.1971 -9.0825 L -3.1735 -9.2161 L -3.1111 -9.3346 L -3.0159 -9.4308 L -2.3738 -9.6309 L -1.7123 -9.7521 L -1.5833 -9.7111 L -1.473 -9.6353 L -1.39 -9.5279 L -1.0734 -8.6976 L -0.9915 -8.5902 L -0.8812 -8.5144 L -0.7512 -8.4732 L 0.7523 -8.4732 L 0.8812 -8.5144 L 0.9915 -8.5902 L 1.0744 -8.6976 L 1.39 -9.5279 L 1.473 -9.6353 L 1.5833 -9.7111 L 1.7123 -9.7521 L 2.3738 -9.6309 L 3.0159 -9.4308 L 3.1111 -9.3346 L 3.1735 -9.2161 L 3.1971 -9.0825 L 3.0916 -8.2001 L 3.1142 -8.067 L 3.1766 -7.9486 L 3.2725 -7.8517 L 4.6038 -7.153 L 4.7371 -7.1296 L 4.87 -7.1455 L 4.9933 -7.202 L 5.6586 -7.7906 L 5.782 -7.8471 L 5.9149 -7.863 L 6.0482 -7.8393 L 6.5776 -7.4246 L 7.0531 -6.949 L 7.0927 -6.8196 L 7.0929 -6.6857 L 7.0517 -6.5564 L 6.5482 -5.8241 L 6.5064 -5.6958 L 6.5066 -5.5619 z M -6.8343 -1.5 L -4.0 -1.5 L -4.0 1.5 L -6.8343 1.5 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5 6.8343 L -1.5 4.0 L 1.5 4.0 L 1.5 6.8343 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8343 1.5 L 4.0 1.5 L 4.0 -1.5 L 6.8343 -1.5 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5 -6.8343 L 1.5 -4.0 L -1.5 -4.0 L -1.5 -6.8343 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
404 | </g> | |
405 | <g id='z:0.6' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Layer 6, z:0.6' transform='translate(280.0, 952.4042)'> | |
406 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
407 | <text id='layerTextTemplate0.6' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 6, z:0.6</text> | |
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409 | </g> | |
410 | <g id='z:1.0' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Layer 7, z:1.0' transform='translate(280.0, 1083.1048)'> | |
411 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
412 | <text id='layerTextTemplate1.0' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 7, z:1.0</text> | |
413 | <path d='M 6.5465 -5.4316 L 7.4007 -4.1942 L 7.5077 -4.1115 L 7.6329 -4.0639 L 7.7683 -4.0565 L 8.631 -4.2685 L 8.7664 -4.2612 L 8.8915 -4.2135 L 8.9985 -4.1306 L 9.2745 -3.5174 L 9.4746 -2.8753 L 9.4495 -2.7423 L 9.3875 -2.6237 L 9.2909 -2.5283 L 8.5048 -2.1139 L 8.4081 -2.0197 L 8.3461 -1.901 L 8.3208 -1.7671 L 8.5021 -0.2745 L 8.5585 -0.1515 L 8.6471 -0.0512 L 8.7637 0.0182 L 9.626 0.2314 L 9.7426 0.3008 L 9.8312 0.4012 L 9.8874 0.5243 L 9.8468 1.1956 L 9.7256 1.8571 L 9.6415 1.9632 L 9.5314 2.0394 L 9.4017 2.079 L 8.513 2.0806 L 8.3836 2.1191 L 8.2735 2.1953 L 8.189 2.3022 L 7.6558 3.7081 L 7.6486 3.8432 L 7.6805 3.9732 L 7.7514 4.0888 L 8.4159 4.6783 L 8.4868 4.794 L 8.5186 4.924 L 8.5112 5.0592 L 8.1633 5.6347 L 7.7485 6.1641 L 7.6248 6.219 L 7.4919 6.2353 L 7.3586 6.21 L 6.571 5.7985 L 6.4385 5.7724 L 6.3056 5.7888 L 6.1811 5.8441 L 5.0556 6.8411 L 4.9865 6.9574 L 4.9543 7.0873 L 4.9633 7.2227 L 5.2778 8.0535 L 5.2868 8.1889 L 5.2546 8.3188 L 5.1852 8.435 L 4.6097 8.783 L 3.9964 9.059 L 3.8613 9.0501 L 3.7361 9.0028 L 3.6298 8.9184 L 3.1236 8.188 L 3.0184 8.1034 L 2.8932 8.0561 L 2.7572 8.0472 L 1.2973 8.407 L 1.1821 8.4778 L 1.0931 8.5779 L 1.0382 8.702 L 0.9306 9.5837 L 0.8757 9.7078 L 0.7868 9.8079 L 0.6713 9.8785 L 0.0 9.9191 L -0.6713 9.8785 L -0.7868 9.8079 L -0.8757 9.7078 L -0.9306 9.5837 L -1.0393 8.7017 L -1.0931 8.5779 L -1.1821 8.4778 L -1.2984 8.4067 L -2.7582 8.0469 L -2.8932 8.0561 L -3.0184 8.1034 L -3.1247 8.1877 L -3.6298 8.9184 L -3.7361 9.0028 L -3.8613 9.0501 L -3.9964 9.059 L -4.6097 8.783 L -5.1852 8.435 L -5.2546 8.3188 L -5.2868 8.1889 L -5.2778 8.0535 L -4.9641 7.222 L -4.9543 7.0873 L -4.9865 6.9574 L -5.0564 6.8404 L -6.1819 5.8434 L -6.3056 5.7888 L -6.4385 5.7724 L -6.5718 5.7977 L -7.3586 6.21 L -7.4919 6.2353 L -7.6248 6.219 L -7.7485 6.1641 L -8.1633 5.6347 L -8.5112 5.0592 L -8.5186 4.924 L -8.4868 4.794 L -8.4159 4.6783 L -7.7518 4.0878 L -7.6805 3.9732 L -7.6486 3.8432 L -7.6562 3.7071 L -8.1893 2.3012 L -8.2735 2.1953 L -8.3836 2.1191 L -8.5134 2.0796 L -9.4017 2.079 L -9.5314 2.0394 L -9.6415 1.9632 L -9.7256 1.8571 L -9.8468 1.1956 L -9.8874 0.5243 L -9.8312 0.4012 L -9.7426 0.3008 L -9.626 0.2314 L -8.7635 0.0171 L -8.6471 -0.0512 L -8.5585 -0.1515 L -8.502 -0.2756 L -8.3207 -1.7682 L -8.3461 -1.901 L -8.4081 -2.0197 L -8.5046 -2.115 L -9.2909 -2.5283 L -9.3875 -2.6237 L -9.4495 -2.7423 L -9.4746 -2.8753 L -9.2745 -3.5174 L -8.9985 -4.1306 L -8.8915 -4.2135 L -8.7664 -4.2612 L -8.631 -4.2685 L -7.7677 -4.0574 L -7.6329 -4.0639 L -7.5077 -4.1115 L -7.4 -4.1951 L -6.5459 -5.4325 L -6.5066 -5.5619 L -6.5064 -5.6958 L -6.5476 -5.825 L -7.0517 -6.5564 L -7.0929 -6.6857 L -7.0927 -6.8196 L -7.0531 -6.949 L -6.5776 -7.4246 L -6.0482 -7.8393 L -5.9149 -7.863 L -5.782 -7.8471 L -5.6586 -7.7906 L -4.9924 -7.2025 L -4.87 -7.1455 L -4.7371 -7.1296 L -4.6029 -7.1535 L -3.2715 -7.8522 L -3.1766 -7.9486 L -3.1142 -8.067 L -3.0906 -8.2006 L -3.1971 -9.0825 L -3.1735 -9.2161 L -3.1111 -9.3346 L -3.0159 -9.4308 L -2.3738 -9.6309 L -1.7123 -9.7521 L -1.5833 -9.7111 L -1.473 -9.6353 L -1.39 -9.5279 L -1.0734 -8.6976 L -0.9915 -8.5902 L -0.8812 -8.5144 L -0.7512 -8.4732 L 0.7523 -8.4732 L 0.8812 -8.5144 L 0.9915 -8.5902 L 1.0744 -8.6976 L 1.39 -9.5279 L 1.473 -9.6353 L 1.5833 -9.7111 L 1.7123 -9.7521 L 2.3738 -9.6309 L 3.0159 -9.4308 L 3.1111 -9.3346 L 3.1735 -9.2161 L 3.1971 -9.0825 L 3.0916 -8.2001 L 3.1142 -8.067 L 3.1766 -7.9486 L 3.2725 -7.8517 L 4.6038 -7.153 L 4.7371 -7.1296 L 4.87 -7.1455 L 4.9933 -7.202 L 5.6586 -7.7906 L 5.782 -7.8471 L 5.9149 -7.863 L 6.0482 -7.8393 L 6.5776 -7.4246 L 7.0531 -6.949 L 7.0927 -6.8196 L 7.0929 -6.6857 L 7.0517 -6.5564 L 6.5482 -5.8241 L 6.5064 -5.6958 L 6.5066 -5.5619 z M -6.8343 -1.5 L -4.0 -1.5 L -4.0 1.5 L -6.8343 1.5 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5 6.8343 L -1.5 4.0 L 1.5 4.0 L 1.5 6.8343 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8343 1.5 L 4.0 1.5 L 4.0 -1.5 L 6.8343 -1.5 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5 -6.8343 L 1.5 -4.0 L -1.5 -4.0 L -1.5 -6.8343 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
414 | </g> | |
415 | <g id='z:1.4' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Layer 8, z:1.4' transform='translate(280.0, 1213.8054)'> | |
416 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
417 | <text id='layerTextTemplate1.4' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 8, z:1.4</text> | |
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420 | <g id='z:1.8' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Layer 9, z:1.8' transform='translate(280.0, 1344.506)'> | |
421 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
422 | <text id='layerTextTemplate1.8' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 9, z:1.8</text> | |
423 | <path d='M 6.5465 -5.4316 L 7.4007 -4.1942 L 7.5077 -4.1115 L 7.6329 -4.0639 L 7.7683 -4.0565 L 8.631 -4.2685 L 8.7664 -4.2612 L 8.8915 -4.2135 L 8.9985 -4.1306 L 9.2745 -3.5174 L 9.4746 -2.8753 L 9.4495 -2.7423 L 9.3875 -2.6237 L 9.2909 -2.5283 L 8.5048 -2.1139 L 8.4081 -2.0197 L 8.3461 -1.901 L 8.3208 -1.7671 L 8.5021 -0.2745 L 8.5585 -0.1515 L 8.6471 -0.0512 L 8.7637 0.0182 L 9.626 0.2314 L 9.7426 0.3008 L 9.8312 0.4012 L 9.8874 0.5243 L 9.8468 1.1956 L 9.7256 1.8571 L 9.6415 1.9632 L 9.5314 2.0394 L 9.4017 2.079 L 8.513 2.0806 L 8.3836 2.1191 L 8.2735 2.1953 L 8.189 2.3022 L 7.6558 3.7081 L 7.6486 3.8432 L 7.6805 3.9732 L 7.7514 4.0888 L 8.4159 4.6783 L 8.4868 4.794 L 8.5186 4.924 L 8.5112 5.0592 L 8.1633 5.6347 L 7.7485 6.1641 L 7.6248 6.219 L 7.4919 6.2353 L 7.3586 6.21 L 6.571 5.7985 L 6.4385 5.7724 L 6.3056 5.7888 L 6.1811 5.8441 L 5.0556 6.8411 L 4.9865 6.9574 L 4.9543 7.0873 L 4.9633 7.2227 L 5.2778 8.0535 L 5.2868 8.1889 L 5.2546 8.3188 L 5.1852 8.435 L 4.6097 8.783 L 3.9964 9.059 L 3.8613 9.0501 L 3.7361 9.0028 L 3.6298 8.9184 L 3.1236 8.188 L 3.0184 8.1034 L 2.8932 8.0561 L 2.7572 8.0472 L 1.2973 8.407 L 1.1821 8.4778 L 1.0931 8.5779 L 1.0382 8.702 L 0.9306 9.5837 L 0.8757 9.7078 L 0.7868 9.8079 L 0.6713 9.8785 L 0.0 9.9191 L -0.6713 9.8785 L -0.7868 9.8079 L -0.8757 9.7078 L -0.9306 9.5837 L -1.0393 8.7017 L -1.0931 8.5779 L -1.1821 8.4778 L -1.2984 8.4067 L -2.7582 8.0469 L -2.8932 8.0561 L -3.0184 8.1034 L -3.1247 8.1877 L -3.6298 8.9184 L -3.7361 9.0028 L -3.8613 9.0501 L -3.9964 9.059 L -4.6097 8.783 L -5.1852 8.435 L -5.2546 8.3188 L -5.2868 8.1889 L -5.2778 8.0535 L -4.9641 7.222 L -4.9543 7.0873 L -4.9865 6.9574 L -5.0564 6.8404 L -6.1819 5.8434 L -6.3056 5.7888 L -6.4385 5.7724 L -6.5718 5.7977 L -7.3586 6.21 L -7.4919 6.2353 L -7.6248 6.219 L -7.7485 6.1641 L -8.1633 5.6347 L -8.5112 5.0592 L -8.5186 4.924 L -8.4868 4.794 L -8.4159 4.6783 L -7.7518 4.0878 L -7.6805 3.9732 L -7.6486 3.8432 L -7.6562 3.7071 L -8.1893 2.3012 L -8.2735 2.1953 L -8.3836 2.1191 L -8.5134 2.0796 L -9.4017 2.079 L -9.5314 2.0394 L -9.6415 1.9632 L -9.7256 1.8571 L -9.8468 1.1956 L -9.8874 0.5243 L -9.8312 0.4012 L -9.7426 0.3008 L -9.626 0.2314 L -8.7635 0.0171 L -8.6471 -0.0512 L -8.5585 -0.1515 L -8.502 -0.2756 L -8.3207 -1.7682 L -8.3461 -1.901 L -8.4081 -2.0197 L -8.5046 -2.115 L -9.2909 -2.5283 L -9.3875 -2.6237 L -9.4495 -2.7423 L -9.4746 -2.8753 L -9.2745 -3.5174 L -8.9985 -4.1306 L -8.8915 -4.2135 L -8.7664 -4.2612 L -8.631 -4.2685 L -7.7677 -4.0574 L -7.6329 -4.0639 L -7.5077 -4.1115 L -7.4 -4.1951 L -6.5459 -5.4325 L -6.5066 -5.5619 L -6.5064 -5.6958 L -6.5476 -5.825 L -7.0517 -6.5564 L -7.0929 -6.6857 L -7.0927 -6.8196 L -7.0531 -6.949 L -6.5776 -7.4246 L -6.0482 -7.8393 L -5.9149 -7.863 L -5.782 -7.8471 L -5.6586 -7.7906 L -4.9924 -7.2025 L -4.87 -7.1455 L -4.7371 -7.1296 L -4.6029 -7.1535 L -3.2715 -7.8522 L -3.1766 -7.9486 L -3.1142 -8.067 L -3.0906 -8.2006 L -3.1971 -9.0825 L -3.1735 -9.2161 L -3.1111 -9.3346 L -3.0159 -9.4308 L -2.3738 -9.6309 L -1.7123 -9.7521 L -1.5833 -9.7111 L -1.473 -9.6353 L -1.39 -9.5279 L -1.0734 -8.6976 L -0.9915 -8.5902 L -0.8812 -8.5144 L -0.7512 -8.4732 L 0.7523 -8.4732 L 0.8812 -8.5144 L 0.9915 -8.5902 L 1.0744 -8.6976 L 1.39 -9.5279 L 1.473 -9.6353 L 1.5833 -9.7111 L 1.7123 -9.7521 L 2.3738 -9.6309 L 3.0159 -9.4308 L 3.1111 -9.3346 L 3.1735 -9.2161 L 3.1971 -9.0825 L 3.0916 -8.2001 L 3.1142 -8.067 L 3.1766 -7.9486 L 3.2725 -7.8517 L 4.6038 -7.153 L 4.7371 -7.1296 L 4.87 -7.1455 L 4.9933 -7.202 L 5.6586 -7.7906 L 5.782 -7.8471 L 5.9149 -7.863 L 6.0482 -7.8393 L 6.5776 -7.4246 L 7.0531 -6.949 L 7.0927 -6.8196 L 7.0929 -6.6857 L 7.0517 -6.5564 L 6.5482 -5.8241 L 6.5064 -5.6958 L 6.5066 -5.5619 z M -7.0 0.0 L -6.956 0.7838 L -6.8245 1.5576 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5576 6.8245 L -0.7838 6.956 L 0.0 7.0 L 0.7838 6.956 L 1.5576 6.8245 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8245 1.5576 L 6.956 0.7838 L 7.0 0.0 L 6.956 -0.7838 L 6.8245 -1.5576 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5576 -6.8245 L 0.7838 -6.956 L 0.0 -7.0 L -0.7838 -6.956 L -1.5576 -6.8245 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 L -6.8245 -1.5576 L -6.956 -0.7838 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
424 | </g> | |
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426 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
427 | <text id='layerTextTemplate2.2' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 10, z:2.2</text> | |
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429 | </g> | |
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431 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
432 | <text id='layerTextTemplate2.6' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 11, z:2.6</text> | |
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434 | </g> | |
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436 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
437 | <text id='layerTextTemplate3.0' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 12, z:3.0</text> | |
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439 | </g> | |
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441 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
442 | <text id='layerTextTemplate3.4' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 13, z:3.4</text> | |
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444 | </g> | |
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446 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
447 | <text id='layerTextTemplate3.8' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 14, z:3.8</text> | |
448 | <path d='M 6.5465 -5.4316 L 7.4007 -4.1942 L 7.5077 -4.1115 L 7.6329 -4.0639 L 7.7683 -4.0565 L 8.631 -4.2685 L 8.7664 -4.2612 L 8.8915 -4.2135 L 8.9985 -4.1306 L 9.2745 -3.5174 L 9.4746 -2.8753 L 9.4495 -2.7423 L 9.3875 -2.6237 L 9.2909 -2.5283 L 8.5048 -2.1139 L 8.4081 -2.0197 L 8.3461 -1.901 L 8.3208 -1.7671 L 8.5021 -0.2745 L 8.5585 -0.1515 L 8.6471 -0.0512 L 8.7637 0.0182 L 9.626 0.2314 L 9.7426 0.3008 L 9.8312 0.4012 L 9.8874 0.5243 L 9.8468 1.1956 L 9.7256 1.8571 L 9.6415 1.9632 L 9.5314 2.0394 L 9.4017 2.079 L 8.513 2.0806 L 8.3836 2.1191 L 8.2735 2.1953 L 8.189 2.3022 L 7.6558 3.7081 L 7.6486 3.8432 L 7.6805 3.9732 L 7.7514 4.0888 L 8.4159 4.6783 L 8.4868 4.794 L 8.5186 4.924 L 8.5112 5.0592 L 8.1633 5.6347 L 7.7485 6.1641 L 7.6248 6.219 L 7.4919 6.2353 L 7.3586 6.21 L 6.571 5.7985 L 6.4385 5.7724 L 6.3056 5.7888 L 6.1811 5.8441 L 5.0556 6.8411 L 4.9865 6.9574 L 4.9543 7.0873 L 4.9633 7.2227 L 5.2778 8.0535 L 5.2868 8.1889 L 5.2546 8.3188 L 5.1852 8.435 L 4.6097 8.783 L 3.9964 9.059 L 3.8613 9.0501 L 3.7361 9.0028 L 3.6298 8.9184 L 3.1236 8.188 L 3.0184 8.1034 L 2.8932 8.0561 L 2.7572 8.0472 L 1.2973 8.407 L 1.1821 8.4778 L 1.0931 8.5779 L 1.0382 8.702 L 0.9306 9.5837 L 0.8757 9.7078 L 0.7868 9.8079 L 0.6713 9.8785 L 0.0 9.9191 L -0.6713 9.8785 L -0.7868 9.8079 L -0.8757 9.7078 L -0.9306 9.5837 L -1.0393 8.7017 L -1.0931 8.5779 L -1.1821 8.4778 L -1.2984 8.4067 L -2.7582 8.0469 L -2.8932 8.0561 L -3.0184 8.1034 L -3.1247 8.1877 L -3.6298 8.9184 L -3.7361 9.0028 L -3.8613 9.0501 L -3.9964 9.059 L -4.6097 8.783 L -5.1852 8.435 L -5.2546 8.3188 L -5.2868 8.1889 L -5.2778 8.0535 L -4.9641 7.222 L -4.9543 7.0873 L -4.9865 6.9574 L -5.0564 6.8404 L -6.1819 5.8434 L -6.3056 5.7888 L -6.4385 5.7724 L -6.5718 5.7977 L -7.3586 6.21 L -7.4919 6.2353 L -7.6248 6.219 L -7.7485 6.1641 L -8.1633 5.6347 L -8.5112 5.0592 L -8.5186 4.924 L -8.4868 4.794 L -8.4159 4.6783 L -7.7518 4.0878 L -7.6805 3.9732 L -7.6486 3.8432 L -7.6562 3.7071 L -8.1893 2.3012 L -8.2735 2.1953 L -8.3836 2.1191 L -8.5134 2.0796 L -9.4017 2.079 L -9.5314 2.0394 L -9.6415 1.9632 L -9.7256 1.8571 L -9.8468 1.1956 L -9.8874 0.5243 L -9.8312 0.4012 L -9.7426 0.3008 L -9.626 0.2314 L -8.7635 0.0171 L -8.6471 -0.0512 L -8.5585 -0.1515 L -8.502 -0.2756 L -8.3207 -1.7682 L -8.3461 -1.901 L -8.4081 -2.0197 L -8.5046 -2.115 L -9.2909 -2.5283 L -9.3875 -2.6237 L -9.4495 -2.7423 L -9.4746 -2.8753 L -9.2745 -3.5174 L -8.9985 -4.1306 L -8.8915 -4.2135 L -8.7664 -4.2612 L -8.631 -4.2685 L -7.7677 -4.0574 L -7.6329 -4.0639 L -7.5077 -4.1115 L -7.4 -4.1951 L -6.5459 -5.4325 L -6.5066 -5.5619 L -6.5064 -5.6958 L -6.5476 -5.825 L -7.0517 -6.5564 L -7.0929 -6.6857 L -7.0927 -6.8196 L -7.0531 -6.949 L -6.5776 -7.4246 L -6.0482 -7.8393 L -5.9149 -7.863 L -5.782 -7.8471 L -5.6586 -7.7906 L -4.9924 -7.2025 L -4.87 -7.1455 L -4.7371 -7.1296 L -4.6029 -7.1535 L -3.2715 -7.8522 L -3.1766 -7.9486 L -3.1142 -8.067 L -3.0906 -8.2006 L -3.1971 -9.0825 L -3.1735 -9.2161 L -3.1111 -9.3346 L -3.0159 -9.4308 L -2.3738 -9.6309 L -1.7123 -9.7521 L -1.5833 -9.7111 L -1.473 -9.6353 L -1.39 -9.5279 L -1.0734 -8.6976 L -0.9915 -8.5902 L -0.8812 -8.5144 L -0.7512 -8.4732 L 0.7523 -8.4732 L 0.8812 -8.5144 L 0.9915 -8.5902 L 1.0744 -8.6976 L 1.39 -9.5279 L 1.473 -9.6353 L 1.5833 -9.7111 L 1.7123 -9.7521 L 2.3738 -9.6309 L 3.0159 -9.4308 L 3.1111 -9.3346 L 3.1735 -9.2161 L 3.1971 -9.0825 L 3.0916 -8.2001 L 3.1142 -8.067 L 3.1766 -7.9486 L 3.2725 -7.8517 L 4.6038 -7.153 L 4.7371 -7.1296 L 4.87 -7.1455 L 4.9933 -7.202 L 5.6586 -7.7906 L 5.782 -7.8471 L 5.9149 -7.863 L 6.0482 -7.8393 L 6.5776 -7.4246 L 7.0531 -6.949 L 7.0927 -6.8196 L 7.0929 -6.6857 L 7.0517 -6.5564 L 6.5482 -5.8241 L 6.5064 -5.6958 L 6.5066 -5.5619 z M -7.0 0.0 L -6.956 0.7838 L -6.8245 1.5576 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5576 6.8245 L -0.7838 6.956 L 0.0 7.0 L 0.7838 6.956 L 1.5576 6.8245 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8245 1.5576 L 6.956 0.7838 L 7.0 0.0 L 6.956 -0.7838 L 6.8245 -1.5576 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5576 -6.8245 L 0.7838 -6.956 L 0.0 -7.0 L -0.7838 -6.956 L -1.5576 -6.8245 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 L -6.8245 -1.5576 L -6.956 -0.7838 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
449 | </g> | |
450 | <g id='z:4.2' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Layer 15, z:4.2' transform='translate(280.0, 2128.7096)'> | |
451 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
452 | <text id='layerTextTemplate4.2' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 15, z:4.2</text> | |
453 | <path d='M 6.5465 -5.4316 L 7.4007 -4.1942 L 7.5077 -4.1115 L 7.6329 -4.0639 L 7.7683 -4.0565 L 8.631 -4.2685 L 8.7664 -4.2612 L 8.8915 -4.2135 L 8.9985 -4.1306 L 9.2745 -3.5174 L 9.4746 -2.8753 L 9.4495 -2.7423 L 9.3875 -2.6237 L 9.2909 -2.5283 L 8.5048 -2.1139 L 8.4081 -2.0197 L 8.3461 -1.901 L 8.3208 -1.7671 L 8.5021 -0.2745 L 8.5585 -0.1515 L 8.6471 -0.0512 L 8.7637 0.0182 L 9.626 0.2314 L 9.7426 0.3008 L 9.8312 0.4012 L 9.8874 0.5243 L 9.8468 1.1956 L 9.7256 1.8571 L 9.6415 1.9632 L 9.5314 2.0394 L 9.4017 2.079 L 8.513 2.0806 L 8.3836 2.1191 L 8.2735 2.1953 L 8.189 2.3022 L 7.6558 3.7081 L 7.6486 3.8432 L 7.6805 3.9732 L 7.7514 4.0888 L 8.4159 4.6783 L 8.4868 4.794 L 8.5186 4.924 L 8.5112 5.0592 L 8.1633 5.6347 L 7.7485 6.1641 L 7.6248 6.219 L 7.4919 6.2353 L 7.3586 6.21 L 6.571 5.7985 L 6.4385 5.7724 L 6.3056 5.7888 L 6.1811 5.8441 L 5.0556 6.8411 L 4.9865 6.9574 L 4.9543 7.0873 L 4.9633 7.2227 L 5.2778 8.0535 L 5.2868 8.1889 L 5.2546 8.3188 L 5.1852 8.435 L 4.6097 8.783 L 3.9964 9.059 L 3.8613 9.0501 L 3.7361 9.0028 L 3.6298 8.9184 L 3.1236 8.188 L 3.0184 8.1034 L 2.8932 8.0561 L 2.7572 8.0472 L 1.2973 8.407 L 1.1821 8.4778 L 1.0931 8.5779 L 1.0382 8.702 L 0.9306 9.5837 L 0.8757 9.7078 L 0.7868 9.8079 L 0.6713 9.8785 L 0.0 9.9191 L -0.6713 9.8785 L -0.7868 9.8079 L -0.8757 9.7078 L -0.9306 9.5837 L -1.0393 8.7017 L -1.0931 8.5779 L -1.1821 8.4778 L -1.2984 8.4067 L -2.7582 8.0469 L -2.8932 8.0561 L -3.0184 8.1034 L -3.1247 8.1877 L -3.6298 8.9184 L -3.7361 9.0028 L -3.8613 9.0501 L -3.9964 9.059 L -4.6097 8.783 L -5.1852 8.435 L -5.2546 8.3188 L -5.2868 8.1889 L -5.2778 8.0535 L -4.9641 7.222 L -4.9543 7.0873 L -4.9865 6.9574 L -5.0564 6.8404 L -6.1819 5.8434 L -6.3056 5.7888 L -6.4385 5.7724 L -6.5718 5.7977 L -7.3586 6.21 L -7.4919 6.2353 L -7.6248 6.219 L -7.7485 6.1641 L -8.1633 5.6347 L -8.5112 5.0592 L -8.5186 4.924 L -8.4868 4.794 L -8.4159 4.6783 L -7.7518 4.0878 L -7.6805 3.9732 L -7.6486 3.8432 L -7.6562 3.7071 L -8.1893 2.3012 L -8.2735 2.1953 L -8.3836 2.1191 L -8.5134 2.0796 L -9.4017 2.079 L -9.5314 2.0394 L -9.6415 1.9632 L -9.7256 1.8571 L -9.8468 1.1956 L -9.8874 0.5243 L -9.8312 0.4012 L -9.7426 0.3008 L -9.626 0.2314 L -8.7635 0.0171 L -8.6471 -0.0512 L -8.5585 -0.1515 L -8.502 -0.2756 L -8.3207 -1.7682 L -8.3461 -1.901 L -8.4081 -2.0197 L -8.5046 -2.115 L -9.2909 -2.5283 L -9.3875 -2.6237 L -9.4495 -2.7423 L -9.4746 -2.8753 L -9.2745 -3.5174 L -8.9985 -4.1306 L -8.8915 -4.2135 L -8.7664 -4.2612 L -8.631 -4.2685 L -7.7677 -4.0574 L -7.6329 -4.0639 L -7.5077 -4.1115 L -7.4 -4.1951 L -6.5459 -5.4325 L -6.5066 -5.5619 L -6.5064 -5.6958 L -6.5476 -5.825 L -7.0517 -6.5564 L -7.0929 -6.6857 L -7.0927 -6.8196 L -7.0531 -6.949 L -6.5776 -7.4246 L -6.0482 -7.8393 L -5.9149 -7.863 L -5.782 -7.8471 L -5.6586 -7.7906 L -4.9924 -7.2025 L -4.87 -7.1455 L -4.7371 -7.1296 L -4.6029 -7.1535 L -3.2715 -7.8522 L -3.1766 -7.9486 L -3.1142 -8.067 L -3.0906 -8.2006 L -3.1971 -9.0825 L -3.1735 -9.2161 L -3.1111 -9.3346 L -3.0159 -9.4308 L -2.3738 -9.6309 L -1.7123 -9.7521 L -1.5833 -9.7111 L -1.473 -9.6353 L -1.39 -9.5279 L -1.0734 -8.6976 L -0.9915 -8.5902 L -0.8812 -8.5144 L -0.7512 -8.4732 L 0.7523 -8.4732 L 0.8812 -8.5144 L 0.9915 -8.5902 L 1.0744 -8.6976 L 1.39 -9.5279 L 1.473 -9.6353 L 1.5833 -9.7111 L 1.7123 -9.7521 L 2.3738 -9.6309 L 3.0159 -9.4308 L 3.1111 -9.3346 L 3.1735 -9.2161 L 3.1971 -9.0825 L 3.0916 -8.2001 L 3.1142 -8.067 L 3.1766 -7.9486 L 3.2725 -7.8517 L 4.6038 -7.153 L 4.7371 -7.1296 L 4.87 -7.1455 L 4.9933 -7.202 L 5.6586 -7.7906 L 5.782 -7.8471 L 5.9149 -7.863 L 6.0482 -7.8393 L 6.5776 -7.4246 L 7.0531 -6.949 L 7.0927 -6.8196 L 7.0929 -6.6857 L 7.0517 -6.5564 L 6.5482 -5.8241 L 6.5064 -5.6958 L 6.5066 -5.5619 z M -7.0 0.0 L -6.956 0.7838 L -6.8245 1.5576 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5576 6.8245 L -0.7838 6.956 L 0.0 7.0 L 0.7838 6.956 L 1.5576 6.8245 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8245 1.5576 L 6.956 0.7838 L 7.0 0.0 L 6.956 -0.7838 L 6.8245 -1.5576 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5576 -6.8245 L 0.7838 -6.956 L 0.0 -7.0 L -0.7838 -6.956 L -1.5576 -6.8245 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 L -6.8245 -1.5576 L -6.956 -0.7838 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
454 | </g> | |
455 | <g id='z:4.6' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Layer 16, z:4.6' transform='translate(280.0, 2259.4102)'> | |
456 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
457 | <text id='layerTextTemplate4.6' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 16, z:4.6</text> | |
458 | <path d='M 6.5465 -5.4316 L 7.4007 -4.1942 L 7.5077 -4.1115 L 7.6329 -4.0639 L 7.7683 -4.0565 L 8.631 -4.2685 L 8.7664 -4.2612 L 8.8915 -4.2135 L 8.9985 -4.1306 L 9.2745 -3.5174 L 9.4746 -2.8753 L 9.4495 -2.7423 L 9.3875 -2.6237 L 9.2909 -2.5283 L 8.5048 -2.1139 L 8.4081 -2.0197 L 8.3461 -1.901 L 8.3208 -1.7671 L 8.5021 -0.2745 L 8.5585 -0.1515 L 8.6471 -0.0512 L 8.7637 0.0182 L 9.626 0.2314 L 9.7426 0.3008 L 9.8312 0.4012 L 9.8874 0.5243 L 9.8468 1.1956 L 9.7256 1.8571 L 9.6415 1.9632 L 9.5314 2.0394 L 9.4017 2.079 L 8.513 2.0806 L 8.3836 2.1191 L 8.2735 2.1953 L 8.189 2.3022 L 7.6558 3.7081 L 7.6486 3.8432 L 7.6805 3.9732 L 7.7514 4.0888 L 8.4159 4.6783 L 8.4868 4.794 L 8.5186 4.924 L 8.5112 5.0592 L 8.1633 5.6347 L 7.7485 6.1641 L 7.6248 6.219 L 7.4919 6.2353 L 7.3586 6.21 L 6.571 5.7985 L 6.4385 5.7724 L 6.3056 5.7888 L 6.1811 5.8441 L 5.0556 6.8411 L 4.9865 6.9574 L 4.9543 7.0873 L 4.9633 7.2227 L 5.2778 8.0535 L 5.2868 8.1889 L 5.2546 8.3188 L 5.1852 8.435 L 4.6097 8.783 L 3.9964 9.059 L 3.8613 9.0501 L 3.7361 9.0028 L 3.6298 8.9184 L 3.1236 8.188 L 3.0184 8.1034 L 2.8932 8.0561 L 2.7572 8.0472 L 1.2973 8.407 L 1.1821 8.4778 L 1.0931 8.5779 L 1.0382 8.702 L 0.9306 9.5837 L 0.8757 9.7078 L 0.7868 9.8079 L 0.6713 9.8785 L 0.0 9.9191 L -0.6713 9.8785 L -0.7868 9.8079 L -0.8757 9.7078 L -0.9306 9.5837 L -1.0393 8.7017 L -1.0931 8.5779 L -1.1821 8.4778 L -1.2984 8.4067 L -2.7582 8.0469 L -2.8932 8.0561 L -3.0184 8.1034 L -3.1247 8.1877 L -3.6298 8.9184 L -3.7361 9.0028 L -3.8613 9.0501 L -3.9964 9.059 L -4.6097 8.783 L -5.1852 8.435 L -5.2546 8.3188 L -5.2868 8.1889 L -5.2778 8.0535 L -4.9641 7.222 L -4.9543 7.0873 L -4.9865 6.9574 L -5.0564 6.8404 L -6.1819 5.8434 L -6.3056 5.7888 L -6.4385 5.7724 L -6.5718 5.7977 L -7.3586 6.21 L -7.4919 6.2353 L -7.6248 6.219 L -7.7485 6.1641 L -8.1633 5.6347 L -8.5112 5.0592 L -8.5186 4.924 L -8.4868 4.794 L -8.4159 4.6783 L -7.7518 4.0878 L -7.6805 3.9732 L -7.6486 3.8432 L -7.6562 3.7071 L -8.1893 2.3012 L -8.2735 2.1953 L -8.3836 2.1191 L -8.5134 2.0796 L -9.4017 2.079 L -9.5314 2.0394 L -9.6415 1.9632 L -9.7256 1.8571 L -9.8468 1.1956 L -9.8874 0.5243 L -9.8312 0.4012 L -9.7426 0.3008 L -9.626 0.2314 L -8.7635 0.0171 L -8.6471 -0.0512 L -8.5585 -0.1515 L -8.502 -0.2756 L -8.3207 -1.7682 L -8.3461 -1.901 L -8.4081 -2.0197 L -8.5046 -2.115 L -9.2909 -2.5283 L -9.3875 -2.6237 L -9.4495 -2.7423 L -9.4746 -2.8753 L -9.2745 -3.5174 L -8.9985 -4.1306 L -8.8915 -4.2135 L -8.7664 -4.2612 L -8.631 -4.2685 L -7.7677 -4.0574 L -7.6329 -4.0639 L -7.5077 -4.1115 L -7.4 -4.1951 L -6.5459 -5.4325 L -6.5066 -5.5619 L -6.5064 -5.6958 L -6.5476 -5.825 L -7.0517 -6.5564 L -7.0929 -6.6857 L -7.0927 -6.8196 L -7.0531 -6.949 L -6.5776 -7.4246 L -6.0482 -7.8393 L -5.9149 -7.863 L -5.782 -7.8471 L -5.6586 -7.7906 L -4.9924 -7.2025 L -4.87 -7.1455 L -4.7371 -7.1296 L -4.6029 -7.1535 L -3.2715 -7.8522 L -3.1766 -7.9486 L -3.1142 -8.067 L -3.0906 -8.2006 L -3.1971 -9.0825 L -3.1735 -9.2161 L -3.1111 -9.3346 L -3.0159 -9.4308 L -2.3738 -9.6309 L -1.7123 -9.7521 L -1.5833 -9.7111 L -1.473 -9.6353 L -1.39 -9.5279 L -1.0734 -8.6976 L -0.9915 -8.5902 L -0.8812 -8.5144 L -0.7512 -8.4732 L 0.7523 -8.4732 L 0.8812 -8.5144 L 0.9915 -8.5902 L 1.0744 -8.6976 L 1.39 -9.5279 L 1.473 -9.6353 L 1.5833 -9.7111 L 1.7123 -9.7521 L 2.3738 -9.6309 L 3.0159 -9.4308 L 3.1111 -9.3346 L 3.1735 -9.2161 L 3.1971 -9.0825 L 3.0916 -8.2001 L 3.1142 -8.067 L 3.1766 -7.9486 L 3.2725 -7.8517 L 4.6038 -7.153 L 4.7371 -7.1296 L 4.87 -7.1455 L 4.9933 -7.202 L 5.6586 -7.7906 L 5.782 -7.8471 L 5.9149 -7.863 L 6.0482 -7.8393 L 6.5776 -7.4246 L 7.0531 -6.949 L 7.0927 -6.8196 L 7.0929 -6.6857 L 7.0517 -6.5564 L 6.5482 -5.8241 L 6.5064 -5.6958 L 6.5066 -5.5619 z M -7.0 0.0 L -6.956 0.7838 L -6.8245 1.5576 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5576 6.8245 L -0.7838 6.956 L 0.0 7.0 L 0.7838 6.956 L 1.5576 6.8245 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8245 1.5576 L 6.956 0.7838 L 7.0 0.0 L 6.956 -0.7838 L 6.8245 -1.5576 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5576 -6.8245 L 0.7838 -6.956 L 0.0 -7.0 L -0.7838 -6.956 L -1.5576 -6.8245 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 L -6.8245 -1.5576 L -6.956 -0.7838 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
459 | </g> | |
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461 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
462 | <text id='layerTextTemplate5.0' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 17, z:5.0</text> | |
463 | <path d='M 6.5465 -5.4316 L 7.4007 -4.1942 L 7.5077 -4.1115 L 7.6329 -4.0639 L 7.7683 -4.0565 L 8.631 -4.2685 L 8.7664 -4.2612 L 8.8915 -4.2135 L 8.9985 -4.1306 L 9.2745 -3.5174 L 9.4746 -2.8753 L 9.4495 -2.7423 L 9.3875 -2.6237 L 9.2909 -2.5283 L 8.5048 -2.1139 L 8.4081 -2.0197 L 8.3461 -1.901 L 8.3208 -1.7671 L 8.5021 -0.2745 L 8.5585 -0.1515 L 8.6471 -0.0512 L 8.7637 0.0182 L 9.626 0.2314 L 9.7426 0.3008 L 9.8312 0.4012 L 9.8874 0.5243 L 9.8468 1.1956 L 9.7256 1.8571 L 9.6415 1.9632 L 9.5314 2.0394 L 9.4017 2.079 L 8.513 2.0806 L 8.3836 2.1191 L 8.2735 2.1953 L 8.189 2.3022 L 7.6558 3.7081 L 7.6486 3.8432 L 7.6805 3.9732 L 7.7514 4.0888 L 8.4159 4.6783 L 8.4868 4.794 L 8.5186 4.924 L 8.5112 5.0592 L 8.1633 5.6347 L 7.7485 6.1641 L 7.6248 6.219 L 7.4919 6.2353 L 7.3586 6.21 L 6.571 5.7985 L 6.4385 5.7724 L 6.3056 5.7888 L 6.1811 5.8441 L 5.0556 6.8411 L 4.9865 6.9574 L 4.9543 7.0873 L 4.9633 7.2227 L 5.2778 8.0535 L 5.2868 8.1889 L 5.2546 8.3188 L 5.1852 8.435 L 4.6097 8.783 L 3.9964 9.059 L 3.8613 9.0501 L 3.7361 9.0028 L 3.6298 8.9184 L 3.1236 8.188 L 3.0184 8.1034 L 2.8932 8.0561 L 2.7572 8.0472 L 1.2973 8.407 L 1.1821 8.4778 L 1.0931 8.5779 L 1.0382 8.702 L 0.9306 9.5837 L 0.8757 9.7078 L 0.7868 9.8079 L 0.6713 9.8785 L 0.0 9.9191 L -0.6713 9.8785 L -0.7868 9.8079 L -0.8757 9.7078 L -0.9306 9.5837 L -1.0393 8.7017 L -1.0931 8.5779 L -1.1821 8.4778 L -1.2984 8.4067 L -2.7582 8.0469 L -2.8932 8.0561 L -3.0184 8.1034 L -3.1247 8.1877 L -3.6298 8.9184 L -3.7361 9.0028 L -3.8613 9.0501 L -3.9964 9.059 L -4.6097 8.783 L -5.1852 8.435 L -5.2546 8.3188 L -5.2868 8.1889 L -5.2778 8.0535 L -4.9641 7.222 L -4.9543 7.0873 L -4.9865 6.9574 L -5.0564 6.8404 L -6.1819 5.8434 L -6.3056 5.7888 L -6.4385 5.7724 L -6.5718 5.7977 L -7.3586 6.21 L -7.4919 6.2353 L -7.6248 6.219 L -7.7485 6.1641 L -8.1633 5.6347 L -8.5112 5.0592 L -8.5186 4.924 L -8.4868 4.794 L -8.4159 4.6783 L -7.7518 4.0878 L -7.6805 3.9732 L -7.6486 3.8432 L -7.6562 3.7071 L -8.1893 2.3012 L -8.2735 2.1953 L -8.3836 2.1191 L -8.5134 2.0796 L -9.4017 2.079 L -9.5314 2.0394 L -9.6415 1.9632 L -9.7256 1.8571 L -9.8468 1.1956 L -9.8874 0.5243 L -9.8312 0.4012 L -9.7426 0.3008 L -9.626 0.2314 L -8.7635 0.0171 L -8.6471 -0.0512 L -8.5585 -0.1515 L -8.502 -0.2756 L -8.3207 -1.7682 L -8.3461 -1.901 L -8.4081 -2.0197 L -8.5046 -2.115 L -9.2909 -2.5283 L -9.3875 -2.6237 L -9.4495 -2.7423 L -9.4746 -2.8753 L -9.2745 -3.5174 L -8.9985 -4.1306 L -8.8915 -4.2135 L -8.7664 -4.2612 L -8.631 -4.2685 L -7.7677 -4.0574 L -7.6329 -4.0639 L -7.5077 -4.1115 L -7.4 -4.1951 L -6.5459 -5.4325 L -6.5066 -5.5619 L -6.5064 -5.6958 L -6.5476 -5.825 L -7.0517 -6.5564 L -7.0929 -6.6857 L -7.0927 -6.8196 L -7.0531 -6.949 L -6.5776 -7.4246 L -6.0482 -7.8393 L -5.9149 -7.863 L -5.782 -7.8471 L -5.6586 -7.7906 L -4.9924 -7.2025 L -4.87 -7.1455 L -4.7371 -7.1296 L -4.6029 -7.1535 L -3.2715 -7.8522 L -3.1766 -7.9486 L -3.1142 -8.067 L -3.0906 -8.2006 L -3.1971 -9.0825 L -3.1735 -9.2161 L -3.1111 -9.3346 L -3.0159 -9.4308 L -2.3738 -9.6309 L -1.7123 -9.7521 L -1.5833 -9.7111 L -1.473 -9.6353 L -1.39 -9.5279 L -1.0734 -8.6976 L -0.9915 -8.5902 L -0.8812 -8.5144 L -0.7512 -8.4732 L 0.7523 -8.4732 L 0.8812 -8.5144 L 0.9915 -8.5902 L 1.0744 -8.6976 L 1.39 -9.5279 L 1.473 -9.6353 L 1.5833 -9.7111 L 1.7123 -9.7521 L 2.3738 -9.6309 L 3.0159 -9.4308 L 3.1111 -9.3346 L 3.1735 -9.2161 L 3.1971 -9.0825 L 3.0916 -8.2001 L 3.1142 -8.067 L 3.1766 -7.9486 L 3.2725 -7.8517 L 4.6038 -7.153 L 4.7371 -7.1296 L 4.87 -7.1455 L 4.9933 -7.202 L 5.6586 -7.7906 L 5.782 -7.8471 L 5.9149 -7.863 L 6.0482 -7.8393 L 6.5776 -7.4246 L 7.0531 -6.949 L 7.0927 -6.8196 L 7.0929 -6.6857 L 7.0517 -6.5564 L 6.5482 -5.8241 L 6.5064 -5.6958 L 6.5066 -5.5619 z M -7.0 0.0 L -6.956 0.7838 L -6.8245 1.5576 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5576 6.8245 L -0.7838 6.956 L 0.0 7.0 L 0.7838 6.956 L 1.5576 6.8245 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8245 1.5576 L 6.956 0.7838 L 7.0 0.0 L 6.956 -0.7838 L 6.8245 -1.5576 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5576 -6.8245 L 0.7838 -6.956 L 0.0 -7.0 L -0.7838 -6.956 L -1.5576 -6.8245 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 L -6.8245 -1.5576 L -6.956 -0.7838 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
464 | </g> | |
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466 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
467 | <text id='layerTextTemplate5.4' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 18, z:5.4</text> | |
468 | <path d='M 6.5465 -5.4316 L 7.4007 -4.1942 L 7.5077 -4.1115 L 7.6329 -4.0639 L 7.7683 -4.0565 L 8.631 -4.2685 L 8.7664 -4.2612 L 8.8915 -4.2135 L 8.9985 -4.1306 L 9.2745 -3.5174 L 9.4746 -2.8753 L 9.4495 -2.7423 L 9.3875 -2.6237 L 9.2909 -2.5283 L 8.5048 -2.1139 L 8.4081 -2.0197 L 8.3461 -1.901 L 8.3208 -1.7671 L 8.5021 -0.2745 L 8.5585 -0.1515 L 8.6471 -0.0512 L 8.7637 0.0182 L 9.626 0.2314 L 9.7426 0.3008 L 9.8312 0.4012 L 9.8874 0.5243 L 9.8468 1.1956 L 9.7256 1.8571 L 9.6415 1.9632 L 9.5314 2.0394 L 9.4017 2.079 L 8.513 2.0806 L 8.3836 2.1191 L 8.2735 2.1953 L 8.189 2.3022 L 7.6558 3.7081 L 7.6486 3.8432 L 7.6805 3.9732 L 7.7514 4.0888 L 8.4159 4.6783 L 8.4868 4.794 L 8.5186 4.924 L 8.5112 5.0592 L 8.1633 5.6347 L 7.7485 6.1641 L 7.6248 6.219 L 7.4919 6.2353 L 7.3586 6.21 L 6.571 5.7985 L 6.4385 5.7724 L 6.3056 5.7888 L 6.1811 5.8441 L 5.0556 6.8411 L 4.9865 6.9574 L 4.9543 7.0873 L 4.9633 7.2227 L 5.2778 8.0535 L 5.2868 8.1889 L 5.2546 8.3188 L 5.1852 8.435 L 4.6097 8.783 L 3.9964 9.059 L 3.8613 9.0501 L 3.7361 9.0028 L 3.6298 8.9184 L 3.1236 8.188 L 3.0184 8.1034 L 2.8932 8.0561 L 2.7572 8.0472 L 1.2973 8.407 L 1.1821 8.4778 L 1.0931 8.5779 L 1.0382 8.702 L 0.9306 9.5837 L 0.8757 9.7078 L 0.7868 9.8079 L 0.6713 9.8785 L 0.0 9.9191 L -0.6713 9.8785 L -0.7868 9.8079 L -0.8757 9.7078 L -0.9306 9.5837 L -1.0393 8.7017 L -1.0931 8.5779 L -1.1821 8.4778 L -1.2984 8.4067 L -2.7582 8.0469 L -2.8932 8.0561 L -3.0184 8.1034 L -3.1247 8.1877 L -3.6298 8.9184 L -3.7361 9.0028 L -3.8613 9.0501 L -3.9964 9.059 L -4.6097 8.783 L -5.1852 8.435 L -5.2546 8.3188 L -5.2868 8.1889 L -5.2778 8.0535 L -4.9641 7.222 L -4.9543 7.0873 L -4.9865 6.9574 L -5.0564 6.8404 L -6.1819 5.8434 L -6.3056 5.7888 L -6.4385 5.7724 L -6.5718 5.7977 L -7.3586 6.21 L -7.4919 6.2353 L -7.6248 6.219 L -7.7485 6.1641 L -8.1633 5.6347 L -8.5112 5.0592 L -8.5186 4.924 L -8.4868 4.794 L -8.4159 4.6783 L -7.7518 4.0878 L -7.6805 3.9732 L -7.6486 3.8432 L -7.6562 3.7071 L -8.1893 2.3012 L -8.2735 2.1953 L -8.3836 2.1191 L -8.5134 2.0796 L -9.4017 2.079 L -9.5314 2.0394 L -9.6415 1.9632 L -9.7256 1.8571 L -9.8468 1.1956 L -9.8874 0.5243 L -9.8312 0.4012 L -9.7426 0.3008 L -9.626 0.2314 L -8.7635 0.0171 L -8.6471 -0.0512 L -8.5585 -0.1515 L -8.502 -0.2756 L -8.3207 -1.7682 L -8.3461 -1.901 L -8.4081 -2.0197 L -8.5046 -2.115 L -9.2909 -2.5283 L -9.3875 -2.6237 L -9.4495 -2.7423 L -9.4746 -2.8753 L -9.2745 -3.5174 L -8.9985 -4.1306 L -8.8915 -4.2135 L -8.7664 -4.2612 L -8.631 -4.2685 L -7.7677 -4.0574 L -7.6329 -4.0639 L -7.5077 -4.1115 L -7.4 -4.1951 L -6.5459 -5.4325 L -6.5066 -5.5619 L -6.5064 -5.6958 L -6.5476 -5.825 L -7.0517 -6.5564 L -7.0929 -6.6857 L -7.0927 -6.8196 L -7.0531 -6.949 L -6.5776 -7.4246 L -6.0482 -7.8393 L -5.9149 -7.863 L -5.782 -7.8471 L -5.6586 -7.7906 L -4.9924 -7.2025 L -4.87 -7.1455 L -4.7371 -7.1296 L -4.6029 -7.1535 L -3.2715 -7.8522 L -3.1766 -7.9486 L -3.1142 -8.067 L -3.0906 -8.2006 L -3.1971 -9.0825 L -3.1735 -9.2161 L -3.1111 -9.3346 L -3.0159 -9.4308 L -2.3738 -9.6309 L -1.7123 -9.7521 L -1.5833 -9.7111 L -1.473 -9.6353 L -1.39 -9.5279 L -1.0734 -8.6976 L -0.9915 -8.5902 L -0.8812 -8.5144 L -0.7512 -8.4732 L 0.7523 -8.4732 L 0.8812 -8.5144 L 0.9915 -8.5902 L 1.0744 -8.6976 L 1.39 -9.5279 L 1.473 -9.6353 L 1.5833 -9.7111 L 1.7123 -9.7521 L 2.3738 -9.6309 L 3.0159 -9.4308 L 3.1111 -9.3346 L 3.1735 -9.2161 L 3.1971 -9.0825 L 3.0916 -8.2001 L 3.1142 -8.067 L 3.1766 -7.9486 L 3.2725 -7.8517 L 4.6038 -7.153 L 4.7371 -7.1296 L 4.87 -7.1455 L 4.9933 -7.202 L 5.6586 -7.7906 L 5.782 -7.8471 L 5.9149 -7.863 L 6.0482 -7.8393 L 6.5776 -7.4246 L 7.0531 -6.949 L 7.0927 -6.8196 L 7.0929 -6.6857 L 7.0517 -6.5564 L 6.5482 -5.8241 L 6.5064 -5.6958 L 6.5066 -5.5619 z M -7.0 0.0 L -6.956 0.7838 L -6.8245 1.5576 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5576 6.8245 L -0.7838 6.956 L 0.0 7.0 L 0.7838 6.956 L 1.5576 6.8245 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8245 1.5576 L 6.956 0.7838 L 7.0 0.0 L 6.956 -0.7838 L 6.8245 -1.5576 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5576 -6.8245 L 0.7838 -6.956 L 0.0 -7.0 L -0.7838 -6.956 L -1.5576 -6.8245 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 L -6.8245 -1.5576 L -6.956 -0.7838 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
469 | </g> | |
470 | <g id='z:5.8' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Layer 19, z:5.8' transform='translate(280.0, 2651.512)'> | |
471 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
472 | <text id='layerTextTemplate5.8' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 19, z:5.8</text> | |
473 | <path d='M 6.5465 -5.4316 L 7.4007 -4.1942 L 7.5077 -4.1115 L 7.6329 -4.0639 L 7.7683 -4.0565 L 8.631 -4.2685 L 8.7664 -4.2612 L 8.8915 -4.2135 L 8.9985 -4.1306 L 9.2745 -3.5174 L 9.4746 -2.8753 L 9.4495 -2.7423 L 9.3875 -2.6237 L 9.2909 -2.5283 L 8.5048 -2.1139 L 8.4081 -2.0197 L 8.3461 -1.901 L 8.3208 -1.7671 L 8.5021 -0.2745 L 8.5585 -0.1515 L 8.6471 -0.0512 L 8.7637 0.0182 L 9.626 0.2314 L 9.7426 0.3008 L 9.8312 0.4012 L 9.8874 0.5243 L 9.8468 1.1956 L 9.7256 1.8571 L 9.6415 1.9632 L 9.5314 2.0394 L 9.4017 2.079 L 8.513 2.0806 L 8.3836 2.1191 L 8.2735 2.1953 L 8.189 2.3022 L 7.6558 3.7081 L 7.6486 3.8432 L 7.6805 3.9732 L 7.7514 4.0888 L 8.4159 4.6783 L 8.4868 4.794 L 8.5186 4.924 L 8.5112 5.0592 L 8.1633 5.6347 L 7.7485 6.1641 L 7.6248 6.219 L 7.4919 6.2353 L 7.3586 6.21 L 6.571 5.7985 L 6.4385 5.7724 L 6.3056 5.7888 L 6.1811 5.8441 L 5.0556 6.8411 L 4.9865 6.9574 L 4.9543 7.0873 L 4.9633 7.2227 L 5.2778 8.0535 L 5.2868 8.1889 L 5.2546 8.3188 L 5.1852 8.435 L 4.6097 8.783 L 3.9964 9.059 L 3.8613 9.0501 L 3.7361 9.0028 L 3.6298 8.9184 L 3.1236 8.188 L 3.0184 8.1034 L 2.8932 8.0561 L 2.7572 8.0472 L 1.2973 8.407 L 1.1821 8.4778 L 1.0931 8.5779 L 1.0382 8.702 L 0.9306 9.5837 L 0.8757 9.7078 L 0.7868 9.8079 L 0.6713 9.8785 L 0.0 9.9191 L -0.6713 9.8785 L -0.7868 9.8079 L -0.8757 9.7078 L -0.9306 9.5837 L -1.0393 8.7017 L -1.0931 8.5779 L -1.1821 8.4778 L -1.2984 8.4067 L -2.7582 8.0469 L -2.8932 8.0561 L -3.0184 8.1034 L -3.1247 8.1877 L -3.6298 8.9184 L -3.7361 9.0028 L -3.8613 9.0501 L -3.9964 9.059 L -4.6097 8.783 L -5.1852 8.435 L -5.2546 8.3188 L -5.2868 8.1889 L -5.2778 8.0535 L -4.9641 7.222 L -4.9543 7.0873 L -4.9865 6.9574 L -5.0564 6.8404 L -6.1819 5.8434 L -6.3056 5.7888 L -6.4385 5.7724 L -6.5718 5.7977 L -7.3586 6.21 L -7.4919 6.2353 L -7.6248 6.219 L -7.7485 6.1641 L -8.1633 5.6347 L -8.5112 5.0592 L -8.5186 4.924 L -8.4868 4.794 L -8.4159 4.6783 L -7.7518 4.0878 L -7.6805 3.9732 L -7.6486 3.8432 L -7.6562 3.7071 L -8.1893 2.3012 L -8.2735 2.1953 L -8.3836 2.1191 L -8.5134 2.0796 L -9.4017 2.079 L -9.5314 2.0394 L -9.6415 1.9632 L -9.7256 1.8571 L -9.8468 1.1956 L -9.8874 0.5243 L -9.8312 0.4012 L -9.7426 0.3008 L -9.626 0.2314 L -8.7635 0.0171 L -8.6471 -0.0512 L -8.5585 -0.1515 L -8.502 -0.2756 L -8.3207 -1.7682 L -8.3461 -1.901 L -8.4081 -2.0197 L -8.5046 -2.115 L -9.2909 -2.5283 L -9.3875 -2.6237 L -9.4495 -2.7423 L -9.4746 -2.8753 L -9.2745 -3.5174 L -8.9985 -4.1306 L -8.8915 -4.2135 L -8.7664 -4.2612 L -8.631 -4.2685 L -7.7677 -4.0574 L -7.6329 -4.0639 L -7.5077 -4.1115 L -7.4 -4.1951 L -6.5459 -5.4325 L -6.5066 -5.5619 L -6.5064 -5.6958 L -6.5476 -5.825 L -7.0517 -6.5564 L -7.0929 -6.6857 L -7.0927 -6.8196 L -7.0531 -6.949 L -6.5776 -7.4246 L -6.0482 -7.8393 L -5.9149 -7.863 L -5.782 -7.8471 L -5.6586 -7.7906 L -4.9924 -7.2025 L -4.87 -7.1455 L -4.7371 -7.1296 L -4.6029 -7.1535 L -3.2715 -7.8522 L -3.1766 -7.9486 L -3.1142 -8.067 L -3.0906 -8.2006 L -3.1971 -9.0825 L -3.1735 -9.2161 L -3.1111 -9.3346 L -3.0159 -9.4308 L -2.3738 -9.6309 L -1.7123 -9.7521 L -1.5833 -9.7111 L -1.473 -9.6353 L -1.39 -9.5279 L -1.0734 -8.6976 L -0.9915 -8.5902 L -0.8812 -8.5144 L -0.7512 -8.4732 L 0.7523 -8.4732 L 0.8812 -8.5144 L 0.9915 -8.5902 L 1.0744 -8.6976 L 1.39 -9.5279 L 1.473 -9.6353 L 1.5833 -9.7111 L 1.7123 -9.7521 L 2.3738 -9.6309 L 3.0159 -9.4308 L 3.1111 -9.3346 L 3.1735 -9.2161 L 3.1971 -9.0825 L 3.0916 -8.2001 L 3.1142 -8.067 L 3.1766 -7.9486 L 3.2725 -7.8517 L 4.6038 -7.153 L 4.7371 -7.1296 L 4.87 -7.1455 L 4.9933 -7.202 L 5.6586 -7.7906 L 5.782 -7.8471 L 5.9149 -7.863 L 6.0482 -7.8393 L 6.5776 -7.4246 L 7.0531 -6.949 L 7.0927 -6.8196 L 7.0929 -6.6857 L 7.0517 -6.5564 L 6.5482 -5.8241 L 6.5064 -5.6958 L 6.5066 -5.5619 z M -7.0 0.0 L -6.956 0.7838 L -6.8245 1.5576 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5576 6.8245 L -0.7838 6.956 L 0.0 7.0 L 0.7838 6.956 L 1.5576 6.8245 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8245 1.5576 L 6.956 0.7838 L 7.0 0.0 L 6.956 -0.7838 L 6.8245 -1.5576 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5576 -6.8245 L 0.7838 -6.956 L 0.0 -7.0 L -0.7838 -6.956 L -1.5576 -6.8245 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 L -6.8245 -1.5576 L -6.956 -0.7838 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
474 | </g> | |
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476 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
477 | <text id='layerTextTemplate6.2' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 20, z:6.2</text> | |
478 | <path d='M 6.5465 -5.4316 L 7.4007 -4.1942 L 7.5077 -4.1115 L 7.6329 -4.0639 L 7.7683 -4.0565 L 8.631 -4.2685 L 8.7664 -4.2612 L 8.8915 -4.2135 L 8.9985 -4.1306 L 9.2745 -3.5174 L 9.4746 -2.8753 L 9.4495 -2.7423 L 9.3875 -2.6237 L 9.2909 -2.5283 L 8.5048 -2.1139 L 8.4081 -2.0197 L 8.3461 -1.901 L 8.3208 -1.7671 L 8.5021 -0.2745 L 8.5585 -0.1515 L 8.6471 -0.0512 L 8.7637 0.0182 L 9.626 0.2314 L 9.7426 0.3008 L 9.8312 0.4012 L 9.8874 0.5243 L 9.8468 1.1956 L 9.7256 1.8571 L 9.6415 1.9632 L 9.5314 2.0394 L 9.4017 2.079 L 8.513 2.0806 L 8.3836 2.1191 L 8.2735 2.1953 L 8.189 2.3022 L 7.6558 3.7081 L 7.6486 3.8432 L 7.6805 3.9732 L 7.7514 4.0888 L 8.4159 4.6783 L 8.4868 4.794 L 8.5186 4.924 L 8.5112 5.0592 L 8.1633 5.6347 L 7.7485 6.1641 L 7.6248 6.219 L 7.4919 6.2353 L 7.3586 6.21 L 6.571 5.7985 L 6.4385 5.7724 L 6.3056 5.7888 L 6.1811 5.8441 L 5.0556 6.8411 L 4.9865 6.9574 L 4.9543 7.0873 L 4.9633 7.2227 L 5.2778 8.0535 L 5.2868 8.1889 L 5.2546 8.3188 L 5.1852 8.435 L 4.6097 8.783 L 3.9964 9.059 L 3.8613 9.0501 L 3.7361 9.0028 L 3.6298 8.9184 L 3.1236 8.188 L 3.0184 8.1034 L 2.8932 8.0561 L 2.7572 8.0472 L 1.2973 8.407 L 1.1821 8.4778 L 1.0931 8.5779 L 1.0382 8.702 L 0.9306 9.5837 L 0.8757 9.7078 L 0.7868 9.8079 L 0.6713 9.8785 L 0.0 9.9191 L -0.6713 9.8785 L -0.7868 9.8079 L -0.8757 9.7078 L -0.9306 9.5837 L -1.0393 8.7017 L -1.0931 8.5779 L -1.1821 8.4778 L -1.2984 8.4067 L -2.7582 8.0469 L -2.8932 8.0561 L -3.0184 8.1034 L -3.1247 8.1877 L -3.6298 8.9184 L -3.7361 9.0028 L -3.8613 9.0501 L -3.9964 9.059 L -4.6097 8.783 L -5.1852 8.435 L -5.2546 8.3188 L -5.2868 8.1889 L -5.2778 8.0535 L -4.9641 7.222 L -4.9543 7.0873 L -4.9865 6.9574 L -5.0564 6.8404 L -6.1819 5.8434 L -6.3056 5.7888 L -6.4385 5.7724 L -6.5718 5.7977 L -7.3586 6.21 L -7.4919 6.2353 L -7.6248 6.219 L -7.7485 6.1641 L -8.1633 5.6347 L -8.5112 5.0592 L -8.5186 4.924 L -8.4868 4.794 L -8.4159 4.6783 L -7.7518 4.0878 L -7.6805 3.9732 L -7.6486 3.8432 L -7.6562 3.7071 L -8.1893 2.3012 L -8.2735 2.1953 L -8.3836 2.1191 L -8.5134 2.0796 L -9.4017 2.079 L -9.5314 2.0394 L -9.6415 1.9632 L -9.7256 1.8571 L -9.8468 1.1956 L -9.8874 0.5243 L -9.8312 0.4012 L -9.7426 0.3008 L -9.626 0.2314 L -8.7635 0.0171 L -8.6471 -0.0512 L -8.5585 -0.1515 L -8.502 -0.2756 L -8.3207 -1.7682 L -8.3461 -1.901 L -8.4081 -2.0197 L -8.5046 -2.115 L -9.2909 -2.5283 L -9.3875 -2.6237 L -9.4495 -2.7423 L -9.4746 -2.8753 L -9.2745 -3.5174 L -8.9985 -4.1306 L -8.8915 -4.2135 L -8.7664 -4.2612 L -8.631 -4.2685 L -7.7677 -4.0574 L -7.6329 -4.0639 L -7.5077 -4.1115 L -7.4 -4.1951 L -6.5459 -5.4325 L -6.5066 -5.5619 L -6.5064 -5.6958 L -6.5476 -5.825 L -7.0517 -6.5564 L -7.0929 -6.6857 L -7.0927 -6.8196 L -7.0531 -6.949 L -6.5776 -7.4246 L -6.0482 -7.8393 L -5.9149 -7.863 L -5.782 -7.8471 L -5.6586 -7.7906 L -4.9924 -7.2025 L -4.87 -7.1455 L -4.7371 -7.1296 L -4.6029 -7.1535 L -3.2715 -7.8522 L -3.1766 -7.9486 L -3.1142 -8.067 L -3.0906 -8.2006 L -3.1971 -9.0825 L -3.1735 -9.2161 L -3.1111 -9.3346 L -3.0159 -9.4308 L -2.3738 -9.6309 L -1.7123 -9.7521 L -1.5833 -9.7111 L -1.473 -9.6353 L -1.39 -9.5279 L -1.0734 -8.6976 L -0.9915 -8.5902 L -0.8812 -8.5144 L -0.7512 -8.4732 L 0.7523 -8.4732 L 0.8812 -8.5144 L 0.9915 -8.5902 L 1.0744 -8.6976 L 1.39 -9.5279 L 1.473 -9.6353 L 1.5833 -9.7111 L 1.7123 -9.7521 L 2.3738 -9.6309 L 3.0159 -9.4308 L 3.1111 -9.3346 L 3.1735 -9.2161 L 3.1971 -9.0825 L 3.0916 -8.2001 L 3.1142 -8.067 L 3.1766 -7.9486 L 3.2725 -7.8517 L 4.6038 -7.153 L 4.7371 -7.1296 L 4.87 -7.1455 L 4.9933 -7.202 L 5.6586 -7.7906 L 5.782 -7.8471 L 5.9149 -7.863 L 6.0482 -7.8393 L 6.5776 -7.4246 L 7.0531 -6.949 L 7.0927 -6.8196 L 7.0929 -6.6857 L 7.0517 -6.5564 L 6.5482 -5.8241 L 6.5064 -5.6958 L 6.5066 -5.5619 z M -7.0 0.0 L -6.956 0.7838 L -6.8245 1.5576 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5576 6.8245 L -0.7838 6.956 L 0.0 7.0 L 0.7838 6.956 L 1.5576 6.8245 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8245 1.5576 L 6.956 0.7838 L 7.0 0.0 L 6.956 -0.7838 L 6.8245 -1.5576 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5576 -6.8245 L 0.7838 -6.956 L 0.0 -7.0 L -0.7838 -6.956 L -1.5576 -6.8245 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 L -6.8245 -1.5576 L -6.956 -0.7838 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
479 | </g> | |
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481 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
482 | <text id='layerTextTemplate6.6' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 21, z:6.6</text> | |
483 | <path d='M 6.5465 -5.4316 L 7.4007 -4.1942 L 7.5077 -4.1115 L 7.6329 -4.0639 L 7.7683 -4.0565 L 8.631 -4.2685 L 8.7664 -4.2612 L 8.8915 -4.2135 L 8.9985 -4.1306 L 9.2745 -3.5174 L 9.4746 -2.8753 L 9.4495 -2.7423 L 9.3875 -2.6237 L 9.2909 -2.5283 L 8.5048 -2.1139 L 8.4081 -2.0197 L 8.3461 -1.901 L 8.3208 -1.7671 L 8.5021 -0.2745 L 8.5585 -0.1515 L 8.6471 -0.0512 L 8.7637 0.0182 L 9.626 0.2314 L 9.7426 0.3008 L 9.8312 0.4012 L 9.8874 0.5243 L 9.8468 1.1956 L 9.7256 1.8571 L 9.6415 1.9632 L 9.5314 2.0394 L 9.4017 2.079 L 8.513 2.0806 L 8.3836 2.1191 L 8.2735 2.1953 L 8.189 2.3022 L 7.6558 3.7081 L 7.6486 3.8432 L 7.6805 3.9732 L 7.7514 4.0888 L 8.4159 4.6783 L 8.4868 4.794 L 8.5186 4.924 L 8.5112 5.0592 L 8.1633 5.6347 L 7.7485 6.1641 L 7.6248 6.219 L 7.4919 6.2353 L 7.3586 6.21 L 6.571 5.7985 L 6.4385 5.7724 L 6.3056 5.7888 L 6.1811 5.8441 L 5.0556 6.8411 L 4.9865 6.9574 L 4.9543 7.0873 L 4.9633 7.2227 L 5.2778 8.0535 L 5.2868 8.1889 L 5.2546 8.3188 L 5.1852 8.435 L 4.6097 8.783 L 3.9964 9.059 L 3.8613 9.0501 L 3.7361 9.0028 L 3.6298 8.9184 L 3.1236 8.188 L 3.0184 8.1034 L 2.8932 8.0561 L 2.7572 8.0472 L 1.2973 8.407 L 1.1821 8.4778 L 1.0931 8.5779 L 1.0382 8.702 L 0.9306 9.5837 L 0.8757 9.7078 L 0.7868 9.8079 L 0.6713 9.8785 L 0.0 9.9191 L -0.6713 9.8785 L -0.7868 9.8079 L -0.8757 9.7078 L -0.9306 9.5837 L -1.0393 8.7017 L -1.0931 8.5779 L -1.1821 8.4778 L -1.2984 8.4067 L -2.7582 8.0469 L -2.8932 8.0561 L -3.0184 8.1034 L -3.1247 8.1877 L -3.6298 8.9184 L -3.7361 9.0028 L -3.8613 9.0501 L -3.9964 9.059 L -4.6097 8.783 L -5.1852 8.435 L -5.2546 8.3188 L -5.2868 8.1889 L -5.2778 8.0535 L -4.9641 7.222 L -4.9543 7.0873 L -4.9865 6.9574 L -5.0564 6.8404 L -6.1819 5.8434 L -6.3056 5.7888 L -6.4385 5.7724 L -6.5718 5.7977 L -7.3586 6.21 L -7.4919 6.2353 L -7.6248 6.219 L -7.7485 6.1641 L -8.1633 5.6347 L -8.5112 5.0592 L -8.5186 4.924 L -8.4868 4.794 L -8.4159 4.6783 L -7.7518 4.0878 L -7.6805 3.9732 L -7.6486 3.8432 L -7.6562 3.7071 L -8.1893 2.3012 L -8.2735 2.1953 L -8.3836 2.1191 L -8.5134 2.0796 L -9.4017 2.079 L -9.5314 2.0394 L -9.6415 1.9632 L -9.7256 1.8571 L -9.8468 1.1956 L -9.8874 0.5243 L -9.8312 0.4012 L -9.7426 0.3008 L -9.626 0.2314 L -8.7635 0.0171 L -8.6471 -0.0512 L -8.5585 -0.1515 L -8.502 -0.2756 L -8.3207 -1.7682 L -8.3461 -1.901 L -8.4081 -2.0197 L -8.5046 -2.115 L -9.2909 -2.5283 L -9.3875 -2.6237 L -9.4495 -2.7423 L -9.4746 -2.8753 L -9.2745 -3.5174 L -8.9985 -4.1306 L -8.8915 -4.2135 L -8.7664 -4.2612 L -8.631 -4.2685 L -7.7677 -4.0574 L -7.6329 -4.0639 L -7.5077 -4.1115 L -7.4 -4.1951 L -6.5459 -5.4325 L -6.5066 -5.5619 L -6.5064 -5.6958 L -6.5476 -5.825 L -7.0517 -6.5564 L -7.0929 -6.6857 L -7.0927 -6.8196 L -7.0531 -6.949 L -6.5776 -7.4246 L -6.0482 -7.8393 L -5.9149 -7.863 L -5.782 -7.8471 L -5.6586 -7.7906 L -4.9924 -7.2025 L -4.87 -7.1455 L -4.7371 -7.1296 L -4.6029 -7.1535 L -3.2715 -7.8522 L -3.1766 -7.9486 L -3.1142 -8.067 L -3.0906 -8.2006 L -3.1971 -9.0825 L -3.1735 -9.2161 L -3.1111 -9.3346 L -3.0159 -9.4308 L -2.3738 -9.6309 L -1.7123 -9.7521 L -1.5833 -9.7111 L -1.473 -9.6353 L -1.39 -9.5279 L -1.0734 -8.6976 L -0.9915 -8.5902 L -0.8812 -8.5144 L -0.7512 -8.4732 L 0.7523 -8.4732 L 0.8812 -8.5144 L 0.9915 -8.5902 L 1.0744 -8.6976 L 1.39 -9.5279 L 1.473 -9.6353 L 1.5833 -9.7111 L 1.7123 -9.7521 L 2.3738 -9.6309 L 3.0159 -9.4308 L 3.1111 -9.3346 L 3.1735 -9.2161 L 3.1971 -9.0825 L 3.0916 -8.2001 L 3.1142 -8.067 L 3.1766 -7.9486 L 3.2725 -7.8517 L 4.6038 -7.153 L 4.7371 -7.1296 L 4.87 -7.1455 L 4.9933 -7.202 L 5.6586 -7.7906 L 5.782 -7.8471 L 5.9149 -7.863 L 6.0482 -7.8393 L 6.5776 -7.4246 L 7.0531 -6.949 L 7.0927 -6.8196 L 7.0929 -6.6857 L 7.0517 -6.5564 L 6.5482 -5.8241 L 6.5064 -5.6958 L 6.5066 -5.5619 z M -7.0 0.0 L -6.956 0.7838 L -6.8245 1.5576 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5576 6.8245 L -0.7838 6.956 L 0.0 7.0 L 0.7838 6.956 L 1.5576 6.8245 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8245 1.5576 L 6.956 0.7838 L 7.0 0.0 L 6.956 -0.7838 L 6.8245 -1.5576 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5576 -6.8245 L 0.7838 -6.956 L 0.0 -7.0 L -0.7838 -6.956 L -1.5576 -6.8245 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 L -6.8245 -1.5576 L -6.956 -0.7838 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
484 | </g> | |
485 | <g id='z:7.0' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Layer 22, z:7.0' transform='translate(280.0, 3043.6138)'> | |
486 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
487 | <text id='layerTextTemplate7.0' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 22, z:7.0</text> | |
488 | <path d='M 6.5465 -5.4316 L 7.4007 -4.1942 L 7.5077 -4.1115 L 7.6329 -4.0639 L 7.7683 -4.0565 L 8.631 -4.2685 L 8.7664 -4.2612 L 8.8915 -4.2135 L 8.9985 -4.1306 L 9.2745 -3.5174 L 9.4746 -2.8753 L 9.4495 -2.7423 L 9.3875 -2.6237 L 9.2909 -2.5283 L 8.5048 -2.1139 L 8.4081 -2.0197 L 8.3461 -1.901 L 8.3208 -1.7671 L 8.5021 -0.2745 L 8.5585 -0.1515 L 8.6471 -0.0512 L 8.7637 0.0182 L 9.626 0.2314 L 9.7426 0.3008 L 9.8312 0.4012 L 9.8874 0.5243 L 9.8468 1.1956 L 9.7256 1.8571 L 9.6415 1.9632 L 9.5314 2.0394 L 9.4017 2.079 L 8.513 2.0806 L 8.3836 2.1191 L 8.2735 2.1953 L 8.189 2.3022 L 7.6558 3.7081 L 7.6486 3.8432 L 7.6805 3.9732 L 7.7514 4.0888 L 8.4159 4.6783 L 8.4868 4.794 L 8.5186 4.924 L 8.5112 5.0592 L 8.1633 5.6347 L 7.7485 6.1641 L 7.6248 6.219 L 7.4919 6.2353 L 7.3586 6.21 L 6.571 5.7985 L 6.4385 5.7724 L 6.3056 5.7888 L 6.1811 5.8441 L 5.0556 6.8411 L 4.9865 6.9574 L 4.9543 7.0873 L 4.9633 7.2227 L 5.2778 8.0535 L 5.2868 8.1889 L 5.2546 8.3188 L 5.1852 8.435 L 4.6097 8.783 L 3.9964 9.059 L 3.8613 9.0501 L 3.7361 9.0028 L 3.6298 8.9184 L 3.1236 8.188 L 3.0184 8.1034 L 2.8932 8.0561 L 2.7572 8.0472 L 1.2973 8.407 L 1.1821 8.4778 L 1.0931 8.5779 L 1.0382 8.702 L 0.9306 9.5837 L 0.8757 9.7078 L 0.7868 9.8079 L 0.6713 9.8785 L 0.0 9.9191 L -0.6713 9.8785 L -0.7868 9.8079 L -0.8757 9.7078 L -0.9306 9.5837 L -1.0393 8.7017 L -1.0931 8.5779 L -1.1821 8.4778 L -1.2984 8.4067 L -2.7582 8.0469 L -2.8932 8.0561 L -3.0184 8.1034 L -3.1247 8.1877 L -3.6298 8.9184 L -3.7361 9.0028 L -3.8613 9.0501 L -3.9964 9.059 L -4.6097 8.783 L -5.1852 8.435 L -5.2546 8.3188 L -5.2868 8.1889 L -5.2778 8.0535 L -4.9641 7.222 L -4.9543 7.0873 L -4.9865 6.9574 L -5.0564 6.8404 L -6.1819 5.8434 L -6.3056 5.7888 L -6.4385 5.7724 L -6.5718 5.7977 L -7.3586 6.21 L -7.4919 6.2353 L -7.6248 6.219 L -7.7485 6.1641 L -8.1633 5.6347 L -8.5112 5.0592 L -8.5186 4.924 L -8.4868 4.794 L -8.4159 4.6783 L -7.7518 4.0878 L -7.6805 3.9732 L -7.6486 3.8432 L -7.6562 3.7071 L -8.1893 2.3012 L -8.2735 2.1953 L -8.3836 2.1191 L -8.5134 2.0796 L -9.4017 2.079 L -9.5314 2.0394 L -9.6415 1.9632 L -9.7256 1.8571 L -9.8468 1.1956 L -9.8874 0.5243 L -9.8312 0.4012 L -9.7426 0.3008 L -9.626 0.2314 L -8.7635 0.0171 L -8.6471 -0.0512 L -8.5585 -0.1515 L -8.502 -0.2756 L -8.3207 -1.7682 L -8.3461 -1.901 L -8.4081 -2.0197 L -8.5046 -2.115 L -9.2909 -2.5283 L -9.3875 -2.6237 L -9.4495 -2.7423 L -9.4746 -2.8753 L -9.2745 -3.5174 L -8.9985 -4.1306 L -8.8915 -4.2135 L -8.7664 -4.2612 L -8.631 -4.2685 L -7.7677 -4.0574 L -7.6329 -4.0639 L -7.5077 -4.1115 L -7.4 -4.1951 L -6.5459 -5.4325 L -6.5066 -5.5619 L -6.5064 -5.6958 L -6.5476 -5.825 L -7.0517 -6.5564 L -7.0929 -6.6857 L -7.0927 -6.8196 L -7.0531 -6.949 L -6.5776 -7.4246 L -6.0482 -7.8393 L -5.9149 -7.863 L -5.782 -7.8471 L -5.6586 -7.7906 L -4.9924 -7.2025 L -4.87 -7.1455 L -4.7371 -7.1296 L -4.6029 -7.1535 L -3.2715 -7.8522 L -3.1766 -7.9486 L -3.1142 -8.067 L -3.0906 -8.2006 L -3.1971 -9.0825 L -3.1735 -9.2161 L -3.1111 -9.3346 L -3.0159 -9.4308 L -2.3738 -9.6309 L -1.7123 -9.7521 L -1.5833 -9.7111 L -1.473 -9.6353 L -1.39 -9.5279 L -1.0734 -8.6976 L -0.9915 -8.5902 L -0.8812 -8.5144 L -0.7512 -8.4732 L 0.7523 -8.4732 L 0.8812 -8.5144 L 0.9915 -8.5902 L 1.0744 -8.6976 L 1.39 -9.5279 L 1.473 -9.6353 L 1.5833 -9.7111 L 1.7123 -9.7521 L 2.3738 -9.6309 L 3.0159 -9.4308 L 3.1111 -9.3346 L 3.1735 -9.2161 L 3.1971 -9.0825 L 3.0916 -8.2001 L 3.1142 -8.067 L 3.1766 -7.9486 L 3.2725 -7.8517 L 4.6038 -7.153 L 4.7371 -7.1296 L 4.87 -7.1455 L 4.9933 -7.202 L 5.6586 -7.7906 L 5.782 -7.8471 L 5.9149 -7.863 L 6.0482 -7.8393 L 6.5776 -7.4246 L 7.0531 -6.949 L 7.0927 -6.8196 L 7.0929 -6.6857 L 7.0517 -6.5564 L 6.5482 -5.8241 L 6.5064 -5.6958 L 6.5066 -5.5619 z M -7.0 0.0 L -6.956 0.7838 L -6.8245 1.5576 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5576 6.8245 L -0.7838 6.956 L 0.0 7.0 L 0.7838 6.956 L 1.5576 6.8245 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8245 1.5576 L 6.956 0.7838 L 7.0 0.0 L 6.956 -0.7838 L 6.8245 -1.5576 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5576 -6.8245 L 0.7838 -6.956 L 0.0 -7.0 L -0.7838 -6.956 L -1.5576 -6.8245 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 L -6.8245 -1.5576 L -6.956 -0.7838 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
489 | </g> | |
490 | <g id='z:7.4' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Layer 23, z:7.4' transform='translate(280.0, 3174.3144)'> | |
491 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
492 | <text id='layerTextTemplate7.4' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 23, z:7.4</text> | |
493 | <path d='M 6.5465 -5.4316 L 7.4007 -4.1942 L 7.5077 -4.1115 L 7.6329 -4.0639 L 7.7683 -4.0565 L 8.631 -4.2685 L 8.7664 -4.2612 L 8.8915 -4.2135 L 8.9985 -4.1306 L 9.2745 -3.5174 L 9.4746 -2.8753 L 9.4495 -2.7423 L 9.3875 -2.6237 L 9.2909 -2.5283 L 8.5048 -2.1139 L 8.4081 -2.0197 L 8.3461 -1.901 L 8.3208 -1.7671 L 8.5021 -0.2745 L 8.5585 -0.1515 L 8.6471 -0.0512 L 8.7637 0.0182 L 9.626 0.2314 L 9.7426 0.3008 L 9.8312 0.4012 L 9.8874 0.5243 L 9.8468 1.1956 L 9.7256 1.8571 L 9.6415 1.9632 L 9.5314 2.0394 L 9.4017 2.079 L 8.513 2.0806 L 8.3836 2.1191 L 8.2735 2.1953 L 8.189 2.3022 L 7.6558 3.7081 L 7.6486 3.8432 L 7.6805 3.9732 L 7.7514 4.0888 L 8.4159 4.6783 L 8.4868 4.794 L 8.5186 4.924 L 8.5112 5.0592 L 8.1633 5.6347 L 7.7485 6.1641 L 7.6248 6.219 L 7.4919 6.2353 L 7.3586 6.21 L 6.571 5.7985 L 6.4385 5.7724 L 6.3056 5.7888 L 6.1811 5.8441 L 5.0556 6.8411 L 4.9865 6.9574 L 4.9543 7.0873 L 4.9633 7.2227 L 5.2778 8.0535 L 5.2868 8.1889 L 5.2546 8.3188 L 5.1852 8.435 L 4.6097 8.783 L 3.9964 9.059 L 3.8613 9.0501 L 3.7361 9.0028 L 3.6298 8.9184 L 3.1236 8.188 L 3.0184 8.1034 L 2.8932 8.0561 L 2.7572 8.0472 L 1.2973 8.407 L 1.1821 8.4778 L 1.0931 8.5779 L 1.0382 8.702 L 0.9306 9.5837 L 0.8757 9.7078 L 0.7868 9.8079 L 0.6713 9.8785 L 0.0 9.9191 L -0.6713 9.8785 L -0.7868 9.8079 L -0.8757 9.7078 L -0.9306 9.5837 L -1.0393 8.7017 L -1.0931 8.5779 L -1.1821 8.4778 L -1.2984 8.4067 L -2.7582 8.0469 L -2.8932 8.0561 L -3.0184 8.1034 L -3.1247 8.1877 L -3.6298 8.9184 L -3.7361 9.0028 L -3.8613 9.0501 L -3.9964 9.059 L -4.6097 8.783 L -5.1852 8.435 L -5.2546 8.3188 L -5.2868 8.1889 L -5.2778 8.0535 L -4.9641 7.222 L -4.9543 7.0873 L -4.9865 6.9574 L -5.0564 6.8404 L -6.1819 5.8434 L -6.3056 5.7888 L -6.4385 5.7724 L -6.5718 5.7977 L -7.3586 6.21 L -7.4919 6.2353 L -7.6248 6.219 L -7.7485 6.1641 L -8.1633 5.6347 L -8.5112 5.0592 L -8.5186 4.924 L -8.4868 4.794 L -8.4159 4.6783 L -7.7518 4.0878 L -7.6805 3.9732 L -7.6486 3.8432 L -7.6562 3.7071 L -8.1893 2.3012 L -8.2735 2.1953 L -8.3836 2.1191 L -8.5134 2.0796 L -9.4017 2.079 L -9.5314 2.0394 L -9.6415 1.9632 L -9.7256 1.8571 L -9.8468 1.1956 L -9.8874 0.5243 L -9.8312 0.4012 L -9.7426 0.3008 L -9.626 0.2314 L -8.7635 0.0171 L -8.6471 -0.0512 L -8.5585 -0.1515 L -8.502 -0.2756 L -8.3207 -1.7682 L -8.3461 -1.901 L -8.4081 -2.0197 L -8.5046 -2.115 L -9.2909 -2.5283 L -9.3875 -2.6237 L -9.4495 -2.7423 L -9.4746 -2.8753 L -9.2745 -3.5174 L -8.9985 -4.1306 L -8.8915 -4.2135 L -8.7664 -4.2612 L -8.631 -4.2685 L -7.7677 -4.0574 L -7.6329 -4.0639 L -7.5077 -4.1115 L -7.4 -4.1951 L -6.5459 -5.4325 L -6.5066 -5.5619 L -6.5064 -5.6958 L -6.5476 -5.825 L -7.0517 -6.5564 L -7.0929 -6.6857 L -7.0927 -6.8196 L -7.0531 -6.949 L -6.5776 -7.4246 L -6.0482 -7.8393 L -5.9149 -7.863 L -5.782 -7.8471 L -5.6586 -7.7906 L -4.9924 -7.2025 L -4.87 -7.1455 L -4.7371 -7.1296 L -4.6029 -7.1535 L -3.2715 -7.8522 L -3.1766 -7.9486 L -3.1142 -8.067 L -3.0906 -8.2006 L -3.1971 -9.0825 L -3.1735 -9.2161 L -3.1111 -9.3346 L -3.0159 -9.4308 L -2.3738 -9.6309 L -1.7123 -9.7521 L -1.5833 -9.7111 L -1.473 -9.6353 L -1.39 -9.5279 L -1.0734 -8.6976 L -0.9915 -8.5902 L -0.8812 -8.5144 L -0.7512 -8.4732 L 0.7523 -8.4732 L 0.8812 -8.5144 L 0.9915 -8.5902 L 1.0744 -8.6976 L 1.39 -9.5279 L 1.473 -9.6353 L 1.5833 -9.7111 L 1.7123 -9.7521 L 2.3738 -9.6309 L 3.0159 -9.4308 L 3.1111 -9.3346 L 3.1735 -9.2161 L 3.1971 -9.0825 L 3.0916 -8.2001 L 3.1142 -8.067 L 3.1766 -7.9486 L 3.2725 -7.8517 L 4.6038 -7.153 L 4.7371 -7.1296 L 4.87 -7.1455 L 4.9933 -7.202 L 5.6586 -7.7906 L 5.782 -7.8471 L 5.9149 -7.863 L 6.0482 -7.8393 L 6.5776 -7.4246 L 7.0531 -6.949 L 7.0927 -6.8196 L 7.0929 -6.6857 L 7.0517 -6.5564 L 6.5482 -5.8241 L 6.5064 -5.6958 L 6.5066 -5.5619 z M -7.0 0.0 L -6.956 0.7838 L -6.8245 1.5576 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5576 6.8245 L -0.7838 6.956 L 0.0 7.0 L 0.7838 6.956 L 1.5576 6.8245 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8245 1.5576 L 6.956 0.7838 L 7.0 0.0 L 6.956 -0.7838 L 6.8245 -1.5576 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5576 -6.8245 L 0.7838 -6.956 L 0.0 -7.0 L -0.7838 -6.956 L -1.5576 -6.8245 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 L -6.8245 -1.5576 L -6.956 -0.7838 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
494 | </g> | |
495 | <g id='z:7.8' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Layer 24, z:7.8' transform='translate(280.0, 3305.015)'> | |
496 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
497 | <text id='layerTextTemplate7.8' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 24, z:7.8</text> | |
498 | <path d='M 6.5465 -5.4316 L 7.4007 -4.1942 L 7.5077 -4.1115 L 7.6329 -4.0639 L 7.7683 -4.0565 L 8.631 -4.2685 L 8.7664 -4.2612 L 8.8915 -4.2135 L 8.9985 -4.1306 L 9.2745 -3.5174 L 9.4746 -2.8753 L 9.4495 -2.7423 L 9.3875 -2.6237 L 9.2909 -2.5283 L 8.5048 -2.1139 L 8.4081 -2.0197 L 8.3461 -1.901 L 8.3208 -1.7671 L 8.5021 -0.2745 L 8.5585 -0.1515 L 8.6471 -0.0512 L 8.7637 0.0182 L 9.626 0.2314 L 9.7426 0.3008 L 9.8312 0.4012 L 9.8874 0.5243 L 9.8468 1.1956 L 9.7256 1.8571 L 9.6415 1.9632 L 9.5314 2.0394 L 9.4017 2.079 L 8.513 2.0806 L 8.3836 2.1191 L 8.2735 2.1953 L 8.189 2.3022 L 7.6558 3.7081 L 7.6486 3.8432 L 7.6805 3.9732 L 7.7514 4.0888 L 8.4159 4.6783 L 8.4868 4.794 L 8.5186 4.924 L 8.5112 5.0592 L 8.1633 5.6347 L 7.7485 6.1641 L 7.6248 6.219 L 7.4919 6.2353 L 7.3586 6.21 L 6.571 5.7985 L 6.4385 5.7724 L 6.3056 5.7888 L 6.1811 5.8441 L 5.0556 6.8411 L 4.9865 6.9574 L 4.9543 7.0873 L 4.9633 7.2227 L 5.2778 8.0535 L 5.2868 8.1889 L 5.2546 8.3188 L 5.1852 8.435 L 4.6097 8.783 L 3.9964 9.059 L 3.8613 9.0501 L 3.7361 9.0028 L 3.6298 8.9184 L 3.1236 8.188 L 3.0184 8.1034 L 2.8932 8.0561 L 2.7572 8.0472 L 1.2973 8.407 L 1.1821 8.4778 L 1.0931 8.5779 L 1.0382 8.702 L 0.9306 9.5837 L 0.8757 9.7078 L 0.7868 9.8079 L 0.6713 9.8785 L 0.0 9.9191 L -0.6713 9.8785 L -0.7868 9.8079 L -0.8757 9.7078 L -0.9306 9.5837 L -1.0393 8.7017 L -1.0931 8.5779 L -1.1821 8.4778 L -1.2984 8.4067 L -2.7582 8.0469 L -2.8932 8.0561 L -3.0184 8.1034 L -3.1247 8.1877 L -3.6298 8.9184 L -3.7361 9.0028 L -3.8613 9.0501 L -3.9964 9.059 L -4.6097 8.783 L -5.1852 8.435 L -5.2546 8.3188 L -5.2868 8.1889 L -5.2778 8.0535 L -4.9641 7.222 L -4.9543 7.0873 L -4.9865 6.9574 L -5.0564 6.8404 L -6.1819 5.8434 L -6.3056 5.7888 L -6.4385 5.7724 L -6.5718 5.7977 L -7.3586 6.21 L -7.4919 6.2353 L -7.6248 6.219 L -7.7485 6.1641 L -8.1633 5.6347 L -8.5112 5.0592 L -8.5186 4.924 L -8.4868 4.794 L -8.4159 4.6783 L -7.7518 4.0878 L -7.6805 3.9732 L -7.6486 3.8432 L -7.6562 3.7071 L -8.1893 2.3012 L -8.2735 2.1953 L -8.3836 2.1191 L -8.5134 2.0796 L -9.4017 2.079 L -9.5314 2.0394 L -9.6415 1.9632 L -9.7256 1.8571 L -9.8468 1.1956 L -9.8874 0.5243 L -9.8312 0.4012 L -9.7426 0.3008 L -9.626 0.2314 L -8.7635 0.0171 L -8.6471 -0.0512 L -8.5585 -0.1515 L -8.502 -0.2756 L -8.3207 -1.7682 L -8.3461 -1.901 L -8.4081 -2.0197 L -8.5046 -2.115 L -9.2909 -2.5283 L -9.3875 -2.6237 L -9.4495 -2.7423 L -9.4746 -2.8753 L -9.2745 -3.5174 L -8.9985 -4.1306 L -8.8915 -4.2135 L -8.7664 -4.2612 L -8.631 -4.2685 L -7.7677 -4.0574 L -7.6329 -4.0639 L -7.5077 -4.1115 L -7.4 -4.1951 L -6.5459 -5.4325 L -6.5066 -5.5619 L -6.5064 -5.6958 L -6.5476 -5.825 L -7.0517 -6.5564 L -7.0929 -6.6857 L -7.0927 -6.8196 L -7.0531 -6.949 L -6.5776 -7.4246 L -6.0482 -7.8393 L -5.9149 -7.863 L -5.782 -7.8471 L -5.6586 -7.7906 L -4.9924 -7.2025 L -4.87 -7.1455 L -4.7371 -7.1296 L -4.6029 -7.1535 L -3.2715 -7.8522 L -3.1766 -7.9486 L -3.1142 -8.067 L -3.0906 -8.2006 L -3.1971 -9.0825 L -3.1735 -9.2161 L -3.1111 -9.3346 L -3.0159 -9.4308 L -2.3738 -9.6309 L -1.7123 -9.7521 L -1.5833 -9.7111 L -1.473 -9.6353 L -1.39 -9.5279 L -1.0734 -8.6976 L -0.9915 -8.5902 L -0.8812 -8.5144 L -0.7512 -8.4732 L 0.7523 -8.4732 L 0.8812 -8.5144 L 0.9915 -8.5902 L 1.0744 -8.6976 L 1.39 -9.5279 L 1.473 -9.6353 L 1.5833 -9.7111 L 1.7123 -9.7521 L 2.3738 -9.6309 L 3.0159 -9.4308 L 3.1111 -9.3346 L 3.1735 -9.2161 L 3.1971 -9.0825 L 3.0916 -8.2001 L 3.1142 -8.067 L 3.1766 -7.9486 L 3.2725 -7.8517 L 4.6038 -7.153 L 4.7371 -7.1296 L 4.87 -7.1455 L 4.9933 -7.202 L 5.6586 -7.7906 L 5.782 -7.8471 L 5.9149 -7.863 L 6.0482 -7.8393 L 6.5776 -7.4246 L 7.0531 -6.949 L 7.0927 -6.8196 L 7.0929 -6.6857 L 7.0517 -6.5564 L 6.5482 -5.8241 L 6.5064 -5.6958 L 6.5066 -5.5619 z M -7.0 0.0 L -6.956 0.7838 L -6.8245 1.5576 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5576 6.8245 L -0.7838 6.956 L 0.0 7.0 L 0.7838 6.956 L 1.5576 6.8245 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8245 1.5576 L 6.956 0.7838 L 7.0 0.0 L 6.956 -0.7838 L 6.8245 -1.5576 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5576 -6.8245 L 0.7838 -6.956 L 0.0 -7.0 L -0.7838 -6.956 L -1.5576 -6.8245 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 L -6.8245 -1.5576 L -6.956 -0.7838 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
499 | </g> | |
500 | <g id='z:8.2' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Layer 25, z:8.2' transform='translate(280.0, 3435.7156)'> | |
501 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
502 | <text id='layerTextTemplate8.2' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 25, z:8.2</text> | |
503 | <path d='M 3.5883 9.4614 L 2.4216 9.825 L 1.2197 10.0452 L 0.0 10.119 L -1.2197 10.0452 L -2.4216 9.825 L -3.5883 9.4614 L -4.7025 8.9599 L -5.7482 8.3278 L -6.7101 7.5742 L -7.5742 6.7101 L -8.3278 5.7482 L -8.9599 4.7025 L -9.4614 3.5883 L -9.825 2.4216 L -10.0452 1.2197 L -10.119 0.0 L -10.0452 -1.2197 L -9.825 -2.4216 L -9.4614 -3.5883 L -8.9599 -4.7025 L -8.3278 -5.7482 L -7.5742 -6.7101 L -6.7101 -7.5742 L -5.7482 -8.3278 L -4.7025 -8.9599 L -3.5883 -9.4614 L -2.4216 -9.825 L -1.2197 -10.0452 L 0.0 -10.119 L 1.2197 -10.0452 L 2.4216 -9.825 L 3.5883 -9.4614 L 4.7025 -8.9599 L 5.7482 -8.3278 L 6.7101 -7.5742 L 7.5742 -6.7101 L 8.3278 -5.7482 L 8.9599 -4.7025 L 9.4614 -3.5883 L 9.825 -2.4216 L 10.0452 -1.2197 L 10.119 0.0 L 10.0452 1.2197 L 9.825 2.4216 L 9.4614 3.5883 L 8.9599 4.7025 L 8.3278 5.7482 L 7.5742 6.7101 L 6.7101 7.5742 L 5.7482 8.3278 L 4.7025 8.9599 z M -6.956 -0.7838 L -7.0 0.0 L -6.956 0.7838 L -6.8245 1.5576 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5576 6.8245 L -0.7838 6.956 L 0.0 7.0 L 0.7838 6.956 L 1.5576 6.8245 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8245 1.5576 L 6.956 0.7838 L 7.0 0.0 L 6.956 -0.7838 L 6.8245 -1.5576 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5576 -6.8245 L 0.7838 -6.956 L 0.0 -7.0 L -0.7838 -6.956 L -1.5576 -6.8245 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 L -6.8245 -1.5576 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
504 | </g> | |
505 | <g id='z:8.6' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Layer 26, z:8.6' transform='translate(280.0, 3566.4162)'> | |
506 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
507 | <text id='layerTextTemplate8.6' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 26, z:8.6</text> | |
508 | <path d='M 3.7301 9.8355 L 2.5174 10.2133 L 1.2679 10.4423 L 0.0 10.519 L -1.2679 10.4423 L -2.5174 10.2133 L -3.7301 9.8355 L -4.8884 9.3141 L -5.9755 8.657 L -6.9754 7.8736 L -7.8736 6.9754 L -8.657 5.9755 L -9.3141 4.8884 L -9.8355 3.7301 L -10.2133 2.5174 L -10.4423 1.2679 L -10.519 0.0 L -10.4423 -1.2679 L -10.2133 -2.5174 L -9.8355 -3.7301 L -9.3141 -4.8884 L -8.657 -5.9755 L -7.8736 -6.9754 L -6.9754 -7.8736 L -5.9755 -8.657 L -4.8884 -9.3141 L -3.7301 -9.8355 L -2.5174 -10.2133 L -1.2679 -10.4423 L 0.0 -10.519 L 1.2679 -10.4423 L 2.5174 -10.2133 L 3.7301 -9.8355 L 4.8884 -9.3141 L 5.9755 -8.657 L 6.9754 -7.8736 L 7.8736 -6.9754 L 8.657 -5.9755 L 9.3141 -4.8884 L 9.8355 -3.7301 L 10.2133 -2.5174 L 10.4423 -1.2679 L 10.519 0.0 L 10.4423 1.2679 L 10.2133 2.5174 L 9.8355 3.7301 L 9.3141 4.8884 L 8.657 5.9755 L 7.8736 6.9754 L 6.9754 7.8736 L 5.9755 8.657 L 4.8884 9.3141 z M -6.956 -0.7838 L -7.0 0.0 L -6.956 0.7838 L -6.8245 1.5576 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5576 6.8245 L -0.7838 6.956 L 0.0 7.0 L 0.7838 6.956 L 1.5576 6.8245 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8245 1.5576 L 6.956 0.7838 L 7.0 0.0 L 6.956 -0.7838 L 6.8245 -1.5576 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5576 -6.8245 L 0.7838 -6.956 L 0.0 -7.0 L -0.7838 -6.956 L -1.5576 -6.8245 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 L -6.8245 -1.5576 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
509 | </g> | |
510 | <g id='z:9.0' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Layer 27, z:9.0' transform='translate(280.0, 3697.1168)'> | |
511 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
512 | <text id='layerTextTemplate9.0' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 27, z:9.0</text> | |
513 | <path d='M 3.8719 10.2095 L 2.6131 10.6017 L 1.3161 10.8394 L 0.0 10.919 L -1.3161 10.8394 L -2.6131 10.6017 L -3.8719 10.2095 L -5.0743 9.6683 L -6.2027 8.9862 L -7.2406 8.173 L -8.173 7.2406 L -8.9862 6.2027 L -9.6683 5.0743 L -10.2095 3.8719 L -10.6017 2.6131 L -10.8394 1.3161 L -10.919 0.0 L -10.8394 -1.3161 L -10.6017 -2.6131 L -10.2095 -3.8719 L -9.6683 -5.0743 L -8.9862 -6.2027 L -8.173 -7.2406 L -7.2406 -8.173 L -6.2027 -8.9862 L -5.0743 -9.6683 L -3.8719 -10.2095 L -2.6131 -10.6017 L -1.3161 -10.8394 L 0.0 -10.919 L 1.3161 -10.8394 L 2.6131 -10.6017 L 3.8719 -10.2095 L 5.0743 -9.6683 L 6.2027 -8.9862 L 7.2406 -8.173 L 8.173 -7.2406 L 8.9862 -6.2027 L 9.6683 -5.0743 L 10.2095 -3.8719 L 10.6017 -2.6131 L 10.8394 -1.3161 L 10.919 0.0 L 10.8394 1.3161 L 10.6017 2.6131 L 10.2095 3.8719 L 9.6683 5.0743 L 8.9862 6.2027 L 8.173 7.2406 L 7.2406 8.173 L 6.2027 8.9862 L 5.0743 9.6683 z M -6.956 -0.7838 L -7.0 0.0 L -6.956 0.7838 L -6.8245 1.5576 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5576 6.8245 L -0.7838 6.956 L 0.0 7.0 L 0.7838 6.956 L 1.5576 6.8245 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8245 1.5576 L 6.956 0.7838 L 7.0 0.0 L 6.956 -0.7838 L 6.8245 -1.5576 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5576 -6.8245 L 0.7838 -6.956 L 0.0 -7.0 L -0.7838 -6.956 L -1.5576 -6.8245 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 L -6.8245 -1.5576 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
514 | </g> | |
515 | <g id='z:9.4' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Layer 28, z:9.4' transform='translate(280.0, 3827.8174)'> | |
516 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
517 | <text id='layerTextTemplate9.4' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 28, z:9.4</text> | |
518 | <path d='M 4.0138 10.5835 L 2.7088 10.9901 L 1.3644 11.2365 L 0.0 11.319 L -1.3644 11.2365 L -2.7088 10.9901 L -4.0138 10.5835 L -5.2602 10.0224 L -6.4299 9.3154 L -7.5059 8.4724 L -8.4724 7.5059 L -9.3154 6.4299 L -10.0224 5.2602 L -10.5835 4.0138 L -10.9901 2.7088 L -11.2365 1.3644 L -11.319 0.0 L -11.2365 -1.3644 L -10.9901 -2.7088 L -10.5835 -4.0138 L -10.0224 -5.2602 L -9.3154 -6.4299 L -8.4724 -7.5059 L -7.5059 -8.4724 L -6.4299 -9.3154 L -5.2602 -10.0224 L -4.0138 -10.5835 L -2.7088 -10.9901 L -1.3644 -11.2365 L 0.0 -11.319 L 1.3644 -11.2365 L 2.7088 -10.9901 L 4.0138 -10.5835 L 5.2602 -10.0224 L 6.4299 -9.3154 L 7.5059 -8.4724 L 8.4724 -7.5059 L 9.3154 -6.4299 L 10.0224 -5.2602 L 10.5835 -4.0138 L 10.9901 -2.7088 L 11.2365 -1.3644 L 11.319 0.0 L 11.2365 1.3644 L 10.9901 2.7088 L 10.5835 4.0138 L 10.0224 5.2602 L 9.3154 6.4299 L 8.4724 7.5059 L 7.5059 8.4724 L 6.4299 9.3154 L 5.2602 10.0224 z M -6.956 -0.7838 L -7.0 0.0 L -6.956 0.7838 L -6.8245 1.5576 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5576 6.8245 L -0.7838 6.956 L 0.0 7.0 L 0.7838 6.956 L 1.5576 6.8245 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8245 1.5576 L 6.956 0.7838 L 7.0 0.0 L 6.956 -0.7838 L 6.8245 -1.5576 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5576 -6.8245 L 0.7838 -6.956 L 0.0 -7.0 L -0.7838 -6.956 L -1.5576 -6.8245 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 L -6.8245 -1.5576 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
519 | </g> | |
520 | <g id='z:9.8' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Layer 29, z:9.8' transform='translate(280.0, 3958.518)'> | |
521 | <!--id='layerTextTemplate' must be there so that the text could be removed if necessary--> | |
522 | <text id='layerTextTemplate9.8' fill='#000' stroke='none' y='15' >Layer 29, z:9.8</text> | |
523 | <path d='M 4.1556 10.9575 L 2.8045 11.3785 L 1.4126 11.6336 L 0.0 11.719 L -1.4126 11.6336 L -2.8045 11.3785 L -4.1556 10.9575 L -5.4461 10.3766 L -6.6571 9.6445 L -7.7711 8.7718 L -8.7718 7.7711 L -9.6445 6.6571 L -10.3766 5.4461 L -10.9575 4.1556 L -11.3785 2.8045 L -11.6336 1.4126 L -11.719 0.0 L -11.6336 -1.4126 L -11.3785 -2.8045 L -10.9575 -4.1556 L -10.3766 -5.4461 L -9.6445 -6.6571 L -8.7718 -7.7711 L -7.7711 -8.7718 L -6.6571 -9.6445 L -5.4461 -10.3766 L -4.1556 -10.9575 L -2.8045 -11.3785 L -1.4126 -11.6336 L 0.0 -11.719 L 1.4126 -11.6336 L 2.8045 -11.3785 L 4.1556 -10.9575 L 5.4461 -10.3766 L 6.6571 -9.6445 L 7.7711 -8.7718 L 8.7718 -7.7711 L 9.6445 -6.6571 L 10.3766 -5.4461 L 10.9575 -4.1556 L 11.3785 -2.8045 L 11.6336 -1.4126 L 11.719 0.0 L 11.6336 1.4126 L 11.3785 2.8045 L 10.9575 4.1556 L 10.3766 5.4461 L 9.6445 6.6571 L 8.7718 7.7711 L 7.7711 8.7718 L 6.6571 9.6445 L 5.4461 10.3766 z M -6.956 -0.7838 L -7.0 0.0 L -6.956 0.7838 L -6.8247 1.5563 L -6.6072 2.3119 L -6.3068 3.0372 L -5.9271 3.7242 L -5.4728 4.3644 L -4.9497 4.9497 L -4.3644 5.4728 L -3.7242 5.9271 L -3.0372 6.3068 L -2.3119 6.6072 L -1.5567 6.8247 L -0.7838 6.956 L 0.0 7.0 L 0.7838 6.956 L 1.5576 6.8245 L 2.3119 6.6072 L 3.0372 6.3068 L 3.7242 5.9271 L 4.3644 5.4728 L 4.9497 4.9497 L 5.4728 4.3644 L 5.9271 3.7242 L 6.3068 3.0372 L 6.6072 2.3119 L 6.8247 1.5563 L 6.956 0.7838 L 7.0 0.0 L 6.956 -0.7838 L 6.8247 -1.5563 L 6.6072 -2.3119 L 6.3068 -3.0372 L 5.9271 -3.7242 L 5.4728 -4.3644 L 4.9497 -4.9497 L 4.3644 -5.4728 L 3.7242 -5.9271 L 3.0372 -6.3068 L 2.3119 -6.6072 L 1.5576 -6.8245 L 0.7838 -6.956 L 0.0 -7.0 L -0.7838 -6.956 L -1.5567 -6.8247 L -2.3119 -6.6072 L -3.0372 -6.3068 L -3.7242 -5.9271 L -4.3644 -5.4728 L -4.9497 -4.9497 L -5.4728 -4.3644 L -5.9271 -3.7242 L -6.3068 -3.0372 L -6.6072 -2.3119 L -6.8247 -1.5563 z' transform='scale(3.7, -3.7) translate(11.919, 11.919)' /> | |
524 | </g> | |
525 | </g> | |
526 | <!--End Layer Data--> | |
527 | <!--beginningOfControlSection='true' must be there or else the control boxes will be carved--> | |
528 | <g id='controls' beginningOfControlSection='true' inkscape:groupmode='layer' inkscape:label='Controls'> | |
529 | <!--id='isoControlBox' must be there so that the controls could be removed if necessary--> | |
530 | <g id='isoControlBox' fill='#000' font-family='Arial' font-size='15px' font-weight='bold' transform='translate(20, 60)' visibility='hidden'> | |
531 | <rect fill='silver' height='720' stroke='gray' stroke-width='4px' width='240' /> | |
532 | <circle id='globe' cx='120' cy='120' fill='gray' r='100' /> | |
533 | <circle id='cover' cx='120' cy='120' fill='silver' r='33' /> | |
534 | <circle id='observer' fill='darkslateblue' r='12' /> | |
535 | <text id='latitudeIso' x='20' y='260' >Latitude</text> | |
536 | <text fill='darkslateblue' onclick='displayIsoByLatitude(globalLatitude-1.0)' x='198' y='260' ><</text> | |
537 | <text fill='darkslateblue' onclick='displayIsoByLatitude(globalLatitude+1.0)' x='213' y='260' >></text> | |
538 | <text id='longitudeIso' x='20' y='280' >Longitude</text> | |
539 | <text fill='darkslateblue' onclick='displayIsoByLongitude(globalLongitude-1.0)' x='198' y='280' ><</text> | |
540 | <text fill='darkslateblue' onclick='displayIsoByLongitude(globalLongitude+1.0)' x='213' y='280' >></text> | |
541 | <text x='20' y='300' >Scale</text> | |
542 | <text id='scaleIso' x='65' y='300' >1</text> | |
543 | <text fill='darkslateblue' onclick='changeScaleIso(globalZoomScale/2)' x='198' y='300' ><</text> | |
544 | <text fill='darkslateblue' onclick='changeScaleIso(globalZoomScale*2)' x='213' y='300' >></text> | |
545 | <g transform='translate(20, 340)'> | |
546 | <text >Min</text> | |
547 | <text id='minXIso' y='20' >X: -11.919 mm</text> | |
548 | <text id='minYIso' y='40' >Y: -11.919 mm</text> | |
549 | <text id='minZIso' y='60' >Z: -2.0 mm</text> | |
550 | </g> | |
551 | <g transform='translate(20, 440)'> | |
552 | <text >Max</text> | |
553 | <text id='maxXIso' y='20' >X: 11.919 mm</text> | |
554 | <text id='maxYIso' y='40' >Y: 11.919 mm</text> | |
555 | <text id='maxZIso' y='60' >Z: 10.0 mm</text> | |
556 | </g> | |
557 | <g transform='translate(20, 540)'> | |
558 | <text >Dimension</text> | |
559 | <text id='dimXIso' y='20' >X: 23.838 mm</text> | |
560 | <text id='dimYIso' y='40' >Y: 23.838 mm</text> | |
561 | <text id='dimZIso' y='60' >Z: 12.0 mm</text> | |
562 | </g> | |
563 | <g transform='translate(20, 640)'> | |
564 | <text >Statistics</text> | |
565 | <text id='layerHeightIso' y='20' >Layer Height: 0.4 mm</text> | |
566 | <text id='numberOfLayersIso' y='40' >Number of Layers: 30</text> | |
567 | <text id='volumeIso' y='60' >Volume: 1.8836 cm3</text> | |
568 | </g> | |
569 | </g> | |
570 | <!--id='layerControlBox' must be there so that the controls could be removed if necessary--> | |
571 | <g id='layerControlBox' fill='#000' font-family='Arial' font-size='15px' font-weight='bold' transform='translate(20, 60)' visibility='hidden'> | |
572 | <rect fill='silver' height='720' stroke='gray' stroke-width='4px' width='240' /> | |
573 | <path d='M 66 164 h76 v6 l18 -9 l-18 -9 v6 h-70 v-70 h6 l-9 -18 l-9 18 h6 z' stroke-width='0' /> | |
574 | <!--<path stroke='#000' stroke-width='3' d='M 20 20 h5 l-5 -10 l-5 10 h5 v35 h35 v-5 l10 5 l-10 5 v-5 h-35 z'/>--> | |
575 | <text text-anchor='middle' x='68' y='64' >Y</text> | |
576 | <text x='165' y='166' >X</text> | |
577 | <text id='minIndexLayer' x='20' y='245' >0</text> | |
578 | <rect id='slider' fill='gray' height='24' width='170' x='32' y='230' /> | |
579 | <circle id='thumb' cx='42' cy='242' fill='darkslateblue' r='12' /> | |
580 | <text id='maxIndexLayer' x='203' y='245' >1</text> | |
581 | <text id='currentIndexLayer' x='20' y='280' >Layer</text> | |
582 | <text id='decreaseLayerIndex' fill='darkslateblue' onclick='displayLayer(globalLayerIndex-1)' x='198' y='280' ><</text> | |
583 | <text id='increaseLayerIndex' fill='darkslateblue' onclick='displayLayer(globalLayerIndex+1)' x='213' y='280' >></text> | |
584 | <text x='20' y='300' >Scale</text> | |
585 | <text id='scaleLayer' x='65' y='300' >1</text> | |
586 | <text fill='darkslateblue' onclick='changeScaleLayer(globalZoomScale/2)' x='198' y='300' ><</text> | |
587 | <text fill='darkslateblue' onclick='changeScaleLayer(globalZoomScale*2)' x='213' y='300' >></text> | |
588 | <g transform='translate(20, 340)'> | |
589 | <text >Min</text> | |
590 | <text id='minXLayer' y='20' >X: -11.919 mm</text> | |
591 | <text id='minYLayer' y='40' >Y: -11.919 mm</text> | |
592 | <text id='minZLayer' y='60' >Z: -2.0 mm</text> | |
593 | </g> | |
594 | <g transform='translate(20, 440)'> | |
595 | <text >Max</text> | |
596 | <text id='maxXLayer' y='20' >X: 11.919 mm</text> | |
597 | <text id='maxYLayer' y='40' >Y: 11.919 mm</text> | |
598 | <text id='maxZLayer' y='60' >Z: 10.0 mm</text> | |
599 | </g> | |
600 | <g transform='translate(20, 540)'> | |
601 | <text >Dimension</text> | |
602 | <text id='dimXLayer' y='20' >X: 23.838 mm</text> | |
603 | <text id='dimYLayer' y='40' >Y: 23.838 mm</text> | |
604 | <text id='dimZLayer' y='60' >Z: 12.0 mm</text> | |
605 | </g> | |
606 | <g transform='translate(20, 640)'> | |
607 | <text >Statistics</text> | |
608 | <text id='layerHeightLayer' y='20' >Layer Height: 0.4 mm</text> | |
609 | <text id='numberOfLayersLayer' y='40' >Number of Layers: 30</text> | |
610 | <text id='volumeLayer' y='60' >Volume: 1.8836 cm3</text> | |
611 | </g> | |
612 | </g> | |
613 | <!--id='scrollControlBox' must be there so that the controls could be removed if necessary--> | |
614 | <g id='scrollControlBox' fill='#000' font-family='Arial' font-size='15px' font-weight='bold' transform='translate(20, 60)' visibility='visible'> | |
615 | <rect fill='silver' height='720' stroke='gray' stroke-width='4px' width='240' /> | |
616 | <path d='M 66 164 h76 v6 l18 -9 l-18 -9 v6 h-70 v-70 h6 l-9 -18 l-9 18 h6 z' stroke-width='0' /> | |
617 | <text text-anchor='middle' x='68' y='64' >Y</text> | |
618 | <text x='165' y='166' >X</text> | |
619 | <text x='20' y='300' >Scale</text> | |
620 | <text id='scaleScroll' x='65' y='300' >: 1</text> | |
621 | <text fill='darkslateblue' onclick='changeScaleScroll(globalZoomScale/2)' x='198' y='300' ><</text> | |
622 | <text fill='darkslateblue' onclick='changeScaleScroll(globalZoomScale*2)' x='213' y='300' >></text> | |
623 | <g transform='translate(20, 340)'> | |
624 | <text >Min</text> | |
625 | <text id='minXScroll' y='20' >X: -11.919 mm</text> | |
626 | <text id='minYScroll' y='40' >Y: -11.919 mm</text> | |
627 | <text id='minZScroll' y='60' >Z: -2.0 mm</text> | |
628 | </g> | |
629 | <g transform='translate(20, 440)'> | |
630 | <text >Max</text> | |
631 | <text id='maxXScroll' y='20' >X: 11.919 mm</text> | |
632 | <text id='maxYScroll' y='40' >Y: 11.919 mm</text> | |
633 | <text id='maxZScroll' y='60' >Z: 10.0 mm</text> | |
634 | </g> | |
635 | <g transform='translate(20, 540)'> | |
636 | <text >Dimension</text> | |
637 | <text id='dimXScroll' y='20' >X: 23.838 mm</text> | |
638 | <text id='dimYScroll' y='40' >Y: 23.838 mm</text> | |
639 | <text id='dimZScroll' y='60' >Z: 12.0 mm</text> | |
640 | </g> | |
641 | <g transform='translate(20, 640)'> | |
642 | <text >Statistics</text> | |
643 | <text id='layerHeightScroll' y='20' >Layer Height: 0.4 mm</text> | |
644 | <text id='numberOfLayersScroll' y='40' >Number of Layers: 30</text> | |
645 | <text id='volumeScroll' y='60' >Volume: 1.8836 cm3</text> | |
646 | </g> | |
647 | </g> | |
648 | <text id='isoViewButton' fill='darkslateblue' font-size='18px' font-weight='normal' onclick='viewIso()' text-anchor='middle' visibility='visible' x='80' y='30' >[Iso View]</text> | |
649 | <text id='isoViewLabel' fill='darkslateblue' font-size='24px' font-weight='bold' text-anchor='middle' visibility='hidden' x='76' y='30' >Iso View</text> | |
650 | <text id='layerViewButton' fill='darkslateblue' font-size='18px' font-weight='normal' onclick='viewLayer()' text-anchor='middle' visibility='visible' x='240' y='30' >[Layer View]</text> | |
651 | <text id='layerViewLabel' fill='darkslateblue' font-size='24px' font-weight='bold' text-anchor='middle' visibility='hidden' x='236' y='30' >Layer View</text> | |
652 | <text id='scrollViewButton' fill='darkslateblue' font-size='18px' font-weight='normal' onclick='viewScroll()' text-anchor='middle' visibility='hidden' x='400' y='30' >[Scroll View]</text> | |
653 | <text id='scrollViewLabel' fill='darkslateblue' font-size='24px' font-weight='bold' text-anchor='middle' visibility='visible' x='396' y='30' >Scroll View</text> | |
654 | </g> | |
655 | </svg> |