added player profiles

fix #688

#721: fix typo

added controller number to event scripts parameter 1

forgot thread damonize

added xmlrpc server to live viewer, cli functions communicate with server



added custom event scripts

added dev parameter

maximum default pitlane limit

pitlane checkout bug resolved, prepare for customized pitlane speedlimit

added learn and teach modes for intelligent ghostcars

added drive speed display for virtual slots to live screen

changed --slot parameter to 1..6 instead of 0..5

renamed --speed to --accel and added minimum value 6

fix winning position display

added quakesounds

final corrections

added test option without communication

added winning ability ;)

improved live display with colors

improved live display with colors

fix: ghostcars unlimited fuel

bugfix: ghostcar assignment to slots 5 and 6

added remote start button press

added panic mode, shortcircuit can be resumed now


added empty lines between live data display entries

added test option without communication

(0) -100 -50 -30 +30 tip
