Sun, 28 Oct 2012 18:43:50 +0100
added custom event scripts
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Freeslot project Command line interface """ from freeslot import Blackbox, LOGLEVEL from optparse import OptionParser from operator import itemgetter from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import sys, os from copy import copy import curses from time import sleep VERSION = "1.7" MAXSLOTS = 6 TERM = { "caption": "\033[1;37m\033[1;44m", "text": "\033[1;30m", } # disable debug log output LOGLEVEL = 10 SOUNDPREFIX = "quake-" EVENTPREFIX = "event/" SOUNDS = { "countdown_start": os.path.abspath(SOUNDPREFIX + "sound/countdown.mp3"), "race_start": os.path.abspath(SOUNDPREFIX + "sound/racestart.mp3"), "race_prepare": os.path.abspath(SOUNDPREFIX + "sound/prepare.mp3"), "lap_record": os.path.abspath(SOUNDPREFIX + "sound/laprecord.mp3"), "fuel_warning1": os.path.abspath(SOUNDPREFIX + "sound/fuel1.mp3"), "fuel_warning2": os.path.abspath(SOUNDPREFIX + "sound/fuel2.mp3"), "fuel_full": os.path.abspath(SOUNDPREFIX + "sound/fuel_full.mp3"), "pitlane_enter": os.path.abspath(SOUNDPREFIX + "sound/pitlane_enter.mp3"), "pitlane_exit": os.path.abspath(SOUNDPREFIX + "sound/pitlane_exit.mp3"), "data_error": os.path.abspath(SOUNDPREFIX + "sound/data_error.mp3"), "panic": os.path.abspath(SOUNDPREFIX + "sound/panic.mp3"), "panic_shortcut": os.path.abspath(SOUNDPREFIX + "sound/panic_shortcut.mp3"), "resume": os.path.abspath(SOUNDPREFIX + "sound/resume.mp3"), "win": os.path.abspath(SOUNDPREFIX + "sound/win.mp3"), } def trigger_sound(what): if what in SOUNDS: Popen(["/usr/bin/mpg123", "-q", SOUNDS[what]]) #os.spawnlp(os.P_NOWAIT, "/usr/bin/mpg123", "mpg123", SOUNDS[what]) #Popen(["/usr/bin/mpg123", SOUNDS[what]]).pid def trigger_event(what): trigger_sound(what) Popen([os.path.abspath(EVENTPREFIX + what]) class SlotCli(): def __init__(self, test = None, dev=""): = Blackbox() if not test: self.slot_dummy = { "name": "Unnamed", "laps": 0, "laps_last": 0, "last": 0.00, "best": 0.00, "fuel": 0, "fuel_last": 0, "position": 0, "drive": 0, "status": "Idle", "clk": 0, "car": 0, "limit": 15, } self.slot = [ copy(self.slot_dummy), copy(self.slot_dummy), copy(self.slot_dummy), copy(self.slot_dummy), copy(self.slot_dummy), copy(self.slot_dummy), ] self.reset_slots() self.sysclk = 0.00 self.sysclk_last = 0.00 self.bestlap = 9999999.00 self.test = test self.laplimit = 999; self.timelimit = 0; def reset_slots(self): idx = 0 for slt in self.slot: slt["laps"] = 0 slt["laps_last"] = 0 slt["last"] = 0.00 slt["best"] = 0.00 slt["fuel"] = 100 slt["fuel_last"] = 0 slt["position"] = idx slt["car"] = idx # used for sort order calculation slt["status"] = self.slot_dummy["status"] slt["clk"] = 0 slt["limit"] = 15 idx += 1 self.bestlap = 99999.00 self.raceactive = False def update_positions(self): order1 = sorted(self.slot, key=itemgetter( "clk")) order2 = sorted(self.slot, key=itemgetter( "laps"), reverse=True) idx = 1 for tst in order2: self.slot[tst["car"]]["position"] = idx idx += 1 def render_slots(self): self.update_positions() self.scr.addstr(3,0, #"Pos | #/Name | Laps | Best | Last | Fuel | Status ", "Pos | #/Name ", curses.color_pair(2)) self.scr.addstr(4,4, " Laps | Best | Last | Fuel | Status ", curses.color_pair(2)) for idx in range(MAXSLOTS): """ self.scr.addstr((3 + (self.slot[idx]["position"] * 2)), 0, "%3i | %i %15s | %4i | %7.2fs | %7.2fs | %3i%% | %10s" % ( self.slot[idx]["position"], self.slot[idx]["car"] + 1, self.slot[idx]["name"], self.slot[idx]["laps"], self.slot[idx]["best"], self.slot[idx]["last"], self.slot[idx]["fuel"], self.slot[idx]["status"], ), curses.color_pair(11 + idx) ) """ if idx > 3: namesuffix = " (%i)" % self.slot[idx]["drive"] else: namesuffix = "" self.scr.addstr((3 + (self.slot[idx]["position"] * 2)), 0, "%3i | %i %15s %48s" % ( self.slot[idx]["position"], self.slot[idx]["car"] + 1, (self.slot[idx]["name"] + namesuffix), "", ), curses.color_pair(11 + idx) ) self.scr.addstr((4 + (self.slot[idx]["position"] * 2)), 4, " %4i | %7.2fs | %7.2fs | %3i%% | %10s | %2i% 15s" % ( self.slot[idx]["laps"], self.slot[idx]["best"], self.slot[idx]["last"], self.slot[idx]["fuel"], self.slot[idx]["status"], self.slot[idx]["limit"], "" ), curses.color_pair(11 + idx) ) def cleartop(self): self.scr.addstr(0,0, "%60s" % "Race Limits: %i Laps / %i Minutes" % (self.laplimit, self.timelimit)) self.scr.addstr(1,0, "%80s" % " ") def readName(self, slot): self.scr.nodelay(0) # enable delay on readkey curses.echo() self.scr.addstr(0,0, "Enter Name for Controller %i [%s]:" % ( slot + 1, self.slot[slot]["name"]), curses.color_pair(1)) self.scr.refresh() name = self.scr.getstr(1,0, 15) if name != "": self.slot[slot]["name"] = name self.cleartop() self.scr.refresh() curses.noecho() self.scr.nodelay(1) # disable delay on readkey def readLimit(self, slot): limit = self.readInt("SPEEDLIMIT for %s (%i)" % ( self.slot[slot]["name"], slot + 1), self.slot[slot]["limit"], 15) if limit: self.slot[slot]["limit"] = limit self.cleartop(), limit) def readInt(self, msg, default, maximum = 999999): self.scr.nodelay(0) # enable delay on readkey curses.echo() self.scr.addstr(0,0, "%s [%i]:" % ( msg, default), curses.color_pair(1)) self.scr.refresh() inp = self.scr.getstr(1,0, 4) if inp != "": try: inp = int(inp) if inp > maximum: inp = maximum except Exception: inp = None else: inp = None self.cleartop() self.scr.refresh() curses.noecho() self.scr.nodelay(1) # disable delay on readkey return inp def monitor_init(self, live = 1): """ Send initializing commands for live monitoring """"F1\n") # set fuel logic enabled"*%i\n" % live) # set live fuel info def monitor_learn(self, slot): # clear garbage in UART rx buffer"*0\n") # set live fuel info"*0\n") # set live fuel info while != "": pass trk = False spd = 0 trk_old = False spd_old = 0 clock = -1 self.monitor_init(slot + 2) while 1: #key = self.scr.getch() #if key == ord('c'): break # is there something in the rx buffer? rx = if (rx != ""): try: data = rx.split(":") if rx[:3] == "LN:": if clock >= 0: clock += 1 spd = int(data[1], 16) trk = (data[2] != 'X') if (spd != spd_old) or (trk != trk_old): if clock < 0: clock = 0 print "%i,%i,%s" % (clock, spd, trk) trk_old = trk spd_old = spd * 1 if rx[:2] == "L:": # update lap time info l = int(data[2], 16) s = int(data[3]) - 1 t = int(data[4], 16) / 2000.00 if (slot == s): print "# lap %i complete: %3.2f seconds" % (l, t) clock = 0 print "%i,%i,%s" % (clock, spd, trk) except: print "RX ERROR: " % rx def monitor_playback(self, slot, filename): # clear garbage in UART rx buffer"*0\n") # set live fuel info"*0\n") # set live fuel info sleep(1), 0 ) while != "": pass clock = -5 trkfile = open(filename, "r").readlines() print "Loading %s..." % filename while 1: try: for l in trkfile: l = l.strip() if (l != "") and (l[:1] != "#"): print "Line: %s" % repr(l) data = l.split(",") speed = int(data[1]) while (clock < int(data[0]) and (int(data[0]) > 0)): clock += 1 sleep(0.07) print "CLK %i/%i -> set: %i" % (clock, int(data[0]), speed), speed ) # now wait for lap sync :) while != "": pass rx = "" while rx[:2] != "L:": rx = data = rx.split(":") l = int(data[2], 16) s = int(data[3]) - 1 t = int(data[4], 16) / 2000.00 print "# lap %i complete: %3.2f seconds" % (l, t) clock = -3 except Exception, e: print repr(e) sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "resetting", 0 ), 0 ) sys.exit(0) def monitor(self): """ Live Monitor on the console Keyboard loop to control it??? """ # clear garbage in UART rx buffer while != "": pass self.monitor_init() self.scr = curses.initscr() curses.start_color() curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) # standard text curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE) # label curses.init_pair(11, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_YELLOW) # player 1 slot curses.init_pair(12, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_GREEN) # player 2 slot curses.init_pair(13, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_RED) # player 3 slot curses.init_pair(14, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_MAGENTA) # player 4 slot curses.init_pair(15, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) # player 5 slot curses.init_pair(16, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) # player 6 slot curses.noecho() # disable key echo curses.cbreak() # do not buffer keypresses self.scr.keypad(1) # enable special keys self.scr.nodelay(1) # disable delay on readkey self.cleartop() self.render_slots() self.scr.refresh() while 1: key = self.scr.getch() if key == ord('c'): break elif key == ord(' '):"+") # panic / resume elif key == 10:"#") # remote start button press elif key == ord('1'): self.readName(0) elif key == ord('2'): self.readName(1) elif key == ord('3'): self.readName(2) elif key == ord('4'): self.readName(3) elif key == ord('5'): self.readName(4) elif key == ord('6'): self.readName(5) elif key == ord('q'): self.readLimit(0) elif key == ord('w'): self.readLimit(1) elif key == ord('e'): self.readLimit(2) elif key == ord('r'): self.readLimit(3) elif key == ord('t'): self.readLimit(4) elif key == ord('z'): self.readLimit(5) elif key == ord('a'): if self.slot[4]["drive"] > 0: self.slot[4]["drive"] -= 1, self.slot[4]["drive"]) elif key == ord('s'): if self.slot[4]["drive"] < 16: self.slot[4]["drive"] += 1, self.slot[4]["drive"]) elif key == ord('y'): if self.slot[5]["drive"] > 0: self.slot[5]["drive"] -= 1, self.slot[5]["drive"]) elif key == ord('x'): if self.slot[5]["drive"] < 16: self.slot[5]["drive"] += 1, self.slot[4]["drive"]) elif key == ord('t'): tmp = self.readInt("Set new Race TIME limit", self.timelimit) if tmp: self.timelimit = tmp elif key == ord('l'): tmp = self.readInt("Set new Race LAP limit", self.laplimit) if tmp: self.laplimit = tmp # is there something in the rx buffer? rx = if (rx != "") or self.test: self.scr.addstr(17,0, "Last RX: %19s" % rx, curses.color_pair(2)) self.scr.redrawwin() self.scr.refresh() # we have received something try: data = rx.split(":") if rx[:2] == "L:": # update lap time info l = int(data[2], 16) slot = int(data[3]) - 1 t = int(data[4], 16) / 2000.00 self.sysclk = int(data[5], 16) / 2000.00 self.slot[slot]["laps_last"] = self.slot[slot]["laps"] self.slot[slot]["laps"] = l self.slot[slot]["last"] = t self.slot[slot]["clk"] = self.sysclk if (self.slot[slot]["best"] > t) or (self.slot[slot]["best"] == 0): self.slot[slot]["best"] = t if self.bestlap > t: trigger_event("lap_record") self.bestlap = t self.slot[slot]["status"] = "IN-RACE" if (self.slot[slot]["laps_last"] != l) and (l == self.laplimit): # we have lap limit reached! trigger_event("win") self.raceactive = False self.slot[slot]["status"] = "WINNER!""+") # stop race self.render_slots() if rx[:2] == "F:": # update fuel level slot = int(data[1]) f = int(data[2], 16) f = f / 100 # fuel in percent self.sysclk = int(data[3], 16) / 2000.00 self.slot[slot]["fuel_last"] = self.slot[slot]["fuel"] self.slot[slot]["fuel"] = f if self.slot[slot]["fuel_last"] != f: if (self.slot[slot]["fuel_last"] == 16) and (f == 15): # 15 percent fuel, set speed limit for car to 8 # warning sound trigger_event("fuel_warning1"), 8) if (self.slot[slot]["fuel_last"] == 6) and (f == 5): # 5 percent, set speed limit for car to 6 # warning sound trigger_event("fuel_warning2"), 6) if (self.slot[slot]["fuel_last"] == 1) and (f == 0): # fuel empty # set speedlimit to 4, 4) if (self.slot[slot]["fuel_last"] < f) and (f >= 11) and (f < 20):, 15) if (self.slot[slot]["fuel_last"] < f) and (f == 100): trigger_event("fuel_full") self.render_slots() if rx[:1] == "~": # jumpstart occured slot = int(rx[1:2]) t = int(data[1], 16) / 2000.00 self.slot[slot]["jumpstart"] = t self.slot[slot]["status"] = "Jumpstart!" if rx[:3] == "RW:": # ResponseWire packet, do nothing at the moment, just decode slot = int(data[1]) devtype = int(data[2]) sender = int(data[3], 16) status = int(data[4], 16) self.sysclk = int(data[5], 16) if (devtype == 4): # pitlane sent something if (status == 5): self.slot[slot]["status"] = "PITLANE" trigger_event("pitlane_enter") if (status == 7): self.slot[slot]["status"] = "IN-RACE" trigger_event("pitlane_exit") self.render_slots() if rx == "!RACE PREPARE": # reset current race status # and display PREPARE PHASE self.reset_slots() for slot in range(MAXSLOTS): self.slot[slot]["status"] = "Prepare" trigger_event("race_prepare") if rx == "!RACE START": for slot in range(MAXSLOTS): if self.slot[slot]["status"] == "~~~~~~~~~~": self.slot[slot]["status"] = "Idle" trigger_event("race_start") self.raceactive = True if rx == "!COUNTDOWN": # countdown initiated for slot in range(MAXSLOTS): self.slot[slot]["status"] = "~~~~~~~~~~" trigger_event("countdown_start") if rx == "!PANIC": # panic mode trigger_event("panic") if rx == "!SHORTCUT": # panic mode trigger_event("panic_shortcut") if rx == "!RESUME": # panic mode trigger_event("resume") if ((self.timelimit > 0) and (self.raceactive) and (self.sysclk_last != self.sysclk) and ((self.sysclk / 60) >= self.timelimit)): self.sysclk_last = self.sysclk self.raceactive = False # we have time limit reached!"+") # stop race trigger_event("win") # get the one with position 1 for slot in self.slots: if slot["position"] == 1: slot["status"] = "WINNER!" self.render_slots() self.sysclk_last = self.sysclk self.scr.addstr(17,31, "Race Timer: %7.3f min" % (self.sysclk / 60), curses.color_pair(2)) self.scr.refresh() except Exception: trigger_event("data_error") pass # terminate curses.nocbreak() self.scr.keypad(0) curses.echo() curses.endwin() return None def cyclemode(self): pass if __name__ == "__main__": parser = OptionParser(version="%prog " + VERSION) parser.add_option("--live", dest="live", action="store_true", default=False, help="Run Live monitor on console", metavar="[0-5]") parser.add_option("--learn", dest="learn", action="store_true", default=False, help="Run Learning mode for [slot]", metavar="[0-5]") parser.add_option("--teach", dest="playback", help="Playback teach file", metavar="[filename]") parser.add_option("--slot", dest="carid", help="Required for programming a car directly", metavar="[1-6]") parser.add_option("--fuel", dest="fuel", help="Set maximum CAR fuel level", metavar="[0-15]") parser.add_option("--brake", dest="brake", help="Set CAR brake strength", metavar="[0-15]") parser.add_option("--accel", dest="accel", help="Set CAR acceleration ", metavar="[6-15]") parser.add_option("--blink", dest="blink", help="Set car lights blinking state", metavar="[on|off]") parser.add_option("--limit", dest="limit", help="Controlled SPEED LIMIT (15 = no limit)", metavar="[0-15]") parser.add_option("--drive", dest="drive", help="Controlled SPEED MINIMUM (0 = disabled)", metavar="[0-15]") parser.add_option("--test", dest="test", action="store_true", default=False, help="", metavar="") parser.add_option("--dev", dest="dev", default="/dev/ttyUSB0", help="Communication port", metavar="[/dev/ttyUSB0]") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() #if not # = "/dev/ttyUSB0" cli = SlotCli(options.test, # should a CLI function be started? if # start the live monitor cli.monitor() sys.exit(0) # check commandline if we have to program something if not options.carid: print "Option --slot is required for all car programming commands!\nUse --help to get a list of available commands" sys.exit(1) else: options.carid = int(options.carid) - 1 if (options.carid < 0) or (options.carid > 6): print "Error: Invalid slot selected" sys.exit(1) if options.learn: # start the learn monitor cli.monitor_learn(options.carid) sys.exit(0) if options.playback: # start the playback monitor cli.monitor_playback(options.carid, options.playback) sys.exit(0) if options.fuel: print "setFuel: " +, "fuel", int(options.fuel)) if options.accel: print "setAccel: " +, "accel", int(options.accel)) if options.brake: print "setBrake: " +, "brake", int(options.brake)) if options.blink: state = False if options.blink == "on": state = True print "setBlink: " +, state) if options.limit: print "Change Speed Limit: " +, int(options.limit)) if print "Change minimum Speed drive: " +, int(