Added tag V1.8 for changeset fb998693e82c
#ifndef MAIN_H #define MAIN_H #include <avr/wdt.h> #include <stdint.h> #define VERSION "1.8" #define COUNTDOWN_DELAY 10 // x/10 seconds // Hardware config #define LAP_COUNTER_PORT PORTB #define LAP_COUNTER PB2 #define MODUL_PORT PORTD #define MODUL_ST4 PD5 #define MODUL_ST6 PD6 #define RESPONSEWIRE_PORT MODUL_PORT #define RESPONSEWIRE_PIN MODUL_ST4 #define I2C_PORT PORTC #define I2C_SCL PC0 #define I2C_SDA PC1 #define LED1_PORT PORTA #define LED2_PORT PORTA #define LED3_PORT PORTC #define LED4_PORT PORTC #define LED5_PORT PORTC #define LED1 PA4 #define LED2 PA5 #define LED3 PC7 #define LED4 PC2 #define LED5 PC3 #define SW_PACECAR_PORT PORTC #define SW_START_PORT PORTB #define SW_FUEL_PORT PORTB #define SW_PACECAR PC6 #define SW_FUEL PB0 #define SW_START PB1 #define SPEAKER_PORT PORTD #define SPEAKER PD7 #define RAIL_POWER_PORT PORTD #define RAIL_POWER PD4 // high = rails powered #define RAIL_DETECT_PORT PORTA #define RAIL_DETECT PA7 // low = short circuit detection #define CONTROLLER_PORT PORTB #define CONTROLLER_MAX 360 // full throttle ADC value #define CONTROLLER_DIVISOR (uint8_t)(CONTROLLER_MAX/15) #define CONTROLLER1_SW PB4 #define CONTROLLER2_SW PB5 #define CONTROLLER3_SW PB6 #define CONTROLLER4_SW PB7 #define CONTROLLER1_SPEED 0 // ADC channel # #define CONTROLLER2_SPEED 1 // ADC channel # #define CONTROLLER3_SPEED 2 // ADC channel # #define CONTROLLER4_SPEED 3 // ADC channel # // TIMING STUFF /* #define TIMER0_DIVISOR 8 #define VALUE_50US 0.45e-4 #define TIMER_50US 0xff - (uint8_t)(VALUE_50US * F_CPU/TIMER0_DIVISOR) */ /* #define VALUE_7500NS 0.85e-2 #define TIMER_7500NS 0xffff - (uint16_t)(VALUE_7500NS * F_CPU/TIMER1_DIVISOR) */ //#define TIMER_7500NS (uint16_t)(VALUE_7500NS * F_CPU/TIMER1_DIVISOR) #define TIMER0_DIVISOR 8 #define VALUE0_250US 0.25e-3 #define TIMER0_250US 0xff - (uint8_t)(VALUE0_250US * F_CPU/TIMER0_DIVISOR) #define TIMER0_2300NS (uint8_t)(2300/250) #define TIMER2_DIVISOR 8 #define VALUE2_50US 0.50e-4 #define TIMER2_50US (uint8_t)(VALUE2_50US * F_CPU/TIMER2_DIVISOR) #define VALUE2_250US 2.5e-4 #define TIMER2_250US (uint8_t)((VALUE2_250US * F_CPU/TIMER2_DIVISOR) - 2) #define TIMER1_DIVISOR 8 #define VALUE1_7500NS 0.75e-2 #define TIMER1_7500NS (uint16_t)(VALUE1_7500NS * F_CPU/TIMER1_DIVISOR) #define VALUE1_500NS 0.5e-3 #define TIMER1_500NS (uint16_t)((VALUE1_500NS * F_CPU/TIMER1_DIVISOR) + 2) // MEASURE THIS EXACTLY WITH SCOPE #define DDR(x) (*(&x - 1)) // address of data direction register of port x #define PIN(x) (*(&x - 2)) // address of input register of port x // constants #define MAX_SLOTS 6 // external variabled extern uint8_t mode; extern uint8_t btn_start; extern uint8_t old_start; extern const char SHORTCUT[]; extern const char PANIC[]; extern const char RESUME[]; // function prototypes void reset_vars(void); // MAYBE USELESS STUFF: #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int // Macro used to write to a single I/O pin #define writeBit(port,bit,value) { if ((value)>0) (port) |= (1<<bit); else (port) &= ~(1<<bit); } // Macro used to read from a single I/O pin #define readBit(port,bit) (((port) >> (bit)) & 1) // we have internal AREF... // #define EXT_AREF 1 #endif