
changeset 0
child 1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FluidSwitch/FluidSwitch_Radial.scad	Wed Sep 12 12:48:28 2018 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+// fluid 1-to-N-way rotation Valve
+// 1 Inlet, N Outlets
+// Variables:
+oring_outer = 5.0;
+oring_inner = 3.0;
+tube_dia = 2;
+hole_inner = 1.0;
+axis_dia = 5;
+// for color mixer we need 3 base colors + black + white +  additional 1 waste and 1 clean water and one output = 8 connectors
+// cycle will be:
+// 1) select color 1-5, load syringe, select output, unload syringe, repeat for each other color
+// 2) select water, load syringe, select waste, unload syringe
+outlets = 8;
+// just fiddle around with the following variables:
+outlet_circle_dia = 13;
+base_dia = 20;
+// roundness faces
+fn = 10;
+// calculations:
+oring_dia = (oring_outer - oring_inner) / 2;
+outlet_angle = 360/outlets;
+base_height = 6;
+base_outer_dia = base_dia + 6;
+outer_thread_height = 10;
+outer_height = 15;
+thread_pitch = 2;
+use <../libs/Threading/Threading.scad>
+//rotate([180,0,0]) translate([30,0,0])
+//rotate([180,0,0]) translate([0,0,-60]) 
+//  valve_cap();
+module valve_inlay() union() {
+  inlay_height = 5;
+  difference() {  
+    translate([0,0,0.0001])
+    cylinder(d=base_dia, h = inlay_height);
+    // cut out the connector tube
+    rotate([90,0,0])
+    translate([outlet_circle_dia/4,0,0])
+    rotate_extrude(convexity=10)
+       translate([outlet_circle_dia/4, 0]) circle(d=oring_inner, $fn=fn);
+  //  cylinder(d=oring_inner, h=inlay_height / 2, $fn=fn);
+  //  translate([outlet_circle_dia/2,0])
+  //    cylinder(d=oring_inner, h=inlay_height / 2, $fn=fn);
+  }
+  // hex drive rod
+  translate([0,0,inlay_height])
+  cylinder(d=axis_dia, h=20, $fn=6);
+module valve_cap() {
+  cap_sides = 50;
+  difference() {
+    union() {
+      translate([0,0,2])
+       Threading(D = base_outer_dia + 6, pitch = thread_pitch, d=base_outer_dia, windings = (outer_thread_height/thread_pitch), angle = 55, full = true, step = 50, $fn=cap_sides); 
+      cylinder(d=base_outer_dia + 6, h=2, $fn=cap_sides);
+    }
+    cylinder(d=axis_dia + 2, h=2 + 0.001, $fn=fn);
+  }
+module valve_lower() 
+difference() {
+  union() {
+    valve_base();
+    valve_casing();
+     // bottom
+    translate([0,0,-1.5]) cylinder(d=base_outer_dia, h=1.5);
+  }
+  // cut out the OUTLET ring on the side
+  for(i = [1:outlets]) {
+    a = outlet_angle * i;
+    rotate([90,0,a]) {
+      translate([outlet_circle_dia/2 - hole_inner/2,tube_dia/2,0])
+      rotate([0,90,0])
+        cylinder(d=tube_dia, h=base_outer_dia, $fn=fn);
+      }
+  }
+// TODO: cut out the syringe hole (needs to be conical to fit)
+module valve_casing() {
+  difference() {
+    union() {
+      translate([0,0,0.001])
+      cylinder(d=base_outer_dia, h=outer_height - outer_thread_height);
+      translate([0,0,outer_height - outer_thread_height]) 
+        threading(pitch = thread_pitch, d=base_outer_dia, windings = (outer_thread_height/thread_pitch)-1, angle = 55, full = true, $fn=fn); 
+    }
+    cylinder(d=base_dia, h = outer_height + 0.001);
+  }
+module valve_base() difference() {
+  cylinder(d=base_dia, h=base_height);
+  // inlet hole
+  cylinder(d=hole_inner, h=base_height, $fn=fn);
+  translate([0,0,base_height])
+    oring();
+  // cut Outlet holes and oring carves
+  for(i = [1:outlets]) {
+    a = outlet_angle * i;
+    rotate([0,0,a]) {
+      translate([outlet_circle_dia/2,0,base_height])
+        oring();
+      translate([outlet_circle_dia/2,0])
+        cylinder(d=hole_inner, h=base_height, $fn=fn);
+      }
+  }
+module oring() {
+  rotate_extrude(convexity=10, $fn=fn)
+    translate([oring_inner/2 , 0, 0])
+      circle(d=oring_dia, $fn=fn);
\ No newline at end of file
